Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

So many butthurt people when it comes to Elon. He is one of the biggest enterpreneurs and the mainstream narrative changed from being the lefts darling once he didnt obey to their outlandish demands as proven in the Twitter files

He was never the left's darling. That's utter bullshit. Neither is George Soros or any other billionaire btw. You need to read up on what the left actually is as opposed to the strawman that seems to have materialised in the short form inanity of social and some US media..
And I am not even starting about giving a platform to alt-right. While I agree that Twitter (and the rest of big tech companies) was extremely left-wing and some balance was desperately needed, now it is going full 4chan (which is bad). He did not provide balance, he just went to the other end of the spectrum.

He was never the left's darling. That's utter bullshit. Neither is George Soros or any other billionaire btw. You need to read up on what the left actually is as opposed to the strawman that seems to have materialised in the short form inanity of social and some US media..
It depends what you mean by 'the left'. Those that typically vote left parties, liked Elon (and Soros). Those on the fringes of the left (the wannabe commies), not necessarily so.
Yeah, should have been clearer. On social spectrum, Silicon Valley is probably the most left-wing place in the world. It makes Caf look centrist in comparison.

On fiscal policies, of course not, it is as right-wing as it gets. Kind of paradoxical, but it it as it is.
I would consider myself "on the left" (I'm a weirdo who thinks women should have a choice about carrying a child or not) and Musk was never my hero.

It's been obvious since (at least) the Thai cave stuff that he's an absolute cnut.

As for Soros being a hero :lol: , he's the right wing Boogeyman not the hero of the left.
It depends what you mean by 'the left'. Those that typically vote left parties, liked Elon (and Soros). Those on the fringes of the left (the wannabe commies), not necessarily so.
The left don’t give Soros a second thought. He’s a right wing bogey man.

EDIT - Already been said
Having a billionaire as your darling whilst considering yourself a leftist is the American dream tbf.
Us leftists just can’t help ourselves. We love billionaires so much.
It depends what you mean by 'the left'. Those that typically vote left parties, liked Elon (and Soros). Those on the fringes of the left (the wannabe commies), not necessarily so.
I don’t know a single left leaning person who gives a single feck about Soros. He just happens to be an incredibly rich Jewish person and is therefore the embodiment of plenty of crazy antisemitic right wing conspiracy theories. But that doesn’t make him a hero of the left.
It depends what you mean by 'the left'. Those that typically vote left parties, liked Elon (and Soros). Those on the fringes of the left (the wannabe commies), not necessarily so.

They don't vote left parties. They flirt with liberal parties.
I don’t know a single left leaning person who gives a single feck about Soros. He just happens to be an incredibly rich Jewish person and is therefore the embodiment of plenty of crazy antisemitic right wing conspiracy theories. But that doesn’t make him a hero of the left.
Who has also been one of the biggest donors for Democrats in the US, and also for many center-left parties in Europe.
They don't vote left parties. They flirt with liberal parties.
Again, it depends what you mean by left. If that is the 10-15% of the people who vote for parties on the left end of the spectrum and who never win, and exclude everyone else, sure.
Aren’t you all splitting hairs about “the left” in America vs Europe? Which have always been very different.
I don’t think you can call people liking billionaires left in either region. Billionaires are the embodiment of everything left ideology stands against. And some idiots who believe people like Musk or Soros could be benevolent billionaires are just that, idiots. And on the spectrum reaching from left over the centre to right, they should be classified as idiots.
Again, it depends what you mean by left. If that is the 10-15% of the people who vote for parties on the left end of the spectrum and who never win, and exclude everyone else, sure.

No, it doesn't. Elon Musk has never voted or supported a party to the left of the Democrats and they are a socially centrists, fiscally centre right and warmongering fecks in terms of foreign policy. Not left. At all.
Aren’t you all splitting hairs about “the left” in America vs Europe? Which have always been very different.

Not really when it comes to billionaires like Musk, maybe with some millionaires like Bernie Sanders.

