Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

1-3 were to get a boatload of money as he knew plugging them would get all his followers to invest. It worked for him as well. He also tweeted when he sold to lower the price, so he could buy back in.
I think Tesla sold most of their Bitcoin for a loss. Don’t think he spent any of his money in GME stocks if he did that would have been huge news, he said he owns Dodge and said he wants to use that for his businesses.
I think Tesla sold most of their Bitcoin for a loss. Don’t think he spent any of his money in GME stocks if he did that would have been huge news, he said he owns Dodge and said he wants to use that for his businesses.

If you check the timings of his Bitcoin and especially Doge announcements against the market it's clear he made a huge profit. Tesla themselves may have timed themselves into a loss as they bought quite high but that's not Musk. GME I know less about to be fair, but it went up after his tweets.
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Ah I think if that was the reason they might have quietened Carlson and Hannity too which they didn't. I think Fox were cooling on Trump, but they're just details.

I think we might be agreeing but you haven't noticed.
Yes. Because you wrote in a neutral tone (nothing wrong). I just wanted to emphasise the seriousness of what happened just in case others missed it . Doing something bad for the “right reason” should never be accepted even when it gets us the outcome we want because pretty much everyone who engages in “bad” things thinks they are doing it for a good reason. As history has shown us.
Yes. Because you wrote in a neutral tone (nothing wrong). I just wanted to emphasise the seriousness of what happened just in case others missed it . Doing something bad for the “right reason” should never be accepted even when it gets us the outcome we want because pretty much everyone who engages in “bad” things thinks they are doing it for a good reason. As history has shown us.

Aye, but nobody said it was the right reason, just the usual vile realpolitik self serving.

My neutral tone was due to resignation and a reluctance to pick a side because neither side of this fake dichotomy is innocent.
If you check the timings of his Bitcoin and especially Doge announcements against the market it's clear he made a huge profit. Tesla themselves may have timed themselves into a loss as they bought quite high but that's not Musk. GME I know less about to be fair, but it went up after his tweets.
Musk was behind Tesla’s purchases of Bitcoin. I don’t know about the prices of purchases & sales made in his own name though.
Aye, but nobody said it was the right reason, just the usual vile realpolitik self serving.

My neutral tone was due to resignation and a reluctance to pick a side because neither side of this fake dichotomy is innocent.
100% both are just as bad.
I think like Elon at Twitter is the obvious devil so anyone who after all we’ve seen expects free speech or is surprised if he interferes in future elections through Twitter is naive.

But to me the old Twitter bosses are more dangerous. They’re like the devil dressed as a monk, working their manipulation in less obvious but arguably more effective ways.
Musk was behind Tesla’s purchases of Bitcoin. I don’t know about the prices of purchases & sales made in his own name though.

Of course, but as this is the Musk thread it's fair to say that based on his tweets he's made good profit as he knew that his tweets directly manipulated the price. He'd be stupid not to as it was obvious.

I've checked and Tesla made a profit / flat on Bitcoin, the amount they still hold is an unrealised loss as it's lower now but what they sold was at a profit.

Did Tesla Make Profit on its Bitcoin Investment? (cryptonews.com)
Not so sure.

Elon’s negativity is clear to see. If 2 months ago someone said the stuff about the old Twitter regime it would be classed as conspiracy theory.

So I get your point about Elon might attract nut jobs or promote negative things. But he can only attract people who already share that view. Old Twitter could literally decide “right we want people to think/believe this” and form/change peoples opinions without anyone realising.
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He and his family were doxxed. And not his jet. There were photos too, and suddenly some freak follows your kids
Honestly, this is proven to have never happened. In fact a member of Elons own security detail IS under investigation for stalking.
A New York newspaper published it and it got suppressed. Should be noted that the FBI were the ones out trying to stop it and discredited it as a “Russian job”, although now it’s acknowledged as not the case.

So literally the news was stamped out before it could gather momentum. As dumb as Fox (Faux) news are even they wouldn’t publish something the FBI are discrediting with no proof of their own, to do so could just backfire badly in an election period.

So you would find positive for demoracy that a non story afecting a person that is not a candidate (just related by blood) would influence the elections of US because porn morality affecting a candidate just because they are related by blood.

So you would find positive for demoracy that a non story afecting a person that is not a candidate (just related by blood) would influence the elections of US because porn morality affecting a candidate just because they are related by blood.

Rewrite when you’re not drunk. Or better still read the past few pages so you do not continue to make idiotic posts.
A New York newspaper published it and it got suppressed. Should be noted that the FBI were the ones out trying to stop it and discredited it as a “Russian job”, although now it’s acknowledged as not the case.

