Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

I listened to that.I just remember it being shut down but not for any reason. I'll give it another spin.

I just remember that nothing in it made me sit up. The organised metting with Joe? That happens all the time surely? As for the narrative being shut down. Again, not a shock after Trump's four years that the establishment did not want him back. While trump is no friend of the common man, he was a fecking nightmare for the existing establishment. Trump attacked all of them.

So I think the laptop is important in that nobody wanted to allow the possibility it would work in Trump's favour. Part of me thinks the porn element was best left alone by literally everyone. A possible win but also a possible Pandora's box. A those in glass houses scenario. I don't think anything on it would shock anyone if the media didn't insist it did. Nepotism and porn. It wasn't news for various reasons.

The idea that everyone woud close ranks doesn't shock me.

Then they flirted with the dictatorship of America. But those of us with a certain lens see the handing of the baton from Dems to GOP is a much better dictatorship in disguise as democracy, so Trump forcing the issue suits nobody except the apocalyptic types.

What confounds me about so many conspiracy theories. There's no way to kill the facts, just to isolate them and not let them spread through the for profit media.

Edit - I think a Biden win suited everyone that mattered.

I never said it was shocking. I just thought it was interesting. The social media giants and “the establishment” colluding against Trump to bury a story that might harm their guy in the polls. Which is, more or less, what the right wing conspiracy theory gimps have an issue with. Although, of course, the (fictional) paedo element gets their juices flowing most of all.

As someone who thinks conspiracy theories are 99% complete bollox it was interesting to see that some good old-fashioned investigative journalism was able to find way more substance to one of the hottest topics right now than lefty/liberal folk would like to believe.

*I was going to say “lefty/liberal folk like me” but didn’t want you choking to death on your turkey sandwich.
The big risk to Biden’s presidential bid seemed to be a conflict of interest with some of his son’s business dealings. There were some potentially incriminating emails on there. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but damaging enough, considering the timing.

This is explained far better than I can on the podcast. It’s an excellent piece of investigative journalism. From the “MSM”. Go figure.

This is purely speculation by me.. .. I think Biden was the choice of the back channels across both parties. Trump was the only Republican who could win, and Sanders was looking good at Super Tuesday.

Both nightmare scenarios.

I think anything that even looked remotely like rocking Biden was suppressed. The contents of the laptop could have been a story if anyone wanted it to be. Nepotism and porn is rife in all arenas of life but selectively used to shake a moral head.

Edit : In the following episode of that excellent BBC podcast that @Pogue Mahone posted they addressed the Right / Left dichotomy and suggested the idea the centre was fighting the right and the left.
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No rush. Listen to it another time. You’ll have a far better understanding than any clip notes I can give you from my memory of it.

You also seem to misunderstand what happened. This wasn’t a news network choosing to not publish a story in case they were accused of libel, or whatever. This involved algorithms deliberately tweaked to stop users of social media networks from discussing that story.

And we all know the sort made-up, legally indefensible, libellous nonsense regularly discussed on social media without that sort of nuclear option ever being considered.

I'll try to give it a listen and I appreciate not wanting to discuss nuances. But can you answer me one question yes or no? Do they try to debunk or disprove my hypothesis that any data Giuliani obtained was most likely hacked private information?
I never said it was shocking. I just thought it was interesting. The social media giants and “the establishment” colluding against Trump to bury a story that might harm their guy in the polls. Which is, more or less, what the right wing conspiracy theory gimps have an issue with. Although, of course, the (fictional) paedo element gets their juices flowing most of all.

As someone who thinks conspiracy theories are 99% complete bollox it was interesting to see that some good old-fashioned investigative journalism was able to find way more substance to one of the hottest topics right now than lefty/liberal folk would like to believe.

*I was going to say “lefty/liberal folk like me” but didn’t want you choking to death on your turkey sandwich.

Sorry, misread, I thought I was missing something on the laptop.

That's what I mean about conspiracy theories, they can be investigated if they are real.

Also had a veg curry. :)
I'll try to give it a listen and I appreciate not wanting to discuss nuances. But can you answer me one question yes or no? Do they try to debunk or disprove my hypothesis that any data Giuliani obtained was most likely hacked private information?

They said various version of the saved drives could have been manipulated. In my memory they barely mentioned Giuliani but did say he received a copy of the drive..
I'll try to give it a listen and I appreciate not wanting to discuss nuances. But can you answer me one question yes or no? Do they try to debunk or disprove my hypothesis that any data Giuliani obtained was most likely hacked private information?

They don’t. Because it’s irrelevant. And there are obviously no significant legal concerns with discussing the content of the laptop on a public forum because they spent most of the hour long podcast doing exactly that. And this is produced by the BBC, whose legal advisers will be far better qualified than you or I.
Unless Musk and his kids never leave his jet, no one was doxxed.

