Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Serious question: are there really no people in Elon's life who can pull him out of this mess? All the money in the world, and not a single good friend.
Serious question: are there really no people in Elon's life who can pull him out of this mess? All the money in the world, and not a single good friend.
The internet just drags people further and further into the abyss. It’s a feedback loop that isn’t talked about enough. Egotistical people who can’t be wrong or lose seek comfort with confirmation bias.
I don’t use Twitter ‘properly’.

I don’t follow anyone. I don’t let anyone follow me.

Pre Musk, the home page and trending page and responses to tweets were daily balanced. Lots of nutty shit, both left and right. But the same tweet several hours later would look different.

Now?… Nutty right wing bent tweets with lots of interaction just sit there. The first 20-50 replies are almost exclusively right wing nuts.

That’s an anecdotal response. It’s not a study. But it’s really weird. The site is now pointless for me. PMQ’s didn’t event appear for me this week. Javids resignation didn’t register.

The highest performing shit is mental right wing shite. No idea if that’s the experience of all users.

So by seeing that stuff does that mean you're giving it impressions? Is that some metric they use in their data? Does that drive it further to the top?

Every so often I used to click on one of the tweets posted in a politics thread or whatever, and it would have plenty of replies from people with opposing views either arguing the point or posting some meme at the original tweeter. Is that still the case? Because all I see that doing is driving engagement and bot responses which pushes the moronic, lying nonsense to the top. No one is changing anyone's minds on political issues on Twitter, all they're doing is adding to the fire.

I just wonder if the best thing to do is walk away permanently or deactivate accounts. Call it a boycott, whatever, it drives more advertisers away, its lowers engagement numbers and takes away content. Surely those three things would have the most profound effect?

I stopped being a twitter user years ago, and barely used it when I had an account, so I suppose it's easy for me to say that because I'm not giving up a social circle.
Nothing will happen to Musk. Dude still has access to world leaders.


To be fair, Twitter had no requirement to suppress those information or allegations what so ever. It is not like NYT or WaPo wanting to do due diligence before publishing something. It is quite obvious that Twitter decided to suppress due to the hysteria on Democratic side over the Russian interference in 2016 election and possibly wish of the most top level employees there to avoid aiding Trump in anyway (not that this story would have turned the election anyway, just like FBI head letter on Hillary didn't). The emails show them working backwards to find a cause for already made decision to suppress the story. As a private company, they don't need any legal reason to suppress but as a public platform who do not want to be seen tied to a political party, they needed a non political reason of sorts to do it.
Nothing will happen to Musk. Dude still has access to world leaders.

What do you think was going to happen to him anyway? Even most of Dems are hardcore capitalists, they are never going to wage war against billionaires. Only thing they probably care about is losing his donations if he starts to exclusively support Republicans.
What do you think was going to happen to him anyway? Even most of Dems are hardcore capitalists, they are never going to wage war against billionaires. Only thing they probably care about is losing his donations if he starts to exclusively support Republicans.
I didn't think anything but many thought Musk was gonna fail, Tesla would collapse, Twitter would go bankrupt etc etc etc.
To be fair, Twitter had no requirement to suppress those information or allegations what so ever. It is not like NYT or WaPo wanting to do due diligence before publishing something. It is quite obvious that Twitter decided to suppress due to the hysteria on Democratic side over the Russian interference in 2016 election and possibly wish of the most top level employees there to avoid aiding Trump in anyway (not that this story would have turned the election anyway, just like FBI head letter on Hillary didn't). The emails show them working backwards to find a cause for already made decision to suppress the story. As a private company, they don't need any legal reason to suppress but as a public platform who do not want to be seen tied to a political party, they needed a non political reason of sorts to do it.

They didn’t suppress anything. The messages they put warning on were two Hunter Biden sex tapes.
They didn’t suppress anything. The messages they put warning on were two Hunter Biden sex tapes.
They clearly did, they did so much that Congressman Ro Khana (D) had to step in and tell them this action was bad business and unnecessary. While it’s not Watergate it’s still scandalous this happened. Vijaya actively tried to keep this out the feed under the “hacked content policy” which is frivolous at best as the New York post have the right to report on content as long as they weren’t aware it was hacked to obtain. Twitter was complicit no doubt. Maybe not the biggest coverup but one nonetheless.
Even if there was something to it, is it really suppression when it’s a private company?
It’s like saying Redcafe is suppressing a certain footballers legal troubles
They clearly did, they did so much that Congressman Ro Khana (D) had to step in and tell them this action was bad business and unnecessary. While it’s not Watergate it’s still scandalous this happened. Vijaya actively tried to keep this out the feed under the “hacked content policy” which is frivolous at best as the New York post have the right to report on content as long as they weren’t aware it was hacked to obtain. Twitter was complicit no doubt. Maybe not the biggest coverup but one nonetheless.

The New York Post is absolute garbage, there was no way to know if they were or were not aware it was hacked. On top of that, the FBI stated that versions of the laptop with added/forged content were apparently being shared among right wing groups so there's no way to know if the post did their due diligence and ran real forensic analysis on the data to verify it was all genuine.

