Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

You were fine with more than half the workforce being laid off. Please save us from having to read your pious hypocrisy.

No I wasn't. And I didn't hope it would happen or say I can't wait for it to happen so please stop talking crap. There is no hypocrisy in stating that hoping people lose their jobs or saying you can't wait for it to happen is distasteful. Unless you believe it isn't then we just have to agree to disagree there.

Like I said previously its one thing to think it will happen, its another to actively wish it
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That is indeed not how it should work. If we know for a fact that something is not true, we should step in and stop people from pretending it is. Especially if the consequences are this harmful. We don’t need an open dialogue about everything. Sometimes we have all the facts.
This is so last century. We have alternative facts these days. If you don’t like the facts you have you can just get some new ones!
He is dumb as bricks. A very stupid man.

Weird how he has a painting by Leo de Plech on his table…
Lads Day Out (1534 AD)

I'm most disgusted by someone having a tiled bedside table. £100bn and it looks like the cell block showers or something. I suppose he could be into that.
Driving from Phoenix to LA yesterday, it occurred to me that Tesla Model Ys are a vehicular manifestation of Musk's face and voice.
Driving from Phoenix to LA yesterday, it occurred to me that Tesla Model Ys are a vehicular manifestation of Musk's face and voice.

Model S still the best looking tesla in my book but it's like a decade old now.

He's literally asking Apple to issue a press release detailing how he has turned Twitter into a (bigger) cesspool of antisemitism, racism, bigotry, and hate. I am convinced he "runs" Tesla and SpaceX by issuing orders on a computer that his executive staffs have disconnected from the internet.