Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

You're all gonna look so mad when the woke bombs drop and I'm sitting comfortably in my Daddy Musk underground penthouse because I liked his tweet about dog testicles.

Is this the men's rights movement version of the Barbie Dreamhouse?

Imagine the possibilities...... I mean, what could go wrong? Especially given Musk's ideas for the future of this chip and availability for the general population.

You just know a large percentage of the anti-vaxer crowd and those who relentlessly bang on about the COVID jab will be right up for this and defending it to the hilt, just because of their love of Elon.

We are fecked as a species, we really are.
Sure. But you’re still complicit. Twitter isn’t being highjacked by some group of right wing lunatics. Their „king“ has bought it. Apparently for the very purpose of spreading misinformation, bigotry and propaganda. The platform itself is now the issue. It’s like having a subscription to a newspaper that gets bought by some right wing maniac. Sure, you might still like their sports section. But your subscription is funding the right wing agenda.
With Twitter it’s similar. While you might not actively pay the site, you and others using it is the reason they can monetise it. So your helping to spread misinformation, bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia and so on, simply by still frequenting this site. And no matter how deep you insert your fingers into your ears and no matter how hard you close your eyes while being on that site, the outcome is the same.
If Niall were to sell this place here to Tommy Robinson, I’d be gone within seconds. Because the very purpose for which the site is meant changes in that very moment. And it’s a purpose I can’t support.
What you are saying is basically that you don’t care about what happens, as long as you can look away.
The excuses people come up with to justify still being on that site are funny. Just admit that you can’t live without the serotonin rush and that you don’t care about the overt racism and that the site is now nothing but a propaganda vehicle. Won’t make it much better. But at least it’s honest. :lol:

Strongly disagree with this. You mentioned that you had a twitter, but you said you got rid of it once Musk bought it. That just seems like letting the shitbags win to me, instead of standing your ground and being able to argue against the right wing lunatics. As an example Twitter was always known for having a large community of trans people, surely it’d be better to have stayed and amplified these voices, rather than jump ship because Musk owns it? Especially as to a lot of people there’s a good chance their main interaction with the trans community, and other marginalised groups, comes from twitter. Isn’t it costing Musk billions in terms of value as well? It’s like an anchor around his neck. The Greenwood thread on here sickens me, but it’s not going to make me leave the site it’s just incentivised me to highlight the victim blaming, not to convince the ones doing the victim blaming, but others who read the thread.

I’m not blaming you for leaving the site, I’ve never had an account, bar for a month where I signed up to mock Musk and then got banned. Other than the Redcafe and one shitty Swans forum I’m not really a social media person. But I think it’s better to have people supporting these groups and causes, then vacating the site to Musk and his cronies.
So take me for example. Still use it, still hope it will one day get back to where it was. Good source of news/humour for me from reliable people I follow. Actively still reporting racism and any other vile stuff I see (usually because someone has quote tweeted it onto my timeline criticising it in the first place).

Do you think I only use it for a serotonin rush and don’t care about the racism?

Whatever one's view on staying on Twitter or not, I struggle to believe anyone can hold out hope that twitter will "get back to where it was." I think Man United beating Arsenal in the next two Champions League finals is far more likely than Twitter ever returning to what it was before Musk.
The last few pages really trigger something in me that pushes me to break the Godwin Law :lol:
Yes. Absolutely. There is nothing on that site you can't get from anywhere else. I used to be on there 24/7. Ever since I left, there wasn't a single important news story I have missed. There aren't any accounts I miss. When it comes to news I actually think I am better of now. Because when I get my news, I do it more actively and calmly and do much more in depth reading. I am also not confronted with as much misinformation.
But even if what you're saying is right (after all I'm just some dude on the internet too convinced of his own opinions), I believe that still doesn't make it alright. There is a point for a website, a newspaper and so on, where these excuses just don't cut it anymore. And for me that point was reached when Twitter turned from a gigantic platform that also contained loads of misinformation, racism and so on, to a platform rebuilt for the very purpose of amplifying racism, misinformation and so on. It has changed from a platform with issues to a platform where the former issues are the new purpose. And when that purpose changed, to me being on that site became morally wrong. Which is why I'm not buying into all these reasons. It's like saying I ignore all the racism on Fox News, I just watch it for the sports scores and the blond presenters. That still doesn't sit right with me.
Good post. People are fuelling this hate machine through mere usage. Boycott the thing. Send a message.
Yes. Absolutely. There is nothing on that site you can't get from anywhere else. I used to be on there 24/7. Ever since I left, there wasn't a single important news story I have missed. There aren't any accounts I miss. When it comes to news I actually think I am better of now. Because when I get my news, I do it more actively and calmly and do much more in depth reading. I am also not confronted with as much misinformation.
But even if what you're saying is right (after all I'm just some dude on the internet too convinced of his own opinions), I believe that still doesn't make it alright. There is a point for a website, a newspaper and so on, where these excuses just don't cut it anymore. And for me that point was reached when Twitter turned from a gigantic platform that also contained loads of misinformation, racism and so on, to a platform rebuilt for the very purpose of amplifying racism, misinformation and so on. It has changed from a platform with issues to a platform where the former issues are the new purpose. And when that purpose changed, to me being on that site became morally wrong. Which is why I'm not buying into all these reasons. It's like saying I ignore all the racism on Fox News, I just watch it for the sports scores and the blond presenters. That still doesn't sit right with me.
What are your go-to news sources now?
What are your go-to news sources now?
I share an online subscription for two local papers with someone. Otherwise I use the Tagesschau App (basically the news from the German BBC) and browse the pages of bigger papers (Süddeutsche, Spiegel, NYT and so on) for more.
I have found that this is a much better way to get news. While it’s not as quick as Twitter, it is overall far more reliable and in depth. I also found that it’s much more comfortable and healthy for me to do it like this, because I’m not constantly surrounded by meaningless but agitating breaking news or stupid discussions underneath them. Having steady times for reading the news (except of course for special occasions) is very relaxing.
On top of that are obviously secondary news sources like the Caf.

