Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

News just in, 'socially awkward rich dork maths genius is not comic genius!'

I fecking hate these tech feckers and the time we give them because at this particular juncture in the human story the one thing they were good at was valued so highly. just because wealth has become the universal meritocray we elevate these feckers in a hugel;y disproportinate way. One is comes down to anything other than maths or millions Musk is an obvious non entity.

My 15 year old came home from English with a speech from Steve Jobs to analyse. feck off. He's not a writer or orator, and the speech was unsurprisingly bland as feck. Not only that but they give rise to ideology of the power of the individual in the Capitalist myth. cnuts.

Jobs is one of the worst tbh, the veneration he gets is ridiculous secondly only to how annoyed people get when you raise this point.
Jobs is one of the worst tbh, the veneration he gets is ridiculous secondly only to how annoyed people get when you raise this point.

Yep, the fact a speech he made is on the syllabus is insane. Proud the 15 year old brought it to me to see if she was missing why it was good. She wasn't. It was crap.
Yep, the fact a speech he made is on the syllabus is insane. Proud the 15 year old brought it to me to see if she was missing why it was good. She wasn't. It was crap.
Again, these people are held above us, as if this is some sort of sci-fi/marvel movie, who will create our salvation and mould our futures, but they're just generic capitalists using branding/PR to convince us of their nobility. feck them
Again, these people are held above us, as if this is some sort of sci-fi/marvel movie, who will create our salvation and mould our futures, but they're just generic capitalists using branding/PR to convince us of their nobility. feck them

You can't blame them for tryijng. The onus is on the rest of us to laugh at them, not look up to them. We are that shallow as a society, like I said earlier, money is the only barometer of worth. It's a literal dystopia..
I think we're all being a bit hard on him, if I'm honest. Come on. The guy invented money and space with nothing but an empty wallet and 24 hours each day. He even built a planet called M'arse and plans to launch his giant rocket into said arse. Now he's invented Twitter you're all acting like there wouldn't be teething problems :rolleyes:
News just in, 'socially awkward rich dork maths genius is not comic genius!'

I fecking hate these tech feckers and the time we give them because at this particular juncture in the human story the one thing they were good at was valued so highly. just because wealth has become the universal meritocray we elevate these feckers in a hugel;y disproportinate way. One is comes down to anything other than maths or millions Musk is an obvious non entity.

My 15 year old came home from English with a speech from Steve Jobs to analyse. feck off. He's not a writer or orator, and the speech was unsurprisingly bland as feck. Not only that but they give rise to ideology of the power of the individual in the Capitalist myth. cnuts.

There is a big feud going on in the traditional-art space right now between artists and the AI bros who have come in with their big dirty jackbooted scraping tools and kicked their feet up on the couch. It is their sociopathic, market-rule, carpetbagging greed that will eventually kill everything, that is obvious, however that's not even the most dispiriting thing about the process. The really grim thing is the way that they and their followers celebrate their own nihilistic artlessness, their inability to understand or appreciate creativity or beauty or vision. They appear to possess as much guile, personality and imagination as the chatbot they programmed last night. Computer code, domination and money is the only thing they seem to understand. Wit, humour, emotions and the burning human spirit can all be sacrificed to the gods of algorithms and data.

It's tough too because I want to be sensitive to neurodiversity and not paint every socially awkward recluse as a demonic spawn code-bro, bent on strip-mining everything of value and beauty for their digital utopia but I think there is something to be said about the digital revolution prioritising certain personality types who have found tech a hugely exploitable niche, allowing them to create a pandemonium in which we all now live, that is controlled by emotionally insensitive overseers prone to sociopathic behaviours. We're all in line for the digital gallows but now the level of humour offers no respite.
I think we're all being a bit hard on him, if I'm honest. Come on. The guy invented money, which was basically impossible, and space with nothing but an empty wallet, which was basically impossible, and 24 hours each day, which was basically impossible . He even built a planet called M'arse and plans to launch his giant rocket into said arse, which is basically impossible . Now he's invented Twitter, which was basically impossible, you're all acting like there wouldn't be teething problems :rolleyes:
Mate if you're going to quote Jordan Peterson then you should at least do it properly. I've fixed it for you.
There are plenty of socially awkward maths dorks capable of being occasionally funny. It’s just interesting that he tries so hard to be funny yet fails every single time. It would actually be quite difficult to create that many unfunny “jokes” if it was set as some sort of task.

But yeah, the cult of personality around rich nerds who completely lack any hint of personality is weird. And schoolkids being asked to read speeches from Steve Jobs is depressing.

he is so weird, he's as obsessed and fawning about himself as any one of his fans!

Just say it to my face mate.
Jaysus. You know things have got bad when an auld commie like moses starts to hate old money less than new money.
I think we're all being a bit hard on him, if I'm honest. Come on. The guy invented money and space with nothing but an empty wallet and 24 hours each day. He even built a planet called M'arse and plans to launch his giant rocket into said arse. Now he's invented Twitter you're all acting like there wouldn't be teething problems :rolleyes:


he is so weird, he's as obsessed and fawning about himself as any one of his fans!

I know at this point it’s pretty pointless to point out the weirdness, but this is really fecking weird
I think we're all being a bit hard on him, if I'm honest. Come on. The guy invented money and space with nothing but an empty wallet and 24 hours each day. He even built a planet called M'arse and plans to launch his giant rocket into said arse. Now he's invented Twitter you're all acting like there wouldn't be teething problems :rolleyes:

How many drafts do you bin before you post?
He just sold more Tesla stock. 3.5 Billion. Wonder what's he's after buying now.
He just sold more Tesla stock. 3.5 Billion. Wonder what's he's after buying now.

he knows it's going down further

also probably needs a bit of cash to help Twitter stay afloat
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Twitter suspended the account of Taylor Lorenz on Saturday night after the Washington Post reporter asked CEO Elon Musk if he wanted to comment on a potential story.

In her tweet addressed to Musk, Lorenz stated she and fellow Post reporter Drew Harwell emailed him for comment. Apparently they received no response, hence the tweet addressed to him.

On Saturday night, Lorenz sent tweeted at Musk, noting she and Harwell emailed him for comment, presumably about a potential story they’re working on:

Hi Elon, @drewhartwell and I sent you a couple emails about this. We’ve learned some information that we’d like to share and discuss with you. We’re taking this very seriously and want to ensure this is pursued in the right way. Thanks.

Shortly after Lorenz sent the tweet, Twitter suspended her account, even though she did not appear to violate Twitter’s terms of service by asking its CEO if he wanted to exercise his free speech in this context.


So now it's just petty-banning.
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I still cannot understand why so many hate him on here. There are many more rich people, celebrities with very questionable characters around. Why Elon Musk?
I still cannot understand why so many hate him on here. There are many more rich people, celebrities with very questionable characters around. Why Elon Musk?
Do you perhaps happen to see the shite he pumps out on a daily basis on Twitter or are you basing this opinion solely on his business ventures?

Many people dislike him everywhere, not just here.
I still cannot understand why so many hate him on here. There are many more rich people, celebrities with very questionable characters around. Why Elon Musk?
Are you incapable of disliking multiple people at the same time?