Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

He is so so childish. That people can idolize him really speaks volumes of them.

I was about to come in here, steaming and puffing, insulting Musk, talking about how he wouldn't exactly be the first person to get older and decide that things are getting too progressive for him etc.

But to play devil's advocate for a second, have the conservatives (talking in American terms) actually changed their outlook on what they would consider to be their major issues in the past 50 years let's say?

If we're to take abortion, gun rights, importance of marriage and the traditional family unit, LGBTQ rights, foreign policy, racial justice, policing, drugs, immigration, healthcare, the church.....

Have Conservatives shifted their compass on those issues? Are they more 'right wing' or 'conservative' on those issues now than they were in 1972?
I was about to come in here, steaming and puffing, insulting Musk, talking about how he wouldn't exactly be the first person to get older and decide that things are getting too progressive for him etc.

But to play devil's advocate for a second, have the conservatives (talking in American terms) actually changed their outlook on what they would consider to be their major issues in the past 50 years let's say?

If we're to take abortion, gun rights, importance of marriage and the traditional family unit, LGBTQ rights, foreign policy, racial justice, policing, drugs, immigration, healthcare, the church.....

Have Conservatives shifted their compass on those issues? Are they more 'right wing' or 'conservative' on those issues now than they were in 1972?
Which makes the initial ‘right’ much further away from the center than he has painted, meaning that Right was always coming from the very extreme end to begin with, while left was much closer to the center in the USA I believe.
Which makes the initial ‘right’ much further away from the center than he has painted, meaning that Right was always coming from the very extreme end to begin with, while left was much closer to the center in the USA I believe.

I don't disagree with that (and like I said, I was playing devil's advocate) but I guess its also important to realise that 50 years ago, the 'centre' on issues like LGBTQ rights, racial equality, healthcare etc was also not where it is now.

Its obviously great that its changed and for the better too. Just saying on my own reflection, its perhaps not the strangest thing to say conservatives have stayed roughly where they used to be. That is after all, one of the things about being conservative....you're not as keen on change.

The stupid little swipe about woke progressive from him is just him being a twat as always.
I was about to come in here, steaming and puffing, insulting Musk, talking about how he wouldn't exactly be the first person to get older and decide that things are getting too progressive for him etc.

But to play devil's advocate for a second, have the conservatives (talking in American terms) actually changed their outlook on what they would consider to be their major issues in the past 50 years let's say?

If we're to take abortion, gun rights, importance of marriage and the traditional family unit, LGBTQ rights, foreign policy, racial justice, policing, drugs, immigration, healthcare, the church.....

Have Conservatives shifted their compass on those issues? Are they more 'right wing' or 'conservative' on those issues now than they were in 1972?

As people have shared in this thread, this is a topic of academic research apparently and the research that was shared showed the right has moved further extreme than the left.
As people have shared in this thread, this is a topic of academic research apparently and the research that was shared showed the right has moved further extreme than the left.

Which posts are they?

As I said, I'm not talking about his stupid representation of 'woke progressives', which is clearly him being a twatty 'edgelord' as always.

It would probably make more sense though to actually engage with what I said and think about how societal views as a whole, and views of the 'conservatives' and 'liberals' have changed in the past 50 or 100 years.

As I said, on the views articulated above, I would say liberal views have (rightly) shifted on many of them, the centre has shifted to the more liberal side and the conservatives have, often, stood still.

I don't think conservatives today are more extreme when it comes to abortion, gay marriage or racial equality for instance than their equivalents in 1972.
Which posts are they?

As I said, I'm not talking about his stupid representation of 'woke progressives', which is clearly him being a twatty 'edgelord' as always.

It would probably make more sense though to actually engage with what I said and think about how societal views as a whole, and views of the 'conservatives' and 'liberals' have changed in the past 50 or 100 years.

As I said, on the views articulated above, I would say liberal views have (rightly) shifted on many of them, the centre has shifted to the more liberal side and the conservatives have, often, stood still.

I don't think conservatives today are more extreme when it comes to abortion, gay marriage or racial equality for instance than their equivalents in 1972.

But the post Musk made to start this debate never mentioned 1972, it mentioned 2008. 1972 to 2008 saw slow movement from the right to a more liberal position than it started, then it’s jagged right back again (no doubt as a direct result of Facebook propaganda and the like with echo chambers and such). What were more fringe views in 2008 are now routine enough for us to see all kinds of wild happenings like the capitol storming.
I was about to come in here, steaming and puffing, insulting Musk, talking about how he wouldn't exactly be the first person to get older and decide that things are getting too progressive for him etc.