I think I wouldn’t get back on Twitter even if Musk was gone. The page is hell for my attention span.
X is testing new paid membership tiers to compensate for poor ad revenue
X (formerly Twitter) is looking to split its premium subscription service into three membership tiers, allowing the company to vary subscription pricing based on how many ads are shown to the user. According to Bloomberg’s source who attended a Thursday call with X and debt holders that helped Musk finance the acquisition, the company is currently testing Basic, Standard, and Plus variations of the existing premium plan, which currently starts at $8 per month. It remains unclear if a free version will continue to exist.

No pricing information has been announced for the new membership tiers. However, according to details previously discovered in the X app, the entry-level Basic plan will not reduce the number of ads that users see on the platform, while the Standard tier will show half as many ads — one of the benefits that premium subscribers currently enjoy. The top Plus premium offering will remove ads entirely and therefore presumably cost even more than the $8 / month or $84 / year charged today. X has not revealed when these new membership tiers will be rolled out in testing or general availability or what additional benefits (blue check, edit, etc.) each plan might include.

I can't imagine why any regular person would want to pay 84 dollars a year for X. I mean if your job is social media, and there is a corporate reason for a presence, i.e. social media team. Maybe its worth it to them. But, a normal person I can't even see it being worth any price for what it is.

I would expect exclusive content or something for that, and never encounter racism and the crazies.
He's also removing the likes and retweet functions and he's also now hidden the bottom function bar and it is supposed to only be visible when you click on a Tweet now.
Any search on it my end just shows lots and lots of tweets from mainly Indians calling for the complete annihilation of the Palestinians...including one from some Indian major who has UN peacekeeper on his bio...one complete berk with a few tens of thousands of followers and self styled bharat zionist has called for a final solution against the Palestinians...
He's crazy. I know very well that these accounts have shared wrong information, without sources whatsoever.

Musk being blatantly dishonest again. The Ukraine war is one of, if not the most documented conflict in visual terms.

It's funny how the people who claim to never pay attention to mainstream media never shut up about what is or isn't being shown by the mainstream media.
Musk being blatantly dishonest again. The Ukraine war is one of, if not the most documented conflict in visual terms.

I saw one of the most cinematic, high-res shoot-downs of a Russia chopper on the damn site that he owns. But once again he fuels the "just asking questions" stupidity. It's mob-rule with a rich dude leading the mob and using his rich status as "verification" of the truth.

If you follow anything on twitter these days it's basically a game of the "blue ticks" waiting for Elon to post or reply to something and then THAT is the truth. There is a whole new narrative. I never thought social media could take us down any further, but there are always new lows. I don't know if large sections of humans online can function any more without someone in their closed communities setting the narrative first.
By the way, with all the disinformation and fake news making the rounds about Israel right now, nobody should ever try to say with a straight face that this page is a good source for news. It’s fast. That’s it. Otherwise it’s garbage that’s poisoning nearly every current debate in the world. But especially controversial ones.
By the way, with all the disinformation and fake news making the rounds about Israel right now, nobody should ever try to say with a straight face that this page is a good source for news. It’s fast. That’s it. Otherwise it’s garbage that’s poisoning nearly every current debate in the world. But especially controversial ones.
I've found my 'Following' account is still what I want it to be vis à vis news & sports, but, last night for the first time in eons, i checked out my 'For You' account & it was a car crash horror. First clip was a Hamas member killing a dog.

Don't think I'll ever go back on that account.
I've found my 'Following' account is still what I want it to be vis à vis news & sports, but, last night for the first time in eons, i checked out my 'For You' account & it was a car crash horror. First clip was a Hamas member killing a dog.

Don't think I'll ever go back on that account.
*page not account

Also, mine is nothing like that and is just basically balanced discussion and pro-Palestine in parts.
*page not account

Also, mine is nothing like that and is just basically balanced discussion and pro-Palestine in parts.
Yes, 'page.' Felt weird typing account.

Your 'For You' page is on point? Good for you. I only follow about 90 people (who usually give me my fix), it would be nice to broaden out in 'For You' but it is just a fecking mess.
He's becoming a fascist. I mean... he's making people realize he's a fascist.

No one should be surprised that a silver spoon fed South African apartheid bro says these things anymore. He just simply bought himself a platform to spout it out without filter and structured, said platform to support the words he says.