Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

It's amazing how haphazard and arbitrary Twitter's policymaking is under Elon. Rather than thinking through issues, they just make sweeping changes at Elon's whim without considering the effects. Banning accounts from linking to other social media platforms was guaranteed to run into legal issues in the EU and probably the US so now he has to backpedal. This is all from the mind of the genius who brought us cars without gear selection (AI just knows if you want to go forward or backward).
Voted no.

Please, let him stay and burn it to the ground!

(I have a suspicion that all the Musk polls have pre-determined results, but I don't have any way to prove this... )
Polls can easily be rigged, but I suspect they are testing a new feature that tags your account on the backend if you vote yes. I have nothing to base this on, but it's the only way it makes sense ( besides the obvious ego boost)
It's amazing how haphazard and arbitrary Twitter's policymaking is under Elon. Rather than thinking through issues, they just make sweeping changes at Elon's whim without considering the effects.

Move fast and break things! move fast and break thing. move fast and gtberakl tyhingmover fast 7 brkthinogs


He previously said he would back off from Twitter to go back to Tesla and SpaceX. The idea was always to hire a full time CEO, who will probably be a Musk approved sycophant. Therefore the poll is just a deceitful way of appearing egalitarian
I wonder if the new investors he is targeting for the extra round of investment which started a few days ago have suggested he employs a CEO. It is obviously needed.
Probably looking to step down because he has found some football club in England to buy. Liverpool
Probably looking to step down because he has found some football club in England to buy. Liverpool

Perhaps he wants to get away from the whole thing because he can't see a way to make money. Or gain anything else.

I think that all his "polls" had a predetermined result... to get Trump back, to reinstate the reporters he banned (because too much trouble from politicians and the EU), and so on. My conspiracy theory is that he makes a decision, and then he creates a fake poll just to show that he is "listening to the will of the people". We all know he is a narcissist and he does not give a fart about anyone else, and I am sure that he doesn't care about what the majority of silent voters want. So, why set up a poll?
It's amazing how haphazard and arbitrary Twitter's policymaking is under Elon. Rather than thinking through issues, they just make sweeping changes at Elon's whim without considering the effects. Banning accounts from linking to other social media platforms was guaranteed to run into legal issues in the EU and probably the US so now he has to backpedal. This is all from the mind of the genius who brought us cars without gear selection (AI just knows if you want to go forward or backward).
Wait, what?

Elon's stale playbook

At Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk was a jerk with a grand vision. At Twitter, he's just a jerk.

Revenue is shrinking, but Twitter still has to pay $1.3 billion in debt annually for its own leveraged buyout. Twitter has never made $1.3 billion in a year, and Musk has never run a company in this situation. In the past, he has had time — and money from investors — to burn. And even with all of these advantages, he still almost bankrupted Tesla in 2018.
If Musk runs Tesla anywhere near the same way as Twitter, then that is genuinely terrifying.

Imagine a car developed where there are zero checks or balances between the CEO having an idea and its immediate execution in the production line.

Vote him out!

He's just looking for an excuse to do something he has already decided, so he can say it was the will of the people or something. This was always going to come down roughly similar to the vote about reinstating the banned journalists. The only difference is the people, who are voting no to see him fumble around even more.
He has already decided to step down, but is going to martyr himself to pretend to be a man of the people. Not transparant at all. What a genius.
He's just looking for an excuse to do something he has already decided, so he can say it was the will of the people or something. This was always going to come down roughly similar to the vote about reinstating the banned journalists. The only difference is the people, who are voting no to see him fumble around even more.

Impossible to know for sure. It would honestly not surprise me if he expected to "win" the poll. His narcissism is that bad.

But the most likely explanation is probably that he wants to leave the ship before it is completely submerged. His career is a massive PR campaign after all. If he's out early enough then he can claim that it wasn't his fault. His fanboys are stupid enough to buy into this.
Impossible to know for sure. It would honestly not surprise me if he expected to "win" the poll. His narcissism is that bad.

But the most likely explanation is probably that he wants to leave the ship before it is completely submerged. His career is a massive PR campaign after all. If he's out early enough then he can claim that it wasn't his fault. His fanboys are stupid enough to buy into this.

Yeah, it's just speculation, of course. He is obviously a massive narcissist, but he is not stupid, so surely he must know that a large amount of people do not support what he is doing. The previous Twitter polls he has made, as well as the Chapelle fiasco would have told him as much. He will probably put it down to the "woke mind virus" or something in order to not face the facts, but I would bet he knew approximately how that vote would turn out before he made it.
Why doesn't he understand that people don't want to hear or see him every single day?

He only does these bullshit votes when he's already decided to do something and he wants to make it look like he's a man of the people. "The people have spoken, I will now step down", alright mate, you've already crashed the plane and now Tesla's going down with it, but yeah, user WHUTD4EVER69 was the reason you've decided to stop running your new $44b purchase.
a twitter poll if he should step down might be the dumbest thing he's done yet

the Tesla board must be desperate to oust him at this point, he's not fit for purpose
He'll complain about being hounded out of twitter afterwards.

Vox Woke, Vox Twitter