And i know American lefties and Marxists and they are the same as Irish Uk and Italians. They have been marginalised in the US to the point they don't exist in the discussion but how they are defined is just the same.
a lot of this debate is just conflating left/right with liberal/conservative too
I guess so. However, conservative usually means right in both fiscal and social terms, while a liberal person tends to be fiscally conservative (right) while socially left in Europe. While in the US it might also mean fiscally left.
No, it doesn't. Elon Musk has never voted or supported a party to the left of the Democrats and they are a socially centrists, fiscally centre right and warmongering fecks in terms of foreign policy. Not left. At all.
The Democrats are the left party in the US. You might not like it, but it is as it is.
Not really when it comes to billionaires like Musk, maybe with some millionaires like Bernie Sanders.

And i know American lefties and Marxists and they are the same as Irish Uk and Italians. They have been marginalised in the US to the point they don't exist in the discussion but how they are defined is just the same.
My millionaire good, your millionaire bad.

Btw, if by left you only mean Marxists, sure. But this argument has been dead for a long time now. Marxists lost the battle, good riddance to them.
The Democrats are the left party in the US. You might not like it, but it is as it is.

My millionaire good, your millionaire bad.

Btw, if by left you only mean Marxists, sure. But this argument has been dead for a long time now. Marxists lost the battle, good riddance to them.

Thatcher is to the left of Hitler. She's still a right wing hero.

The point is that the narrative that callthe Dems left is a construct to ignore everything to the left of them. And there is a lot to the left of them.

If you are unaware of the massive amount of thinking between the US Dems and Marxists then maybe how to define the left is a stretch for you.
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I’ve yet to see one sensible person explain why the Hunter Biden stuff is remotely interesting?

I mean, considering there was a relatively large anti-Clinton sentiment “on the left” which helped Trump win (at least in turnout) you’d think loads of leftists would be delighted to see arch ancient establishment corporate Dem Joe Biden shown to be as corrupt as the Right… but absolutely nobody but the dumbest RW grifters are still going on about this stuff, cos it’s literally nothing but a weird obsession to see an adult failsons dick on the Internet
Hitler used to be a leftist but politics just got dragged so far left that now he looks right wing.
I’ve yet to see one sensible person explain why the Hunter Biden stuff is remotely interesting?

I mean, considering there was a relatively large anti-Clinton sentiment “on the left” which helped Trump win (at least in turnout) you’d think loads of leftists would be delighted to see arch ancient establishment corporate Dem Joe Biden shown to be as corrupt as the Right… but absolutely nobody but the dumbest RW grifters are still going on about this stuff, cos it’s literally nothing but a weird obsession to see an adult failsons dick on the Internet
It's the exact same thing as with Hilary's emails. It's merely a ploy to be able to throw something at the political opposition, whenever the countless scandals of the GOP get mentioned. With Trump's scandals it was the emails, now it's Hunter's laptop. In truth the people spouting this nonsense are the ones least capable of explaining what it actually means. But it gives them this cozy opportunity to not question their own believes, as the story proves both sides to be equally corrupt.
I’ve yet to see one sensible person explain why the Hunter Biden stuff is remotely interesting?

I mean, considering there was a relatively large anti-Clinton sentiment “on the left” which helped Trump win (at least in turnout) you’d think loads of leftists would be delighted to see arch ancient establishment corporate Dem Joe Biden shown to be as corrupt as the Right… but absolutely nobody but the dumbest RW grifters are still going on about this stuff, cos it’s literally nothing but a weird obsession to see an adult failsons dick on the Internet

Because it’s not.
I’ve yet to see one sensible person explain why the Hunter Biden stuff is remotely interesting?

I mean, considering there was a relatively large anti-Clinton sentiment “on the left” which helped Trump win (at least in turnout) you’d think loads of leftists would be delighted to see arch ancient establishment corporate Dem Joe Biden shown to be as corrupt as the Right… but absolutely nobody but the dumbest RW grifters are still going on about this stuff, cos it’s literally nothing but a weird obsession to see an adult failsons dick on the Internet

I met someone a while back in Ireland who told me Joe Biden was a paedo. She knew very little 'else' about US politics.
I’ve yet to see one sensible person explain why the Hunter Biden stuff is remotely interesting?

