Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

It’s been a while since I’ve seen that clip and I can’t get over how much like Trump she is. It’s like in Men in Black or something where a parasite take over various bodies and it’s moved from her to Trump.
I remember when Twitter was run by easily influenced kids and became the exclusive preserve of the Left and Marxists, to the point that anyone or anything they didn't like was cancelled and banned from the platform. Their biggest blunder was cancelling the then serving POTUS, which can only be described as arrogance of astonishing proportions.

Musk taking over is probably the best thing that could've happened, because it then became a balanced platform again, representing the views across the spectrum of politics and not just the Left. This is an essential foundation of democracy, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Left/Marxists are incredibly intolerant of views that differ to their own, hence the attempted discrediting, cancelling and even calls for banning of the platform, lest they not have it their own way. Ironically, in attempting to stifle open debate, the Left are just as guilty of extremism and behaving like man-childs. You may think you are morally untouchable, but wishing death upon those you disagree with politically is an incredibly dangerous game to play.


And the right are not intolerant?

Twitter/X is an absolute hell-hole now. You can look at a post about daffodils and a few comments down you find videos of "black people behaving like animals", or straight up nazi opinions. That’s not hyperbole either, it’s absolutely vile.

Free speech absolutism isn’t the ideal you think it is, and private platforms sure don’t have to allow their site to be associated with whatever people want to spew.
Don’t feed the trolls, folks… Enlightenment did not come in vain, and it was more than two centuries ago!
I remember when Twitter was run by easily influenced kids and became the exclusive preserve of the Left and Marxists, to the point that anyone or anything they didn't like was cancelled and banned from the platform. Their biggest blunder was cancelling the then serving POTUS, which can only be described as arrogance of astonishing proportions.

Musk taking over is probably the best thing that could've happened, because it then became a balanced platform again, representing the views across the spectrum of politics and not just the Left. This is an essential foundation of democracy, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Left/Marxists are incredibly intolerant of views that differ to their own, hence the attempted discrediting, cancelling and even calls for banning of the platform, lest they not have it their own way. Ironically, in attempting to stifle open debate, the Left are just as guilty of extremism and behaving like man-childs. You may think you are morally untouchable, but wishing death upon those you disagree with politically is an incredibly dangerous game to play.

Huh :lol:

Rich people might live longer, but dumb rich people don't necessarily. Jordan Peterson is still alive, but he nearly killed himself trying to get off his addiction cold turkey. Steve Jobs did kill himself by rejecting science in the face of cancer. There's a pretty good chance Musk will try to do the carnivore diet or something, or not get vaccinated to whatever comes next, or try to go to space.

He might launch himself into outer space as well, if we're lucky.

Edit: I see you already covered that :lol:

And the right are not intolerant?

Twitter/X is an absolute hell-hole now. You can look at a post about daffodils and a few comments down you find videos of "black people behaving like animals", or straight up nazi opinions. That’s not hyperbole either, it’s absolutely vile.

Free speech absolutism isn’t the ideal you think it is, and private platforms sure don’t have to allow their site to be associated with whatever people want to spew.
The algorythm is absolutely tuned to leading you/ taking you into conversations that are absolutely fascist in character. I've got it limited to 30 minutes a day and stick to only the people I follow.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen that clip and I can’t get over how much like Trump she is. It’s like in Men in Black or something where a parasite take over various bodies and it’s moved from her to Trump.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers always comes to mind with that lot.
On the other hand he's entitled to his personal opinions and some of what he's pushed has actually been pretty accurate. What's more dangerous is the Far-Left/Marxists gaslighting perfectly valid theories and painting them as alt-right conspiracies in an attempt to discredit it. The same as what happens with Farage. He actually comes out with some pretty bang on stuff if you actually listen to what he's saying, but nope, the Marxists hate him, label him racist at every turn and openly wish death upon him. Even the BBC are complicit in this, so yes, X/Twitter actually being open to debate and not an exercise in mind-control is a breath of fresh air.

Edited to say I have been banned from this topic, Twitter circa 2021 style, for daring to express an opinion that doesn't align with Left Wing thought control, or perhaps rather Solius' personal beliefs. Intolerant behaviour like this is exactly why society is regressing and heading to a dark place. I hope one day you can see the arrogance of your actions.

Kinell. Do you really think this guff or are you just having a laugh?

And if you can find an actual Marxist they may well hate Farage. Then again anyone with 5 brain cells that interact with each other should hate him. There are probably amoeba who know enough to hate grifting hatemongers like him.
After being tricked by Farage with Brexit, it is astonishing to see people still falling for his guff, and at the same time making out they’re the enlightened smart ones? :lol:
Updated list of far left / marxist companies that pulled ads from perfect valid theories' enabler X:

CVS Health
Coca Cola
Updated list of far left / marxist companies that pulled ads from perfect valid theories' enabler X:

CVS Health
Coca Cola
Mars sounds like Marx. Marxism confirmed.
On the other hand he's entitled to his personal opinions and some of what he's pushed has actually been pretty accurate. What's more dangerous is the Far-Left/Marxists gaslighting perfectly valid theories and painting them as alt-right conspiracies in an attempt to discredit it. The same as what happens with Farage. He actually comes out with some pretty bang on stuff if you actually listen to what he's saying, but nope, the Marxists hate him, label him racist at every turn and openly wish death upon him. Even the BBC are complicit in this, so yes, X/Twitter actually being open to debate and not an exercise in mind-control is a breath of fresh air.

