Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Pretty sure we will start to see viable Twitter alternatives pop up (whether Dorsey's or others) which will put a bit of pressure on Twitter to keep up or else gradually get Myspaced into irrelevance.

Another alarming stat is 25% of users generate 97% of content. So you have a platform with 60m genuinely active users, really not that big of a hurdle for a new startup to overcome. I see now why he tried to back out of it.

What a fecking joke.
Now I'm mad I just started using Twitter, thanks to the Ukraine war, for news.

I wonder if I use the website instead of the app if I can block the ads. For scientific research purposes.
True. Just look at what is happening to Facebook in slow motion over the past year. Its gradually become a wasteland of algo-hell replete with never ending ads and tik-tok style videos. No wonder the stock price is down 70% this year.
The disastrous abortion also known as the metaverse which that creepdo tries to make a thing does not help either.
Minutes after Musk takes control you see the N-word trending says it all. That's the "free speech" that the right wants. What a joke.

The only good that come out of this is for Twitter to crash and burn and become like Friendster.
Just check all his pearls of wisdom on the other Musk thread.

His achievements are essentially getting funding and selling things which don't exist, and calling himself the founder of products he didn't create. And essentially building a cult around him. It doesn't make him intelligent, same as Kanye isn't despite his "achievements".
Comparing Kanye to Musk :lol: :lol:


Things not looking so cheery over on Twitter at the moment. Kanye's account has been reinstated, but he has yet to Tweet. He's probably thinking the most moronic and offensive thing he can.

And you can just tell Elon wanted Trump back by now. I bet he's just weighing up the potential cost before he makes his final decision. Without Ads, Twitter is dead.


Things not looking so cheery over on Twitter at the moment. Kanye's account has been reinstated, but he has yet to Tweet. He's probably thinking the most moronic and offensive thing he can.

And you can just tell Elon wanted Trump back by now. I bet he's just weighing up the potential cost before he makes his final decision. Without Ads, Twitter is dead.

Almost as if the right never seems to win the popular vote and it kills everything they touch because of it
I think musk will play the game with twiter. Not only for the money but because of the ego. It would scar his ego so much spending 44 bn and go the myspace route and see the world laughing at him
I think musk will play the game with twiter. Not only for the money but because of the ego. It would scar his ego so much spending 44 bn and go the myspace route and see the world laughing at him
I'd be interested to see how much he sees this as a business opportunity and how much it's a political / power/ ego move.
For what it's worth, I like Twitter. I think with some more UX tweaks it can be a great platform.

I don't know what Musk exactly has in mind though.
Why not? Kanye was an extremely successful billionaire (not a billionaire after the last few days I gather). He's clearly very good at making money. Elon is even better at making money. Does that make them smart? Elon isn't a scientist or an engineer or anything.
Has a degree in physics, but don’t let that stop you.
If you think their intellect is comparable, enjoy your opinion!
Have you used it much? I signed up a while back but I haven't actually attempted to get involved on there yet. I follow the jester on Twitter and from his tweets it seems like it has a shitload of cool features.

No, I have been tracking the "Community Firehose" but have not found other groups or people to follow. Not 100% sure how it works but the posts on the Firehose seem downright normal compared to the nuttery on other social media sites.
Not that bothered. My Twitter name and profile pic is Fabrizio Romano. My only use for it is the shite banter I have with my mates ‘Here we go, John Smith is a cnut’
I made the mistake of looking at the replies to a Musk tweet. Holy shit. People just saying the N word “because now they’re allowed”.
People weren't allowed to say "nuclear" before?
He's like Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro. One of those more well-known conservative folks.

Never heard of him and now I'm glad I haven't. Sounds like a waste of oxygen.
He has a bachelor's degree, that barely qualifies as a degree. It certainly doesn't make anyone a physicist.
Wrong. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics.

I must be Mozart and Bill Gates combined with my two Bachelor's degrees :drool: always knew they weren't entry level shite and toad has now confirmed it.
Wrong. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics.

I must be Mozart and Bill Gates combined with my two Bachelor's degrees :drool: always knew they weren't entry level shite and toad has now confirmed it.

I saw that :lol:

I assume whoever wrote that Wikipedia article just copied it wrong, because he does appear to actually have a Bachelor of Science degree in physics. Britannica says he then attended graduate school for physics for several days before leaving.
A lot of public figures and politicians from the West use Twitter as regulars. If the EU wants to walk the walk and set the tone, just build up a Twitter-lite alternative platform in 3-6 months and let Musk’s Pandora open box rot?
If anything the Kanye comparison is harsh on Kanye, who at least has/had actual talent as a virtue.
Wrong. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics.

I must be Mozart and Bill Gates combined with my two Bachelor's degrees :drool: always knew they weren't entry level shite and toad has now confirmed it.

Post some content on your multi billion dollar companies that I can listen to and I'll give you some feedback.

Richard Branson has no qualifications and has had the smarts to make a very good living for himself.

Not sure why there's a need to insult others intellect just because you don't agree with some of the things they say. Simply responding OP who stated he wasn't smart and anyone who thought that was beyond their comprehension. I disagree.
Post some content on your multi billion dollar companies that I can listen to and I'll give you some feedback.

Richard Branson has no qualifications and has had the smarts to make a very good living for himself.

Not sure why there's a need to insult others intellect just because you don't agree with some of the things they say. Simply responding OP who stated he wasn't smart and anyone who thought that was beyond their comprehension. I disagree.
Simping for billionaires is bottom of the barrel stuff.
Post some content on your multi billion dollar companies that I can listen to and I'll give you some feedback.

Richard Branson has no qualifications and has had the smarts to make a very good living for himself.

Not sure why there's a need to insult others intellect just because you don't agree with some of the things they say. Simply responding OP who stated he wasn't smart and anyone who thought that was beyond their comprehension. I disagree.
Perhaps if more people called Hitler a cnut, we might not have had mass extermination of the Jewish population…
I'd be interested to see how much he sees this as a business opportunity and how much it's a political / power/ ego move.

Yes, though, probably business, political and power are intertwined while ego is a toxic byproduct of the others that can ruin any of the 3 (Ye for recent references). Either way, all 4 are good reasons for him, if he is smart, not to feck up. If twitter goes down the drain shortly after because of him, he will lose money, way to influence politics, power and his ego will be so bruised that could go as sad as Trump rants