So literally the news was stamped out before it could gather momentum. As dumb as Fox (Faux) news are even they wouldn’t publish something the FBI are discrediting with no proof of their own, to do so could just backfire badly in an election period.
Do you have proof of this, or are you just going by the Twitter Files?

But so far, none of the released messages explicitly show the FBI telling Twitter to suppress the story. In fact, the opposite view emerges from sworn testimony by an FBI agent at the center of the controversy. And in interviews with CNN, half a dozen tech executives and senior staff, along with multiple federal officials familiar with the matter, all deny any such directive was given.

“We would never go to a company to say you need to squelch this story,” said one former FBI official who helped oversee the government’s cooperation with companies including Twitter, Google and Facebook.
Rewrite when you’re not drunk. Or better still read the past few pages so you do not continue to make idiotic posts.
Or maybe you could not be a dick and realize that English is not the first language of everyone on here.
So you would find positive for demoracy that a non story afecting a person that is not a candidate (just related by blood) would influence the elections of US because porn morality affecting a candidate just because they are related by blood.

Rewrite when you’re not drunk. Or better still read the past few pages so you do not continue to make idiotic posts.

You finding equivalence between these posts as both being "dickish" is such a perfect representation of your arguments in this thread that it must be performance art.
You finding equivalence between these posts as both being "dickish" is such a perfect representation of your arguments in this thread that it must be performance art.
I agree. I’m at least making a point, backing it up calling out all sides and saying ” bad things can’t be done even if it’s for the outcome we want” I’m actually respecting democracy, respecting freedom of press and respecting truth, not just when it suits me.
much better for the health of the nation that it's twitter and not the FBI though.
That’s true. But do we really think the FBI wouldn’t do it even if it’s just a suggestion? It’s only in the 80s that the CIA, at the very least, turned a blind eye to cocaine entering the USA simply because fighting the communist in Nicaragua was viewed as more important.
I agree. I’m at least making a point, backing it up calling out all sides and saying ” bad things can’t be done even if it’s for the outcome we want” I’m actually respecting democracy, respecting freedom of press and respecting truth, not just when it suits me.

No, you accused him of being drunk and called his posts idiotic. You didn't address the post, regardless of if you agreed, you attacked the poster. Only one of the two posts I quoted was dickish, and it wasn't @4bars
Rewrite when you’re not drunk. Or better still read the past few pages so you do not continue to make idiotic posts.

Ok mate have fun being nice

Or wishing that demoratic elections would be afected by some things that has nothing to do with politics or even with the person itself
No, you accused him of being drunk and called his posts idiotic. You didn't address the post, regardless of if you agreed, you attacked the poster. Only one of the two posts I quoted was dickish, and it wasn't @4bars
What is there to address? When my point has been clear. If you and the poster you’re defending have no objection with a social media company 1) suppressing news 2) doing it to try and sway an election then quite frankly that says more about you two.

When one day similar things are done to get a dangerous regime into power don’t complain because you supported those tactics. Also don’t complain, if you’re British, about some elements of the media being complicit in things like swaying the Brexit vote and leaving this country much worse off. If you support skullduggery, news working for an agenda etc when it’s for you then don’t complain when it’s against you.
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Tesla stock dropped another 11% today, people are starting to speculate that the price might now be in the territory of a margin call on the stocks he used as collateral for the Twitter buy.
What was there to address? If my point has been clear. If you and the poster you’re defending have no objection with a social media company 1) suppressing news 2) doing it to try and sway an election then quite frankly that says more about you two.

When one day similar things are done to get a dangerous regime into power don’t complain because you supported those tactics. Also don’t complain, if you’re British, about some elements of the media being complicit in things like swaying the Brexit vote and leaving this country much worse off. If you support skullduggery, news working for an agenda etc when it’s for you then don’t complain when it’s against you.
What news has exactly been surpressed? Someones penis?
twitter app is falling apart.
tweets "not sent" with no explanation. selecting text blacks it out. the same ad keeps coming at the top of the screen, no matter how many times it's refreshed.

and ia new hell: the replied to this are all paid blue checks, prioritised by the new free speech algo:

twitter app is falling apart.
tweets "not sent" with no explanation. selecting text blacks it out. the same ad keeps coming at the top of the screen, no matter how many times it's refreshed.

and ia new hell: the replied to this are all paid blue checks, prioritised by the new free speech algo:

The fact that legions of impressionable morons will find that tweet impressive and inspiring is deeply saddening.
twitter app is falling apart.
tweets "not sent" with no explanation. selecting text blacks it out. the same ad keeps coming at the top of the screen, no matter how many times it's refreshed.

and ia new hell: the replied to this are all paid blue checks, prioritised by the new free speech algo:

This Tate character must have an inverted dick he’s so insecure.