Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

I wonder if it hurts their case that Musk explicitly told the advertisers that he doesn't want their money.
Frivolous would be a polite word to describe this legal action.
Another word would be “unhinged”
The end is hopefully nigh for twitter and given musk’s recent tweets it can’t come soon enough.
It always come down to the moolah. Their principles and agendas take a back seat when the money is threatened. He knows a proper advertisers boycott will turn twitter into a massive noose for him.
It always come down to the moolah. Their principles and agendas take a back seat when the money is threatened. He knows a proper advertisers boycott will turn twitter into a massive noose for him.
It put's a real dent in his supposed free speech agenda. If it was so important to him, surely he'd be ok with swallowing the losses of Twitter for a few years? He can certainly afford it.
It put's a real dent in his supposed free speech agenda. If it was so important to him, surely he'd be ok with swallowing the losses of Twitter for a few years? He can certainly afford it.
The free speech agenda was always bullshit considering that Twitter has been banning lots of people/influencers with left-wing views.
The free speech agenda was always bullshit considering that Twitter has been banning lots of people/influencers with left-wing views.
Absolutely. Twitter was always a way for Musk to influence politics and the discourse in general. The free speech aspect is just a facade.
The free speech agenda was always bullshit considering that Twitter has been banning lots of people/influencers with left-wing views.
Who has been banned?
Who has been banned?
There were lots of people, including journos working for Washington Post, New York Times and CNN (all three left/center-left leaning mediums) getting repeatedly banned by the new Twitter in 2022. We also saw him banning that guy who was tracking his airplane. Then we saw people who were impersonating others getting banned. We saw links to Mastodon being banned in Twitter. Navalny's wife was banned after Navalny's death, Mandela's grandson also for calling Israel an apartheid state, several transgender activists were banned etc.

You can find a list of high-profile bans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_suspensions
Love the only global real time conversartion part.

Global real time conversation on x be like:

The bit about "driven usage of X to all time highs", is that true?

Surely to christ they're haemorrhaging users? We're even seeing redcafe hardcore Twitter addicts throwing in the towel now. That must be happening all over the world, right?

Not sure but I'm thinking bots and to a lesser extent OF traffic. I'm pretty sure all my followers are bots and every single post I see now has thirst traps from at least three OF fans accounts.

There are still some good people on there but I took the advice and uninstalled it this morning.
The bit about "driven usage of X to all time highs", is that true?

Surely to christ they're haemorrhaging users? We're even seeing redcafe hardcore Twitter addicts throwing in the towel now. That must be happening all over the world, right?
It’s bot central there now. I think the metrics are up but it’s obviously bullshit. Advertisers don’t want to waste their views on bots.
The bit about "driven usage of X to all time highs", is that true?

Surely to christ they're haemorrhaging users? We're even seeing redcafe hardcore Twitter addicts throwing in the towel now. That must be happening all over the world, right?
feck knows, it is not that there is some independent organisation that is saying so. They might be using the bot traffic as it was real traffic, or Musk might be just making things up (it is not like he does not have a history about that).

Bots are everywhere in Twitter. Even for stuff that you wouldn't expect them to be.
The bit about "driven usage of X to all time highs", is that true?

Surely to christ they're haemorrhaging users? We're even seeing redcafe hardcore Twitter addicts throwing in the towel now. That must be happening all over the world, right?

Turns out it's nonsense alright.


First off it's not Twitter traffic he's referring to it's referrals from Google to Twitter and also they changed how they measured it which caused a spike in the data.
SEMRush changed how it measured search engine referral traffic, causing such numbers to spike for everyone.

“Upon reviewing the report, there appears to be a misunderstanding about the organic traffic values. The spike observed in the data corresponds with an update we implemented. This update, executed on April 6th, resulted in additional data being incorporated into our metrics (that is the SERP Features). Consequently, this led to spikes in figures in our toolkit across all websites, not exclusively Twitter.”

