Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

No, that's way too simplistic. But words matter, they actually do affect people. This is a bit like saying we should allow the Nazi Party and air official Nazi Party propaganda because "anyone who wants to believe that nonsense do it anyhow". It just doesn't work like that. History has shown again and again and again that if you give someone a platform, it broadens their appeal. When has honest, out-in-the-open debate ever done anything to stop an extreme position?
It doesn't hence it is forbidden
You think social media hasnt impacted the spread of people believing in conspiracy theories? Surely you can comprehend that this can be more complex than someone reading it and at that moment deciding to believe it :confused:

They call it a rabbit hole for a reason. And confirmation bias works exceptionally well in conjunction with social media algorithms.
No one is denying that. But my initial point was this all happened way before Elon. Social media has had this issue since day one, but that does not stop some here to claim it got so much worse since Elon took over. I'm pointing out double standards here, way before someone wanted to know my position on the holocaust or covid
If you want legal advice Elon, I charge by the hour
I’ll take that as closure to the discussion you conceding that you now understand the issue Twitter has and always had around content moderation.
No one is denying that. But my initial point was this all happened way before Elon. Social media has had this issue since day one, but that does not stop some here to claim it got so much worse since Elon took over. I'm pointing out double standards here, way before someone wanted to know my position on the holocaust or covid

It absolutely was all happening before Elon, but that doesn't mean Elon hasn't made it worse. He's personally retweeted dangerous conspiracy theories.
I’ll take that as closure to the discussion you conceding that you now understand the issue Twitter has and always had around content moderation.
It is not only Twitter's problem. It is not only Elon's problem. And it is not only a problem since Elon took over Twitter. I know you're butthurt that your least favorite billionaire who disagrees with your political views has taken over your favorite social media platform. But it does not change the fact that there were issues way before that. Issues that you did not seem to care as much before either. And that is why I call out hypocrites.
It absolutely was all happening before Elon, but that doesn't mean Elon hasn't made it worse. He's personally retweeted dangerous conspiracy theories.
Well, Twitter claimed that racial comments declined. Now, I have no clue if it increased or decreased, but I'd bet 2 USD that you have no clue either, except your subjective feeling.

And even though I know I should not ask, but which dangerous theories did he spread? I must have missed these so I might jump on the bash Elon bandwagon after all
It is not only Twitter's problem. It is not only Elon's problem. And it is not only a problem since Elon took over Twitter. I know you're butthurt that your least favorite billionaire who disagrees with your political views has taken over your favorite social media platform. But it does not change the fact that there were issues way before that. Issues that you did not seem to care as much before either. And that is why I call out hypocrites.
Before Elon they had literally teams of legal professionals ensuring the moderation kept within legal and regulatory boundaries.

Now they do not.

I’m not sure what you’re struggling with here?
It is not only Twitter's problem. It is not only Elon's problem. And it is not only a problem since Elon took over Twitter. I know you're butthurt that your least favorite billionaire who disagrees with your political views has taken over your favorite social media platform. But it does not change the fact that there were issues way before that. Issues that you did not seem to care as much before either. And that is why I call out hypocrites.

Musk has taken those issues and made them far worse though. Just in the last few weeks the EU has highlighted that they're worried about disinformation on Twitter and they could be fined, Germany have said the same, there's concerns in the EU about GDPR and they're also under scrutiny for the way they've handled the redundancies as they didn't follow EU law.

Just a couple of these stories and they are regular occurrences now compared to very occasional before. The self regulation within Twitter has changed, but more than that it's starting to break laws where it didn't before.

Twitter hit with EU yellow card for lack of transparency on disinformation | Ars Technica
Germany reminds Musk that removing disinformation from Twitter is a must | Ars Technica
Before Elon they had literally teams of legal professionals ensuring the moderation kept within legal and regulatory boundaries.

Now they do not.

I’m not sure what you’re struggling with here?
Are you seriously claiming no one is moderating and no governance is in place since Elon?
Are you seriously claiming no one is moderating and no governance is in place since Elon?

No-one knows as they've sacked their communications department (and that's actually true - there's no way of getting feedback from them as a company now)
No one is denying that. But my initial point was this all happened way before Elon. Social media has had this issue since day one, but that does not stop some here to claim it got so much worse since Elon took over. I'm pointing out double standards here, way before someone wanted to know my position on the holocaust or covid
Of course it got worse, the owner is a conspiracy theory slreading shitposter and he let literal nazies back on Twitter. I doubt anylme claims it was lerfect before, but it has gotten worse for sure.
Of course it got worse, the owner is a conspiracy theory slreading shitposter and he let literal nazies back on Twitter. I doubt anylme claims it was lerfect before, but it has gotten worse for sure.

Also, this post taught me the "l" key is next to the "o" and "p"
Of course it got worse, the owner is a conspiracy theory slreading shitposter and he let literal nazies back on Twitter. I doubt anylme claims it was lerfect before, but it has gotten worse for sure.
Meh, it was before full of commies and adolescents who love to get offended. ;)
Maybe you dont know, but take an educated guess

To be fair, I do know and the teams are still there but have been gutted and a fraction of the size they were due to redundancies. That was reported on as well.
Of course it got worse, the owner is a conspiracy theory slreading shitposter and he let literal nazies back on Twitter. I doubt anylme claims it was lerfect before, but it has gotten worse for sure.
Which theories? And do you really think no Nazi guy was going back on Twitter before Elon? Your subtle dislike for Elon is clouding your senses. Or show me how many Nazis he brought back now compared to the past 10 years.
To be fair, I do know and the teams are still there but have been gutted and a fraction of the size they were due to redundancies. That was reported on as well.
All Tech companies are currently firing thousands of employees, across all departments. And of course some of the current staff is not happy about the changes or Elon taking over, as he does not share their believes or views. But they live in a liberal world where you can take your own decisions if you disagree with something.
No one is denying that. But my initial point was this all happened way before Elon. Social media has had this issue since day one, but that does not stop some here to claim it got so much worse since Elon took over. I'm pointing out double standards here, way before someone wanted to know my position on the holocaust or covid

It clearly has got worse though. People always believe in what they want, but now some billionaire the likes of you bought into is spouted them, of course it gets worse.

He "hates" the media, yet is best mates with Murdoch. He now buys into it (despite not actually wanting to, you people forget that) and twists the narrative.

YOU are the sucker he wants. The person who will believe and defend him no matter what happens in front of your very eyes. Sure the government sucks, sure Twitter was always a cesspool, but now you suck the dick of the world's most richest man who got there by all sorts of evil deeds and believe he's "exposing" anything real?

All Tech companies are currently firing thousands of employees, across all departments. And of course some of the current staff is not happy about the changes or Elon taking over, as he does not share their believes or views. But they live in a liberal world where you can take your own decisions if you disagree with something.

Some. But there's a difference you clearly don't understand.
All Tech companies are currently firing thousands of employees, across all departments. And of course some of the current staff is not happy about the changes or Elon taking over, as he does not share their believes or views. But they live in a liberal world where you can take your own decisions if you disagree with something.

They haven't fired a few staff, they've gutted entire departments. The redundancies were on a scale percentage-wise way outside other tech companies. The most reported one I've seen is that the team designated to monitor child sexual abuse has gone from over 20 to 9.
The two sides of Rando Conspiracy Guy

RCG: X is true!
Normal Person: Are you sure? Can you show me where you found that?
RCG: Do your own research sheep. it was reported.

Normal Person: X is true.
RCG: Show me proof or it didn't happen.
All fine and left extremists are welcome, as they are the better people than the right extremists
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.
No white text?
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.

Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society.


get fecking plastic straws banned