So was it scandalous to excercise caution 2 weeks before a critical election regarding a story ran by a very shady newspaper involving data nobody could really authenticate? I'm not sure.
The New York Post is absolute garbage, there was no was to know if they were or were not aware it was hacked. On top of that, the FBI stated that versions of the laptop with added/forged content were apparently being shared among right wing groups so there's no way to know if the post did their due diligence and ran real forensic analysis on the data to verify it was all genuine.

So was it scandalous to excercise caution 2 weeks before a critical election regarding a story ran by a very shady newspaper involving data nobody could really authenticate? I'm not sure.
The New York Post is absolute garbage, there was no was to know if they were or were not aware it was hacked. On top of that, the FBI stated that versions of the laptop with added/forged content were apparently being shared among right wing groups so there's no way to know if the post did their due diligence and ran real forensic analysis on the data to verify it was all genuine.

So was it scandalous to excercise caution 2 weeks before a critical election regarding a story ran by a very shady newspaper involving data nobody could really authenticate? I'm not sure.
Be it so, exercising caution based on their thoughts on the source is fine but not when you don’t do the same when the roles are reversed. This was biased at the core. Every company will protect themselves legally and it’s expected to err on the side of caution but this was clearly not just that, it was an agenda driven action. That as much was clear.
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Even if there was something to it, is it really suppression when it’s a private company?
It’s like saying Redcafe is suppressing a certain footballers legal troubles

It's not. Biden was a private citizen in 2020, 1st amendment wouldn't apply. If anything, the Trump team's request were more problematic since THEY were governement. But if the requests issued were merely request and that Twitter wasn't coerced to delete the tweets, no 1stA issue either.
They didn’t suppress anything. The messages they put warning on were two Hunter Biden sex tapes.
They literally suspended accounts trying to share the NY post link. Including that if WH spokesperson. A democrat congressman sent their legal head an email because he also saw possible suppression of free speech by them. I agree with him also, this was a nothing story that is now only living for right wing loons due these kind of over zealous actions.
Be it so, exceeding caution based on their thoughts on the source is fine but not when you don’t do the same when the roles are reversed. This was biased at the core. Every company will protect themselves legally and it’s expected to err on the side of caution but this was clearly not just that, it was an agenda driven action. That as much was clear.

Maybe, maybe not, you wouldn't know since Musk and the waterboy he gave the data to barely mentionned the requests made by the Trump team. Without this information, how are you able to determine what was caution and what was an agenda since we don't know what was deleted for the other side? This twitter file "scandal" is totally biased.
Even if there was something to it, is it really suppression when it’s a private company?
It’s like saying Redcafe is suppressing a certain footballers legal troubles

legally there Is no repercussion for twitter over banning or blocking any post. Obvious problem for them is trying to remain impartial in highly polarised society like US.Even that is not a requirement, just that seemingly they want to keep up that appearance, or did.
They literally suspended accounts trying to share the NY post link. Including that if WH spokesperson. A democrat congressman sent their legal head an email because he also saw possible suppression of free speech by them. I agree with him also, this was a nothing story that is now only living for right wing loons due these kind of over zealous actions.

While I do agree the way Twitter handled the matter made it look worse, the congressman was obviously totally ignorant of the law since it wasn't not even remotely suppression of free speech
Maybe, maybe not, you wouldn't know since Musk and the waterboy he gave the data to barely mentionned the requests made by the Trump team. Without this information, how are you able to determine what was caution and what was an agenda since we don't know what was deleted for the other side? This twitter file "scandal" is totally biased.
Well that’s speculation. We can only go by what was released.
Remember all these right wing business interest groups did so well under Trump that while they didn't want to support him publicly, they absolutely loved him and supported him as they were cleaning up.

Remember it was Hilary's emails. Now it's Biden's laptop, soon it'll be Kamala Harris's sneakers. It's all a play to get the GOP back in power because they need more money!

They can't innovate, invent or actually create anything of value, so it's easier to push their candidate back into power who will reduce their taxes, reduce labour regulations and safety standards so they can make more money.

If these money groups drag racist, homophobic, misogynist Nazis along with them, it's a price worth paying (for us).
Well that’s speculation. We can only go by what was released.

That's not speculation, the tweet thread specifically says requests were also handled for the Trump team but conveniently doesn't say a word about it.

You wrote yourself "it was an agenda driven action. That as much was clear." There's nothing "clear" about it unless we have a complete overview of the request process for both Biden and Trump teams. And while I obviously agree Twitter used to be a left leaning company, considering that anything is "clear" while Musks data dump IS obviously an agenda driven action is lazy at best.
If Jared's laptop got stolen and had all of his business dealings along with videos of Ivanka banging other dudes on it, do we think the Trump campaign would've asked Twitter to remove the porn? How would the world react to these revelations that Twitter tried to hinder the spread of those videos? There would be universal support for it.

Trump would have demanded all copies be sent straight to him for 'verification and disposal'