I mean, considering there was a relatively large anti-Clinton sentiment “on the left” which helped Trump win (at least in turnout) you’d think loads of leftists would be delighted to see arch ancient establishment corporate Dem Joe Biden shown to be as corrupt as the Right… but absolutely nobody but the dumbest RW grifters are still going on about this stuff, cos it’s literally nothing but a weird obsession to see an adult failsons dick on the Internet

It is actually quite interesting. Not the contents of the hard-drive, which seem to be fairly banal, but the way that the big social media companies managed to squash the story. With possible collusion from the FBI.

I never gave it much thought until this episode of the excellent Coming Storm podcast. You should give it a listen. Every episode is worth a listen but this one in particular if you wonder why people keep wanging on about HB’s laptop. I found it a real eye opener.
It is actually quite interesting. Not the contents of the hard-drive, which seem to be fairly banal, but the way that the big social media companies managed to squash the story. With possible collusion from the FBI.

I never gave it much thought until this episode of the excellent Coming Storm podcast. You should give it a listen. Every episode is worth a listen but this one in particular if you wonder why people keep wanging on about HB’s laptop. I found it a real eye opener.

If the contents are banal… what are they “squashing”? exactly?
Thatcher is to the left of Hitler. She's still a right wing hero.

The point is that the narrative that callthe Dems left is a construct to ignore everything to the left of them. And there is a lot to the left of them.

If you are unaware of the massive amount of thinking between the US Dems and Marxists then maybe how to define the left is a stretch for you.
But not many people there. Now, if those people say that they are the only leftists, and everyone to the right of them is not leftist, I mean free speech and all that, but do not expect others to agree with that description.

Someone like Sanders in the US and Hollande in France are very much to the right of Marx and Engels (by a large margin), but that does not make them right-wing.
Marxists lost the battle, good riddance to them.

Thinking and political theory is not a battle in the sense there can be an outright winner or loser. Context changes so much that you need to revisit lots of older ideas. Marxism is basically a lens to discuss things, and thank god it exists or we would sleepwalk into fascism under the illusion that Elon Musk is a lefty.
If the contents are banal… what are they “squashing”? exactly?

The big risk to Biden’s presidential bid seemed to be a conflict of interest with some of his son’s business dealings. There were some potentially incriminating emails on there. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but damaging enough, considering the timing.

This is explained far better than I can on the podcast. It’s an excellent piece of investigative journalism. From the “MSM”. Go figure.
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But not many people there. Now, if those people say that they are the only leftists, and everyone to the right of them is not leftist, I mean free speech and all that, but do not expect others to agree with that description.

That's the point, there are. And they vote to the right of where they are.

Someone like Sanders in the US and Hollande in France are very much to the right of Marx and Engels (by a large margin), but that does not make them right-wing.

I know, I never said they were, Sanders is described as a radical lefty though. Nobody is saying he's right wing. I'm saying there is an argument for him being left wing despite his millions and investments and property portfolio whereas there isn't with Musk.
Thinking and political theory is not a battle in the sense there can be an outright winner or loser. Context changes so much that you need to revisit lots of older ideas. Marxism is basically a lens to discuss things, and thank god it exists or we would sleepwalk into fascism under the illusion that Elon Musk is a lefty.
Marxism and capitalism have been the two dominating fiscal (and in case of Marxism also social) systems in the world. One of them practically does not exist anymore (at least the economical part of it), so of course it is a loser.

I do not think there have been any good ideas in Marxism that need revisiting, but that's a matter of opinions.
Marxism and capitalism have been the two dominating fiscal (and in case of Marxism also social) systems in the world. One of them practically does not exist anymore (at least the economical part of it), so of course it is a loser.

In that narrow and simplistic framing I can't argue.

I do not think there have been any good ideas in Marxism that need revisiting, but that's a matter of opinions.

His best work, and a massive tome, was a critique of Capitalism, and I literally don't believe anyone can read it and discount it all.

His Communist Manifesto was a pamphlet explaining pre existing ideas in comparison.

But we are derailing the thread.
It's a bit peculiar how some people are so adamant to ascribe Musk's falling popularity among liberals to how he runs Twitter, rather than: downplaying covid, supporting Republicans, anti-vaxx stuff, pushing conspiracy theories against the Democrats and palling around with far right people and reactionaries. These are all things that libs tend to dislike. Also, at least online his support has been dwindling (slowly) since the cave incident, and the fawning over him that was so widespread is several years out of date.