In other words, comparing those numbers after April 2023 with those before April 2023 is like comparing apples to oranges.
It’s bot central there now. I think the metrics are up but it’s obviously bullshit. Advertisers don’t want to waste their views on bots.
It's definitely nonsense. There are a million and one ways to pump up artificial traffic, giving the impression your site is seeing plenty of activity and ad impressions. Though I'm sure the advertisers have clocked that the conversion rates are abnormally low relative to the impressions they're recording, so have come to the same suspicions as the rest of us.

Id wager that's probably the key factor for there being an exodus of them off the platform, not just being associated with Nazi posts.
Definitely, i'm up to about 450 followers and at least 80 of those are bots.

I've made exactly one post, never reached out to anyone and use my account solely for following other accounts. I've got 244 followers in about a year. The vast majority of them young women.
I've never been signed up, and I only very rarely click on an actual tweet that then takes me to x. But when I do at least 95% of responses are bots or sub 85 IQ humans parroting bots. I truly do not understand how anybody with half a brain left can still use that platform. It has been trash since day 1, nothing truly enlightening or informative could ever be said in 140 chars to an already informed audience. It has been the social platform equivalent of scripted reality television and has thrived on the fact that at any point in time, among a billion users, you will always find someone with an alternating view point to argue with.

I still can't fathom that idiot spent 40 bil on it.
I've made exactly one post, never reached out to anyone and use my account solely for following other accounts. I've got 244 followers in about a year. The vast majority of them young women.

Yep. Admittedly I started retweeting stuff at some point last year, but the bot followers started before that. I've deleted my account now, since it wasn't providing any value any longer. The For You was full of Nazis, and 95% of the time Firefox enhanced tracking protection wouldn't even let me access the site - so what's the point?
There were lots of people, including journos working for Washington Post, New York Times and CNN (all three left/center-left leaning mediums) getting repeatedly banned by the new Twitter in 2022. We also saw him banning that guy who was tracking his airplane. Then we saw people who were impersonating others getting banned. We saw links to Mastodon being banned in Twitter. Navalny's wife was banned after Navalny's death, Mandela's grandson also for calling Israel an apartheid state, several transgender activists were banned etc.

You can find a list of high-profile bans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter_suspensions
He’s also banned the terms “cis” and “cisgender”, claiming that they’re “hate speech” when in fact they’re neutral terms used to describe someone who is not transgender.

We have a client at work who we were having a social with a few weeks back who it turned out is an off the chart conspiracy nutter (which is surprising because he’s one tier below SLT in a company that turns over £120m a year). Nothing political but we are talking alien megastructures, symbolism and all that nonsense.

Anyway he did this massive rant about how the sun is a hologram and was showing us pictures through the centuries of this sun with lines that are connected to the earth. His reasoning was that the earth was the source of the projection and the lines were representing that (it hadn’t occurred to him it was the other way round and the sun was the source and the lines were coming from it).

Anyway the big reveal was that actually it all leads to the Large Hadron Collider and his proof of this was the symbol which was in all these artworks going back centuries and centuries.

The symbol….? A circle.
Some companies have decided to stop advertising on Twitter, because they realize what they are reaching are bots and Nazis.

Thanks, I was convinced that I didn't get it. So X is complaining that companies refuse to spend money on a platform that doesn't match with the image they want to portray. :lol:
We have a client at work who we were having a social with a few weeks back who it turned out is an off the chart conspiracy nutter (which is surprising because he’s one tier below SLT in a company that turns over £120m a year). Nothing political but we are talking alien megastructures, symbolism and all that nonsense.

Anyway he did this massive rant about how the sun is a hologram and was showing us pictures through the centuries of this sun with lines that are connected to the earth. His reasoning was that the earth was the source of the projection and the lines were representing that (it hadn’t occurred to him it was the other way round and the sun was the source and the lines were coming from it).

Anyway the big reveal was that actually it all leads to the Large Hadron Collider and his proof of this was the symbol which was in all these artworks going back centuries and centuries.

The symbol….? A circle.

It's amazing how many of these people live among us. Truly odd people.
In increasingly wondering who is more damaging to society, this dude or Trump.
For as hard as he allegedly works he sure seems to have a shit ton of time at his hands to make the world a worse place.