Film Dune

Dune part 2 is a odd one for me. Though I enjoyed it immensely in theatre I've had no real desire to rewatch it.
If given the choice I would probably more likely watch the first part.

I only own electronic copies of 4 films on online platforms and Dune parts 1 and 2 account for half. Rewatched them after seeing them at the cinema.

(The others being Paris, Texas and Amadeus)

Part one is very good if you give it your attention and are patient, part two is more accessible

Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor's scores are usually on point and give a true identity and vibe to the films they're scoring. That was absolutely the case with Challengers, which I thought was a great little film (not year defining or anything, just a solid all-around good film). I'd say their work on Challengers was more inventive than what Zimmer did with Dune 2, which is in big parts re-hashed from Dune 1 (in fact, the score for Dune 2 isn't even eligible for the Academy Awards because it exceeds the Academy's rules on pre-existing music).

Their work on the recent Watchmen TV show was also awesome.

I like Zimmer's work on Dune for sure and it wouldn't have been scandalous for him to win it, but Challengers' score is genuinely great and is a worthy winner. It's definitely not "bullshit" like you originally stated.

I'm excited to see Guadagnino's Queer is also scored by Ross and Reznor, hopefully I can go see that tomorrow; after Bones and All and Challengers, seems they have a nice little collab going on with Guadagnino.
I meant bullshit that Zimmer didn't win it not that Challengers score was shit. I love Dune soundtrack so I'm very biased and didn't realize how great Atticus Ross and Trent Razor were on Challengers. I also didn't realize they did the score for Watchmen because that was awesome too. Thanks for the info.