Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

I reported a tweet where somebody referred to a black person as a ‘darky’ the other day. Apparently that doesn’t break the rules.

Elon is a piece of shit.
I reported a tweet where somebody referred to a black person as a ‘darky’ the other day. Apparently that doesn’t break the rules.

Elon is a piece of shit.

You get this a lot these days. I've reported a whole host of stuff which it says hasn't broken the rules and then for some of them, a couple of days later, it then says the person has however on a lot of them it doesn't.
Jaysus lads. Delete your accounts. Don't give this prick any of your time or emotional energy. It just feels like self harm for any of ye to be spending time on that hell site at this point.
I barely use it anymore at all now. I possibly check a few tweets every couple of days, think I’ll delete it myself soon enough.
I reported a tweet where somebody referred to a black person as a ‘darky’ the other day. Apparently that doesn’t break the rules.

Elon is a piece of shit.

I've stopped reporting tweets, they all come back "didn't break any rules" no matter how horribly they refer to people, or who they suggest should be killed or should kill themselves.
I barely use it anymore at all now. I possibly check a few tweets every couple of days, think I’ll delete it myself soon enough.

Do it, Elvis. I guarantee you won't regret it. I haven't missed Twitter for one single minute after deleting my account last year (or maybe the year before?) If anything it's improved my life to stop being exposed to that open sewer on a daily basis.
I've stopped reporting tweets, they all come back "didn't break any rules" no matter how horribly they refer to people, or who they suggest should be killed or should kill themselves.

I actually got my account restricted because I told someone called 'gasthejews' to feck off and die.
Jaysus lads. Delete your accounts. Don't give this prick any of your time or emotional energy. It just feels like self harm for any of ye to be spending time on that hell site at this point.

I'm going to use Twitter until it no longer has any uses for me. He hasn't killed it quite yet. In the meantime I'm also going to make fun of, laugh at, mock and maybe even get upset about things he says or does. You could make your point about anything, including all the CE threads you spend time in.
I'm going to use Twitter until it no longer has any uses for me. He hasn't killed it quite yet. In the meantime I'm also going to make fun of, laugh at, mock and maybe even get upset about things he says or does. You could make your point about anything, including all the CE threads you spend time in.

I mean, you're not entirely wrong but a little harsh on the calibre of the average caftard vs replies I used to end up reading on Twitter. The former makes me only slightly anxious about the future of the human race. The latter made me pine for the warm embrace of nuclear apocalypse.
I mean, you're not entirely wrong but a little harsh on the calibre of the average caftard vs replies I used to end up reading on Twitter. The former makes me only slightly anxious about the future of the human race. The latter made me pine for the warm embrace of nuclear apocalypse.

I think the whole blue tick thing has made it appear worse on the surface. If you look at replies now you have to scroll past about 50 dickheads and bots to find actual normal people, but there's still good content on there if you follow the right people.
I mean, you're not entirely wrong but a little harsh on the calibre of the average caftard vs replies I used to end up reading on Twitter. The former makes me only slightly anxious about the future of the human race. The latter made me pine for the warm embrace of nuclear apocalypse.

Oh yeah, if you're thinking about actual tweeting or reading comments to tweets, I'm completely with you. I have some accounts I follow, and I read and like (and sometimes retweet), and that's about it. I only ever read comments on those tweets, and usually not even then, and I never seek out the tweets of bastards like Musk or Peterson. I only see them through the lens of people making fun of them or highlighting their craziness. Sometimes I steal those and post them here.
Jaysus lads. Delete your accounts. Don't give this prick any of your time or emotional energy. It just feels like self harm for any of ye to be spending time on that hell site at this point.
No skin of my back, these last two tweets were in my timeline. Musk hasn't yet fecked around with the 'copy tweet to the clipboard' function.

I'm more bemused than anything else.
Oh yeah, if you're thinking about actual tweeting or reading comments to tweets, I'm completely with you. I have some accounts I follow, and I read and like (and sometimes retweet), and that's about it. I only ever read comments on those tweets, and usually not even then, and I never seek out the tweets of bastards like Musk or Peterson. I only see them through the lens of people making fun of them or highlighting their craziness. Sometimes I steal those and post them here.