But to play devil's advocate for a second, have the conservatives (talking in American terms) actually changed their outlook on what they would consider to be their major issues in the past 50 years let's say?

If we're to take abortion, gun rights, importance of marriage and the traditional family unit, LGBTQ rights, foreign policy, racial justice, policing, drugs, immigration, healthcare, the church.....

Have Conservatives shifted their compass on those issues? Are they more 'right wing' or 'conservative' on those issues now than they were in 1972?

You could make a case for the this, but they have definitely become more *extreme*. Just look at some of the more prominent/prolific Republicans of today: MTG, Cruz, Boebert etc. Not that long ago they would have been on the fringes of the party.

Edit: I guess you could say there was a watershed when McCain made someone like Palin his running mate?
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He's gone off the deep end embracing all sorts of conspiracy theories and right wing talking points under the veneer of being a truthseeker being objective unlike the mainstream media. Yet all his complaints about the mainstream media can easily be applied to him. Because he always happens to take the side that gives every inch of charity to the right (mainly Trump supporters in America) over things they do as if they are unfairly persecuted while never extending any benefit of the doubt the other way or at least some scrutiny to the accusations.

For example there is now plenty of evidence that shows the Trump supporters who rioted to halt election results being confirmed were by and large people who were actually quite rich (or at least well off enough than the average person), had professional careers and respectable employment. Yet Brand continues down the narrative they were all poor downtrodden little guys who were sick of being stood on by the elite. It does not match the facts. Another fact being lower income voters by a majority did not vote for Trump either time.

All the while he will use opinion pieces to try and claim as fact that Trump's political opponents and the deep state conspired to spy on him in 2016. Opinion pieces which if you go to the article source actually states they are the views of the author, but in his videos he crops out the disclaimers and only shows sections of text he wants you to see. He does the same thing with anti-vax content. Scientific studies conducted with large sample size and recorded data that show the vaccine efficacy is good get ignored by him but he has no issue jumping on the back of anecdotal claims that the vaccine is not safe.

Then there is his idea that a set of economic conditions led to the rise of far right politics. Which has certain validity to it. And yet he seems utterly positive about the far right politics continuing these economic policies along with the rampant racism that goes with them. For example Trump gave tax cuts to the wealthy that was the highest giveaway to the top 1% in decades. Yet Brand talks about him like he was a good thing for taking on status quo policies. It makes no sense. He hates politicians who give tax cuts to corporations unless it is Trump who he turns the other way.

Look at this clickbait crap. I guarantee if BBC News or CNN did the same thing with their titles and got caught he would be the first one to do a video about it but when he does it is perfectly fine.

This is gutting. Always had a soft spot for Russell.
Which posts are they?

As I said, I'm not talking about his stupid representation of 'woke progressives', which is clearly him being a twatty 'edgelord' as always.

It would probably make more sense though to actually engage with what I said and think about how societal views as a whole, and views of the 'conservatives' and 'liberals' have changed in the past 50 or 100 years.

As I said, on the views articulated above, I would say liberal views have (rightly) shifted on many of them, the centre has shifted to the more liberal side and the conservatives have, often, stood still.

I don't think conservatives today are more extreme when it comes to abortion, gay marriage or racial equality for instance than their equivalents in 1972.

Pew Research Center has done work on this, finding that in the last 50 years Democrats in congress have become a little more liberal, while Republicans have become a lot more conservative.

Pew Research Center has done work on this, finding that in the last 50 years Democrats in congress have become a little more liberal, while Republicans have become a lot more conservative.


This was evident once the culture wars started in the 90s. First through the "religious right", then via talk radio and the likes of O'Reilly writing books about culture warriors, followed by the Tea Party and into full on MAGA/Trumpism. The other side have also drifted left, although its not reflected by actual politicians in Congress.
He's gone off the deep end embracing all sorts of conspiracy theories and right wing talking points under the veneer of being a truthseeker being objective unlike the mainstream media. Yet all his complaints about the mainstream media can easily be applied to him. Because he always happens to take the side that gives every inch of charity to the right (mainly Trump supporters in America) over things they do as if they are unfairly persecuted while never extending any benefit of the doubt the other way or at least some scrutiny to the accusations.