"Musk's plane has been standing still at LAX for a day now", is that doxxing? What about this: Mohammed Salah is at Villa Park right now.
It was not about his jet obviously
Not a trick question mate just want to know what your boundaries are. Instead of going through a list of dubious things hes done or said and having you defend them all
He might has, I am not denying that. But if you are such a public figure it is also hard to get it right all the time
Nobody doxxed anything. First, the entire claim Elon made about someone stalking him has proven to have absolutely nothing to do with elonjet. And second, elonjet itself is not "doxxing", it's simply publishing publicly available information which doesn't contain anything but the information someone traveled to a X city/airport. That's not doxxing. And the journalists that were just talking about the incident is nowhere near "doxxing" him.
He and his family were doxxed. And not his jet. There were photos too, and suddenly some freak follows your kids
But that is not true. The journalists were banned for speaking and posting that picture of him, which later was found out to have been taken in a totally different place (not near the airport) and at a different time.

There was no doxing there. Also, isn’t doxing ‘free speech’? :lol:
No, someone was following his family as they were doxxed.
Do you think Twitters free speech was better before?
The thing is that even if anyone grants you that Musk's kids were being followed by some "freak" because his family was "doxxed", it's just further proof that he's a complete imbecile. The whole thing reflects poorly on him because he is the one who said, publicly, that he was so committed to free speech that he was keeping this Elonjet account on twitter. For this "commitment" to last right until it presented an actual inconvenience to him, is very funny.
No, someone was following his family as they were doxxed.
Do you think Twitters free speech was better before?
It was explained here 5 times that it was not doxing, but you are continuing doxing doxing.

No, I do not think that Twitter was great at free speech, but it does not need to be. It is a private company so can decide to make their own rules (free speech is only guaranteed by the government, in public space). It is not much better now in that aspect to be fair (in fact it is far worse), it is just that different type of speech is censored, compared to before. It is hypocritical of Elon though, cause ‘he bought Twitter to ensure free speech there’ but it turned out that only the political opinions who align with his views are allowed and the others are censored (same as it was before in that aspect).
He and his family were doxxed. And not his jet. There were photos too, and suddenly some freak follows your kids
If you found out that this was categorically incorrect, 100% not true, how would this impact your perspective of him?
No, someone was following his family as they were doxxed.
Do you think Twitters free speech was better before?

explain how this happened then

at this point you're just jamming this thread up with nonsense and not backing any of it up
Every use case is different. I've not seen a single negative difference. I still see what I wanna see, I still get out of it what I wanna get out of it. Since he took over my experience of Twitter has not changed even slightly.

The change for decent people has been huge.
If you found out that this was categorically incorrect, 100% not true, how would this impact your perspective of him?

You know the answer to this.

It wouldn’t. They’d just stop posting for a few days then come back and pick up where they left off.

It’s not rude. Possibly poorly written.

I have Twitter account. I don’t tweet. I don’t follow anyone. I have zero followers. I had a fairly useful 15-30 minutes most days that I’d use Twitter as a quick news source. That’s gone now.

The site is now impossible to use. Every single recommended tweet, and the Home Screen, is Darren Grimes, Farage, GB News, et al.

The algorithm hasn’t been tweaked so much as high jacked.

It’s a fair point that I could follow a bunch of people and have different content pushed at me. But… why? Why is the default now a litany of racist and stunted right wing ghouls?
It’s not rude. Possibly poorly written.

I have Twitter account. I don’t tweet. I don’t follow anyone. I have zero followers. I had a fairly useful 15-30 minutes most days that I’d use Twitter as a quick news source. That’s gone now.

The site is now impossible to use. Every single recommended tweet, and the Home Screen, is Darren Grimes, Farage, GB News, et al.

The algorithm hasn’t been tweaked so much as high jacked.

It’s a fair point that I could follow a bunch of people and have different content pushed at me. But… why? Why is the default now a litany of racist and stunted right wing ghouls?
This is exactly my experience as well, but with US MAGA instead of UK stuff.
Trolling the caf CE forum is like taking candy from a baby after giving it rohypnol.
So many butthurt people when it comes to Elon. He is one of the biggest enterpreneurs and the mainstream narrative changed from being the lefts darling once he didnt obey to their outlandish demands as proven in the Twitter files
Musk was never a darling of the left. He was favourably viewed by liberals and centrists, but he ruined that ages ago through his erratic behaviour. I can't remember when exactly the positive image of him shattered, but him calling a man trying to rescue kids trapped in a cave a pedo for refusing to use his useless gadget likely did him no favours.
This is purely speculation by me.. .. I think Biden was the choice of the back channels across both parties. Trump was the only Republican who could win, and Sanders was looking good at Super Tuesday.

Both nightmare scenarios.

I think anything that even looked remotely like rocking Biden was suppressed. The contents of the laptop could have been a story if anyone wanted it to be. Nepotism and porn is rife in all arenas of life but selectively used to shake a moral head.