I'm following a total of 20 people or so, of which 18 or so mostly cover United. So while that's depressing for another reasons, I can't imagine fully engaging in the madness on there or even reading any comments.
There are reports of likes on Musk-critical tweets disappearing. Maybe it's bullshit, but it doesn't sound too far fetched given... you know, everything.
I'd say its more probable they disappear by non natural causes than the other explanation.
The excuses people come up with to justify still being on that site are funny. Just admit that you can’t live without the serotonin rush and that you don’t care about the overt racism and that the site is now nothing but a propaganda vehicle. Won’t make it much better. But at least it’s honest. :lol:
The excuses people come up with to justify still being on that site are funny. Just admit that you can’t live without the serotonin rush and that you don’t care about the overt racism and that the site is now nothing but a propaganda vehicle. Won’t make it much better. But at least it’s honest. :lol:

So take me for example. Still use it, still hope it will one day get back to where it was. Good source of news/humour for me from reliable people I follow. Actively still reporting racism and any other vile stuff I see (usually because someone has quote tweeted it onto my timeline criticising it in the first place).

Do you think I only use it for a serotonin rush and don’t care about the racism?
The excuses people come up with to justify still being on that site are funny. Just admit that you can’t live without the serotonin rush and that you don’t care about the overt racism and that the site is now nothing but a propaganda vehicle. Won’t make it much better. But at least it’s honest. :lol:
It's quite simple to select the 'Following' tab & only see what those you follow tweet or retweet & stay out of the morass.
So take me for example. Still use it, still hope it will one day get back to where it was. Good source of news/humour for me from reliable people I follow. Actively still reporting racism and any other vile stuff I see (usually because someone has quote tweeted it onto my timeline criticising it in the first place).

Do you think I only use it for a serotonin rush and don’t care about the racism?
Yes. Absolutely. There is nothing on that site you can't get from anywhere else. I used to be on there 24/7. Ever since I left, there wasn't a single important news story I have missed. There aren't any accounts I miss. When it comes to news I actually think I am better of now. Because when I get my news, I do it more actively and calmly and do much more in depth reading. I am also not confronted with as much misinformation.
But even if what you're saying is right (after all I'm just some dude on the internet too convinced of his own opinions), I believe that still doesn't make it alright. There is a point for a website, a newspaper and so on, where these excuses just don't cut it anymore. And for me that point was reached when Twitter turned from a gigantic platform that also contained loads of misinformation, racism and so on, to a platform rebuilt for the very purpose of amplifying racism, misinformation and so on. It has changed from a platform with issues to a platform where the former issues are the new purpose. And when that purpose changed, to me being on that site became morally wrong. Which is why I'm not buying into all these reasons. It's like saying I ignore all the racism on Fox News, I just watch it for the sports scores and the blond presenters. That still doesn't sit right with me.
It's quite simple to select the 'Following' tab & only see what those you follow tweet or retweet & stay out of the morass.
Don’t think it’s about whether it’s visible to you or not

its now a vehicle for pushing Musk’s ideas, many that seemingly go against the beliefs of much of the people on there.

Theres an obvious argument to be made that people have a chance to contest and disagree with what’s put forward by being a user. But by being a user you ultimately benefit the company to a degree.

it’s a case of whether having a dissenting voice on there is worth more than the effect you'd have by not being a user at all. Of course on an individual level the effect we have is negligible, but isn’t that the kind of logic people use for not voting?
Don’t think it’s about whether it’s visible to you or not

its now a vehicle for pushing Musk’s ideas, many that seemingly go against the beliefs of much of the people on there.

Theres an obvious argument to be made that people have a chance to contest and disagree with what’s put forward by being a user. But by being a user you ultimately benefit the company to a degree.

it’s a case of whether having a dissenting voice on there is worth more than the effect you'd have by not being a user at all. Of course on an individual level the effect we have is negligible, but isn’t that the kind of logic people use for not voting?
I get what you are saying, it’s not a rosy picture in the ‘mains’ of Twitter. However, the site remains the best aggregator of news out there &, as of now, there have been virtually no total defections of news pundits, etc.to the nascent sites that are sprouting up.

I would gather that a considerable amount of new-ish X members fall into the toxic category, either on there to broadcast their racist, supremacist, etc. views with little to no pushback or on there because they are racist-adjacent, etc.