For example there is now plenty of evidence that shows the Trump supporters who rioted to halt election results being confirmed were by and large people who were actually quite rich (or at least well off enough than the average person), had professional careers and respectable employment. Yet Brand continues down the narrative they were all poor downtrodden little guys who were sick of being stood on by the elite. It does not match the facts. Another fact being lower income voters by a majority did not vote for Trump either time.

All the while he will use opinion pieces to try and claim as fact that Trump's political opponents and the deep state conspired to spy on him in 2016. Opinion pieces which if you go to the article source actually states they are the views of the author, but in his videos he crops out the disclaimers and only shows sections of text he wants you to see. He does the same thing with anti-vax content. Scientific studies conducted with large sample size and recorded data that show the vaccine efficacy is good get ignored by him but he has no issue jumping on the back of anecdotal claims that the vaccine is not safe.

Then there is his idea that a set of economic conditions led to the rise of far right politics. Which has certain validity to it. And yet he seems utterly positive about the far right politics continuing these economic policies along with the rampant racism that goes with them. For example Trump gave tax cuts to the wealthy that was the highest giveaway to the top 1% in decades. Yet Brand talks about him like he was a good thing for taking on status quo policies. It makes no sense. He hates politicians who give tax cuts to corporations unless it is Trump who he turns the other way.

Look at this clickbait crap. I guarantee if BBC News or CNN did the same thing with their titles and got caught he would be the first one to do a video about it but when he does it is perfectly fine.


Think it's worth mentioning that since this post one of the biggest news in US politics that came out was the supreme court memo on banning abortion. Obviously it is not a final ruling but the closest sign that it is going to happen. And yet Russell Brand hasn't said a word about it in almost one month's worth of daily videos since that story broke. There is the ultimate proof of what this cretin is doing. His entire shtick is to be appeal to people as some kind of enlightened figure who is above the partisanship, the two-party rate race, that he is non-biased and just putting information out for you to make your own minds rather than censorship. If he actually truly did that then he is he acting like that abortion story pushed by right-wing conservatives does not exist. If you look at his video log it doesn't exist.

Plenty of other pro-Trump and anti-Biden/Obama/Hillary Clinton/Fauci videos since that story broke. Anti-vax videos continue. Nothing on abortion. He never explicitly says he supports Trump but every inch of charitability is given to him while the worst is always assumed the other way. It's Trump's judicial appointments who are making this abortion ban a possibility. If Brand really was this non-partisan truth-teller why doesn't he tell his largely right-wing American audience that here in Britain under a right-wing government for the majority of his lifetime abortion has been legal still which shows how far out of it the American equivalents are. Why doesn't he just acknowledge it's happening? Sweeping a news story under the carpet is exactly what he accuses everyone else of. The man is a fraud.
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I’m glad that cnut shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near owning a social platform as powerful as Twitter with his views
Did anyone really think he was going to go through with this? This was all a PR play to push whatever BS narrative that Musk was wanting to push.

He has the money to make these moves, spend millions of ‘due diligence’ etc but never have the intention of following through.
Did anyone really think he was going to go through with this? This was all a PR play to push whatever BS narrative that Musk was wanting to push.

He has the money to make these moves, spend millions of ‘due diligence’ etc but never have the intention of following through.
Honestly? I think he just changed his mind.

Mainly because i cant comprehend what possible reason he had to pretend to br buying twitter
Did anyone really think he was going to go through with this? This was all a PR play to push whatever BS narrative that Musk was wanting to push.

He has the money to make these moves, spend millions of ‘due diligence’ etc but never have the intention of following through.

With a pre-agreed $1 billion fine for being the one that ducked out of the deal though. That's a fair chunk of cash even for him, although it will go to court.
Conservatives in meltdown? They were all loving the idea that Musk was gonna bring "free speech" to Twitter.
His net worth has dropped something like $65 billion since the announcement due to Tesla stock falling off. As soon as he started whining about bot accounts, you could tell it was over.
With a pre-agreed $1 billion fine for being the one that ducked out of the deal though. That's a fair chunk of cash even for him, although it will go to court.

He’s worth over $200bn, 0.5% of that is expendable for the publicity it gave him. Probably paid for itself with market changes for other issues.
He’s worth over $200bn, 0.5% of that is expendable for the publicity it gave him. Probably paid for itself with market changes for other issues.

Yeah, I agree, I mentioned it because you said millions. If he has to pay the fine, that's some Tesla stock sold as he hasn't got a billion in cash (unless he's stupid)