Edit : In the following episode of that excellent BBC podcast that @Pogue Mahone posted they addressed the Right / Left dichotomy and suggested the idea the centre was fighting the right and the left.
No matter how we spin it. It was election interference. No different to what the Russian’s did.
No matter how we spin it. It was election interference. No different to what the Russian’s did.

I'm not sure what your point is. I'm not spinning anything; that's literally what I speculated.

In fact it's worse because it's, at home.

And the Russians are relative newcomers to the interfering in foreign elections game.

Things are not the handy polarised version people want it to be. At that level there are no obvious good v bad.
No matter how we spin it. It was election interference. No different to what the Russian’s did.

So the republicans in government interfered with elections in order to prevent their own reelection? I guess I don't follow.
So the republicans in government interfered with elections in order to prevent their own reelection? I guess I don't follow.

There is no proof but outside the Maga Reps nobody chased the Biden laptop story. Not even Fox news. And the GOP was losing itself to Trumpism. Like the way right wing Dems didn't like Sanders, old school Conservative Repuicans despised Trump.
He obviously does care about some random bloke on the internet. The last few years he's clearly been desperate to win the approval of the worst parts of the internet.
I agree with you that he does seek validation and approval. Whether that’s from the worse part of the internet I don’t know but from the attention seeking tweets that I noticed would disagree although those communities do have some very bad elements.

I first noticed him targeting specific groups, can’t remember the order but when he started going on about 1) Bitcoin, 2) Dogecoin 3) GME. 4) Buying Man Utd joke

Clearly 1-3 were done to get approval and become a face and hero in those communities.

I’ve read on here that he enables the far right, I’ve not seen anything specific. But it could be the case that he says things for a wider group, say republicans, that also attracts the far right. I don’t know. Tbh, my main takeaway from him over the past few weeks / month is that he would be the worse owner for Man Utd.
There is no proof but outside the Maga Reps nobody chased the Biden laptop story. Not even Fox news. And the GOP was losing itself to Trumpism. Like the way right wing Dems didn't like Sanders, old school Conservative Repuicans despised Trump.
A New York newspaper published it and it got suppressed. Should be noted that the FBI were the ones out trying to stop it and discredited it as a “Russian job”, although now it’s acknowledged as not the case.

So literally the news was stamped out before it could gather momentum. As dumb as Fox (Faux) news are even they wouldn’t publish something the FBI are discrediting with no proof of their own, to do so could just backfire badly in an election period.
I’ve read on here that he enables the far right, I’ve not seen anything specific. But it could be the case that he says things for a wider group, say republicans, that also attracts the far right. I don’t know. Tbh, my main takeaway from him over the past few weeks / month is that he would be the worse owner for Man Utd.

To us neutrals it would be amazingly funny. Imagine a midweek open poll: Should Maguire start against Liverpool? :lol: :lol:
I agree with you that he does seek validation and approval. Whether that’s from the worse part of the internet I don’t know but from the attention seeking tweets that I noticed would disagree although those communities do have some very bad elements.

I first noticed him targeting specific groups, can’t remember the order but when he started going on about 1) Bitcoin, 2) Dogecoin 3) GME. 4) Buying Man Utd joke

Clearly 1-3 were done to get approval and become a face and hero in those communities.

I’ve read on here that he enables the far right, I’ve not seen anything specific. But it could be the case that he says things for a wider group, say republicans, that also attracts the far right. I don’t know. Tbh, my main takeaway from him over the past few weeks / month is that he would be the worse owner for Man Utd.

1-3 were to get a boatload of money as he knew plugging them would get all his followers to invest. It worked for him as well. He also tweeted when he sold to lower the price, so he could buy back in.
So the republicans in government interfered with elections in order to prevent their own reelection? I guess I don't follow.

some politicians would rather lose an election than lose power within their own party.. they have a meal ticket for life if the status quo isn't disrupted

so some Republicans would rather Biden win than Trump

and some Democrats would rather Biden lose the election than Bernie win it
A New York newspaper published it and it got suppressed. Should be noted that the FBI were the ones out trying to stop it and discredited it as a “Russian job”, although now it’s acknowledged as not the case.

So literally the news was stamped out before it could gather momentum. As dumb as Fox (Faux) news are even they wouldn’t publish something the FBI are discrediting with no proof of their own, to do so could just backfire badly in an election period.

Ah I think if that was the reason they might have quietened Carlson and Hannity too which they didn't. I think Fox were cooling on Trump, but they're just details.

I think we might be agreeing but you haven't noticed.
some politicians would rather lose an election than lose power within their own party.. they have a meal ticket for life if the status quo isn't disrupted

so some Republicans would rather Biden win than Trump

and some Democrats would rather Biden lose the election than Bernie win it

That's the way I see it. So much overlap bewtrwen the two parties.