
golden_blunder said:
I have to question why Chelsea let him take freekicks?

he could have 3 nets up there and still put it high and wide

I don't know. Why does United let Ronaldo take freekicks?

Why does Liverpool let Gerrard (and previously, Owen) take penalties?
amolbhatia100 said:
you can keep defending him but the guy is utter shite.. not surprised your the only one who cant see it. I mean what can he do.. he doesnt score goals, he does even test the keeper, pretty useless with the ball at feet, doesnt contribute to the buildup.. what a fecking waste of space. Just face it and get ready for him to be replaced. I do think hel get better but i dont understand why the 24 million and all the hype.

He's not the best footballer in the world, but he's far from being utter shite.

In case you forgot, who provided the assist to put the ball in your net in the first game of the season? :D
Stamford, Drogba is rubbish. This is not opinion, this is fact, in time you will come to learn that I am right. You can either accept it now, or remain in denial being mocked by everyone until Mourinho replaces him, by which time you will finally admit that he was, in reality, quite rubbish.
There can't be many teams who wouldn't want Henry. I'm suprised that Chel$ki haven't tried to sign him.
He looked class last ear with OM.

He is such a nasty piece of work that his contributions to the team are overlooked.

He is better than Kezman, that's for sure. Probably not as good as Gudjohnsen, who mourinho is playing in a withdrawn role lately.
Dubai_Devil said:
Stamford, Drogba is rubbish. This is not opinion, this is fact, in time you will come to learn that I am right. You can either accept it now, or remain in denial being mocked by everyone until Mourinho replaces him, by which time you will finally admit that he was, in reality, quite rubbish.

Even if he's replaced by Adriano thats no indication of him being "rubbish".

I dare say Ferguson would replace van Nistlerooij with Adriano if he had the chance.

The only way I'd call him crap is if we went out and bought Saha to replace him. ;)
Stamford Bridge said:
Even if he's replaced by Adriano thats no indication of him being "rubbish".

I dare say Ferguson would replace van Nistlerooij with Adriano if he had the chance.

The only way I'd call him crap is if we went out and bought Saha to replace him. ;)

So you have chosen the denial route, I had a feeling you would. Dont worry, in a couple of years you will think back to this and realise that you were horribly wrong.
sutty said:

14 goals this season. 5 or 6 in the CL I think
In a team that is finding goals rather easy to come by, that's quite poor.
drogba is a decent player, but not a good finisher. he good in the air, and that his main quality, i think.
i think jose morihno will give him 1 more season to show.
Justin said:
In a team that is finding goals rather easy to come by, that's quite poor.

What are you on about you bellend?

New to the country, new league, new culture, language etc....and 14 goals from midfield - and that's 'quite poor' ? :wenger:

You really know your football, dont you? :rolleyes:
Wibble said:
There can't be many teams who wouldn't want Henry. I'm suprised that Chel$ki haven't tried to sign him.

They did try and sign him but they were told to piss off, they tried it with Pires and supposedly Vieira as well. Ranieri said he told Roman to get him but he couldn't get it done.

"I said to my chairman, 'please buy him because he is one of the best' but it did not happen for some reason.

"I said to my chairman: 'He is the Muhammed Ali of the football pitch because he has such elegance, such speed. He does everything with such style and grace.'"

Maybe Roman thought feck that CL bottler we can sign the cokehead Mutu instead ;) Mourinho has also spoken very highly of Henry but they know they aren't gonna get us to sell unless they make some crazy offer which I doubt they will.
DJS said:
What are you on about you bellend?

New to the country, new league, new culture, language etc....and 14 goals from midfield - and that's 'quite poor' ? :wenger:

You really know your football, dont you? :rolleyes:
He plays as a forward.
DJS said:
What are you on about you bellend?

New to the country, new league, new culture, language etc....and 14 goals from midfield - and that's 'quite poor' ? :wenger:

You really know your football, dont you? :rolleyes:

What is it with the scousers on here (well most of the them). Do you have to call names in every post when u diagree with something.

Bit childish
sutty said:
I see him every week and he doesnt.

Hope this helps
Not really, maybe you can explain why he spends so much time in the final third of the pitch then. Maybe he's lost? :D
Justin said:
Not really, maybe you can explain why he spends so much time in the final third of the pitch then. Maybe he's lost? :D

He can stay lost if he keeps banging them in

He's been boss the last couple of months.

He's record is ever better when you consider he's missed a few games through injury.

The thumb sucking celebration can go though
Looking Busy said:
What is it with the scousers on here (well most of the them). Do you have to call names in every post when u diagree with something.

Bit childish

Bit like some of the mancs here as well....
this is an actual quote from a mate of mine who is a chelsea fan

"well i agree that drogba is bad but give him at least a season, i severly doubt chelsea will sell him at the end of the season because it wud of been a waste of 24 million"

"if we buy adriano, then at least we would have got it right 3rd time around, crespo is beyonds bollocks, if we would retire it would be better for international football"

there u have it
Kebab the Gunnah is right.

Pool will nick it. How many English sides have LOST the final? Once there, the momentum of the superior English travelling support to the Final just takes over. Skausers will outnumber the Italians in the stadium 3:1 and the support will carry them through.

PLus it's on the fecking cards.
Personally, I hope Chelsea does stick with Drogba and doesn't bring in a top class striker next season. Besides the obvious flaw of not having sufficient back up for Robben/Duff which is what I think killed them over the 2 legs, I also think if they had a world class striker, they could easily have been on their way to Istanbul. Couldnt' believe how shockingly poor Drogba was on Tuesday night.
Murt said:
Has Mourinho actually made any good signings?
Tiago is a nobody, Carvallho and Ferriera are nothing special. What did they cost?

Who else has he signed?

I'd say that Carvalho is a good defender. He has plenty of pace and usually tackles well. But only usually. He is often a very dirty player... Can't forget his part for taking Chelsea past Barcelona - fouling Barca's keeper on Terry's qualifying goal...