But, as many on here who have grandfathered into X, it’s a bit much to say that we are tacitly approving of the new site’s direction. It continues to provide a service that it always has its bereft of the impact from the lurch it has taken to the right.
You're all gonna look so mad when the woke bombs drop and I'm sitting comfortably in my Daddy Musk underground penthouse because I liked his tweet about dog testicles.
Yes. Absolutely. There is nothing on that site you can't get from anywhere else. I used to be on there 24/7. Ever since I left, there wasn't a single important news story I have missed. There aren't any accounts I miss. When it comes to news I actually think I am better of now. Because when I get my news, I do it more actively and calmly and do much more in depth reading. I am also not confronted with as much misinformation.
But even if what you're saying is right (after all I'm just some dude on the internet too convinced of his own opinions), I believe that still doesn't make it alright. There is a point for a website, a newspaper and so on, where these excuses just don't cut it anymore. And for me that point was reached when Twitter turned from a gigantic platform that also contained loads of misinformation, racism and so on, to a platform rebuilt for the very purpose of amplifying racism, misinformation and so on. It has changed from a platform with issues to a platform where the former issues are the new purpose. And when that purpose changed, to me being on that site became morally wrong. Which is why I'm not buying into all these reasons. It's like saying I ignore all the racism on Fox News, I just watch it for the sports scores and the blond presenters. That still doesn't sit right with me.
Absolutely not true. The content I see aggregated on twitter I would not get on any other site. It's completely dependent on what you use it for. If it's news only? Then yeah.

But for various communities and humour and content? Nowhere else.
Absolutely not true. The content I see aggregated on twitter I would not get on any other site. It's completely dependent on what you use it for. If it's news only? Then yeah.

But for various communities and humour and content? Nowhere else.
Someone should introduce you to Reddit some day.
Same. Plus the people on twitter I see regularly on my TL are not on reddit.

Yep on Twitter I follow quite a few people who offer level headed tactical analysis of games. I get to choose whose views appear on my timeline.

r/soccer has its value but it’s usually just comment after comment of shit joke.
Yes Twitter has turned in to a cess pool of shite. Do I agree with it? No, I do not. But I paid for amd watched the Premier League and Champions league, golf,.cricket, NFL, The Wire, The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, and much more on SKY TV despite hating everything Rupert Murdoch stands for. I've bought season tickets and match tickets and merchandise for United despite hating the Glazers. I wear Nike, drink Coca Cola, eat meat, worked as a commercial deep sea fisherman etc etc.....

This holier than thou attitude towards Twitter is akin to vegans shouting at me whilst using mobile phones and wearing Nike Air Force One trainers. I don't pay for a Blue Tick, I don't click any adverts, let alone buy anything from them, and I rarely engage with the Blue Tick trolls who are just there to make money.

However as I said, Twitter still provides me with a lot I can't find elsewhere. I also have a lot of friends and acquaintances using it that I don't see elsewhere and I'm definitely not using it for any serotonin boost either. If it gets worse I will happily leave and I can see my time on the platform coming to an end sooner rather than later. But if I stopped doing everything I do because I disagree with things then I would probably never eat or drink and certainly wouldn't have a car or any clothes or buy anything for my kids or take them anywhere.

I also find it hugely hypocritical to slag Conservatives over their boycotting of products and companies and their cancel culture whilst doing the same myself. Although I vehemently disagree with their stance and why they boycott as they do, I do feel that by doing the same isn't solving anything. Things have to change and a middle ground has to be found otherwise what's the point? Although it may be futile I still try to converse when I can and Twitter is the perfect.platform to do that. It's also great when I'm drunk to use to troll or mock extreme morons.

One thing I have noticed is that when someone posts an extreme right opinion or argument the replies calling them out or giving sensible answers quite often have far more likes. That tells me that all is not lost, it's just one side feels emboldened to shout louder. That also shows me who they are and that makes it easier to just ignore or block the absolute loons and trolls.

I understand not everyone will agree with this and it is in no way a defence of Twitter (X) or what goes on there since Elon has taken over, but at the same time I don't think it's fair to take such a derogatory view of those who still use it when I absolutely guarantee that view could be taken on almost every single person alive about some choice they make.
Was on reddit yesterday actually and saw multiple racist comments under one thread. Reported them and I've had notifications back saying they've been removed/banned/temped so at least that's better than Twitter. But still just an internet full of emboldened racists.