Edited to say I have been banned from this topic, Twitter circa 2021 style, for daring to express an opinion that doesn't align with Left Wing thought control, or perhaps rather Solius' personal beliefs. Intolerant behaviour like this is exactly why society is regressing and heading to a dark place. I hope one day you can see the arrogance of your actions.

Sure thing buddy :lol:
Can we convince Elon to become intrigued by deep sea exploration of the wreck of the Titanic or high-end Yachting or becoming a helicopter pilot?

It's getting to the point where his continued existence is becoming detrimental to the planet and, whilst I wouldn't advocate for his violent removal from this mortal coil, perhaps we should encourage him to partake in the sort of risky behaviour that has impacted on CEO's in the last few years.
Elon, the Emperor of Mars is just an enticing prospect for such a man-child I have no doubt he will not resist going there to plant his flag first… problem solved.

(Or the beginning of human extinction for planet Earth when His red minions army comes back and…)
Facebook and Twitter have become the same thing... Although I guess Facebook has more bots in the comments?

Why do they keep playing dolls with Wojaks?
All the pictures with supposed hierarchies of evidence online are Marxist lies that hide the fact that on top of them there is a level that contains "portraying yourself as a chad and your opponent as a crying wojak". Those accounts just discovered the truth.
Updated list of far left / marxist companies that pulled ads from perfect valid theories' enabler X:

CVS Health
Coca Cola

I have Disney Plus and am shocked at how many messages I get about primitive accumulation and how the Hegelian dialectic needed to be moved to the economic register.
Elon is now promoting AI images of Trump saving animals because he's decided to swallow whole the story that Hatian immigrants are eating animals like kittens and dogs in the streets of Ohio. Not one shred of proof, but just go out there and generate fake images and claim "THIS IS REAL LIFE"
I remember when Twitter was run by easily influenced kids and became the exclusive preserve of the Left and Marxists, to the point that anyone or anything they didn't like was cancelled and banned from the platform. Their biggest blunder was cancelling the then serving POTUS, which can only be described as arrogance of astonishing proportions.

Musk taking over is probably the best thing that could've happened, because it then became a balanced platform again, representing the views across the spectrum of politics and not just the Left. This is an essential foundation of democracy, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Left/Marxists are incredibly intolerant of views that differ to their own, hence the attempted discrediting, cancelling and even calls for banning of the platform, lest they not have it their own way. Ironically, in attempting to stifle open debate, the Left are just as guilty of extremism and behaving like man-childs. You may think you are morally untouchable, but wishing death upon those you disagree with politically is an incredibly dangerous game to play.
Nice guy? Suuuuure Eddie.
Elon is now promoting AI images of Trump saving animals because he's decided to swallow whole the story that Hatian immigrants are eating animals like kittens and dogs in the streets of Ohio. Not one shred of proof, but just go out there and generate fake images and claim "THIS IS REAL LIFE"
Americans demonising Haitians? Well I never.
I remember when Twitter was run by easily influenced kids and became the exclusive preserve of the Left and Marxists, to the point that anyone or anything they didn't like was cancelled and banned from the platform. Their biggest blunder was cancelling the then serving POTUS, which can only be described as arrogance of astonishing proportions.

Musk taking over is probably the best thing that could've happened, because it then became a balanced platform again, representing the views across the spectrum of politics and not just the Left. This is an essential foundation of democracy, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately the Left/Marxists are incredibly intolerant of views that differ to their own, hence the attempted discrediting, cancelling and even calls for banning of the platform, lest they not have it their own way. Ironically, in attempting to stifle open debate, the Left are just as guilty of extremism and behaving like man-childs. You may think you are morally untouchable, but wishing death upon those you disagree with politically is an incredibly dangerous game to play.
What in the actual feck is this? Twitter was biased towards the right-wing before Musk as well, he’s just made it even fecking worse.
Facebook and Twitter have become the same thing... Although I guess Facebook has more bots in the comments?


What is the message that is meant to be portrayed here? That people in modern society prefer to have cats rather than children?
To be that rich and have that power and to still be that pitiful. Has there been a bigger loser throughout history than this freak?

If he weren't such a monumental cnut he could be endearing in a way, he's so obviously incredibly awkward and clumsy both physically and socially, which we shouldn't make fun of. But no, he's probably the worst person alive and deserves every bit of ridicule.