Whenever I see the term "woke mind virus", it takes a few seconds for me to realize they mean the opposite of what I think it is, i.e. the brain rot going on with people who see woke in everything. If anything is a virus in our society, it's that.
Just an example, but after searching for the trailer of upcoming game Ghost of Yotei, a game where you play as a woman, my YT is now littered with videos like "Ghost of Yotei is Exposed as Woke Disaster", "Sony Execs Furious Over Woke Ghost of Yōtei! DEI Ruins Another Game!" or "Sony made Ghost of Yotei for a mOdErN aUdIeNcE, and gamers aren't interested in NONSENSE". Genuine titles.
It's seemingly become impossible to talk about anything involving women, or god forbid any sort of diversity, without that lot turning it into a complete cesspool. How is that not the fecking virus?