Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Brazil is a 200 million population country right of the bat, so is no joke

If more countries follow suit, Musk will need to backtrack or expose himself to be substituted as the actors that promotes content will have no choice than to migrate
The EU should follow up on Breton's letter and take serious action. It's entirely justified.
The tale of the man who bought the village well only to immediately fill it with dead cattle, sewage and child abuse images. And for that the villagers were forever grateful.

For all its many faults twitter operated like an important public utility. I never even had an account but I still relied heavily on information and culture that originated through individual tweets. All the important breaking news from the last decade found me through twitter. That we live in a world where one very rich Pdo Guy can take over and single handedly poison it beyond functionability, based on his simple minded, bitter and artless urges, tells me we are very much in something of a new Dark Age.
The internet remains a kind of Wild West - except for its global reach and influence. There are some options for realistic solutions (demonopolization, enabled through obligatory interactivity between platforms, with strictly enforced censorship requirements), but as long as governments remain hands-off, we remain at the mercy of some US-based billionaires and just have to hope they're not evil; but here's Musk already.

Elon Musk Promotes Tweet Calling for Democracy to Be Replaced With ‘Republic’ Run By ‘High Status Males’​

The screenshot of text, apparently from 4chan, that was shared by @AutismCapital said:

People who can’t defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism. They literally do not ask “is this true”, they ask “will others be OK with me thinking this is true”. This makes them very malleable to brute force manufactured consensus; if every screen they look at says the same thing they will adopt that position because their brain interprets it as everyone in the tribe believing it. Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical people (hey autists!) are actually free to parse new information with an objective “is this true?” filter. This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.
Save the pain of others having to click that website.

What is a 'high T'?
Cheers. So they want the jocks and brutes in charge.
Plus it's not like Elon is the most athletic person out there.
Shouldn't be a surprise that a guy who grew up under apartheid, as a beneficiary of it, doesn't value democracy much.
Can someone link the AI image tweet he posted yesterday of Kamala in a communist outfit?

To be fair he’s getting absolutely cooked in the comments in ways I don’t normally see.
Can someone link the AI image tweet he posted yesterday of Kamala in a communist outfit?

To be fair he’s getting absolutely cooked in the comments in ways I don’t normally see.
Plus it's not like Elon is the most athletic person out there.

It's ironic that outside of being born into wealth, Musk himself meets absolutely none of the criteria I assume he perceives to be a "High T alpha male" (I am thinking he probably thinks someone like Tate is probably that)
sometimes I really don't know which platinum spoon fed baby is the bigger douche canoe. Elon sure does his best to ferment that status.

Musk and it's not even close. The reason being he is this terrible, while still somewhat carrying the reputation of being a genius/inventor/real life tony stark. No matter how untrue those things are, to a lot of the average people on the street, Musk is still known as many of those things. As long as he has that no one can come close to being as awful as he is.
The EU should follow up on Breton's letter and take serious action. It's entirely justified.

The internet remains a kind of Wild West - except for its global reach and influence. There are some options for realistic solutions (demonopolization, enabled through obligatory interactivity between platforms, with strictly enforced censorship requirements), but as long as governments remain hands-off, we remain at the mercy of some US-based billionaires and just have to hope they're not evil; but here's Musk already.

I personally like the German model with tax financed media outlets very much. If it weren't for them, we'd be having a similar infotainment shitshow and the far right would love that.
Just take a step back and enjoy the fact that one of the richest men on earth is quite clearly absolutely miserable.
Why do none of these people know what communism is? Harris is firmly centrist or centre-right. I wish she were actually a communist. I think Musk even said that she’s further left than Bernie Sanders.

They don’t care for reality or accuracy, this is for one purpose alone and that is to rile up the morons who will buy it.

America is absolutely obsessed with communism. It’s so weird. And all the people who talk about it have zero understanding of what it actually means n
Why do none of these people know what communism is? Harris is firmly centrist or centre-right. I wish she were actually a communist. I think Musk even said that she’s further left than Bernie Sanders.
Musk was insanely intellectually lazy even during the times where he pretended to try, now he's devolved to running pure PR for trump that most fox news hosts would be too ashamed to attach themselves to.
Musk was insanely intellectually lazy even during the times where he pretended to try, now he's devolved to running pure PR for trump that most fox news hosts would be too ashamed to attach themselves to.
Sorry but that isn't true, most Fox News hosts have no shame whatsoever
He’s clearly ensured the algorithm will always promote his posts above anyone else’s.
Sorry but that isn't true, most Fox News hosts have no shame whatsoever
Maybe I overestimate them, but I feel like a lot of them would have second thoughts if they had to say shite that Musk spews out nowadays. Obviously ignoring people like Waters here.
Maybe I overestimate them, but I feel like a lot of them would have second thoughts if they had to say shite that Musk spews out nowadays. Obviously ignoring people like Waters here.
You are overestimating them, the Dominion case provided the evidence that they were saying one thing on the air and the complete opposite in private
It is completely and utterly insane for anyone to think that this guy should be in charge of any commission that will investigate which government agencies are necessary or not.
I mean in just common sense terms. This guy literally overpaid for Twitter, threw away one of the most recognizable brand names in Tech, fired so much of the staff they can barely technically function. Drove away almost all their advertisers, turned the platform into a racist, toxic cesspool tanking the stock and company worth.

THAT guy should tell us what agencies and regulatory bodies we need? The same guy who has his entire fortune built on things that will need regulations like the auto industry and Space exploration etc.
It is completely and utterly insane for anyone to think that this guy should be in charge of any commission that will investigate which government agencies are necessary or not.
I mean in just common sense terms. This guy literally overpaid for Twitter, threw away one of the most recognizable brand names in Tech, fired so much of the staff they can barely technically function. Drove away almost all their advertisers, turned the platform into a racist, toxic cesspool tanking the stock and company worth.

THAT guy should tell us what agencies and regulatory bodies we need? The same guy who has his entire fortune built on things that will need regulations like the auto industry and Space exploration etc.
Think of it like hiring a hack to test your companies IT security. Just put him in a fake room and have him detail everything he would do and then firewall against those things.
Think of it like hiring a hack to test your companies IT security. Just put him in a fake room and have him detail everything he would do and then firewall against those things.
No hiring hacks to test IT and vulnerabilities is smart. They help bolster the system at the end. They don't sell the vulnerabilities or use them to their own advantage, ideally. There is no way he should have any say into what agencies are needed or not when he has billions vested interest directly impacted by not having his interests regulated.

Is he going to want agencies looking into the safety or regulations of the burgeoning space exploration space? NO he's going to want to clear a path to do what he wants to do.

If trump wasn't his boss in this scenario sure use him to figure out evil Lex Luthor like plans and plan against them. But trump just wants money and flattery.