Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

One does not simply walk into Mar-a-Lago.
This reminds me of when Google had a sense of humor (this was completely true, I remember doing the search myself)
This reminds me of when Google had a sense of humor (this was completely true, I remember doing the search myself)
Good times. When you asked to go to the US by foot, there was one step in the journey called "Kayak the Atlantic ocean"
Not Trump fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a president for treason and spying or espionage of the highest order

You dont just indict them for mishandling a document. No matter how by the book the charges are this reeks foul play to either gain fame by the prosecution or a more sinister play to tackle Trump from running in 2024.

And if God forbid he's send to jail there's gonna be riot. His rabid supporter will think that's a straight coup and as much as i loathe them you cant actually blame them for thinking that way.

Again. Not Trump supporter but you just dont do this to a running presidential candidate without serious beyond reasonable doubt charges. Mishandling a top secret document in his own office? Negligent stupidity at best
He knew what he was doing and there is proof. There is no way out of this. He is an idiot and a traitor.
Is he accused of actually having nefarious motives when taking those papers? i.e. profiting from them in some way? Or is it simply a case that he shouldn’t have taken them, and his motive is irrelevant?

Sorry, I’ve not read the indictment due to general laziness.
Is he accused of actually having nefarious motives when taking those papers? i.e. profiting from them in some way? Or is it simply a case that he shouldn’t have taken them, and his motive is irrelevant?

Sorry, I’ve not read the indictment due to general laziness.
Just like with Nixon, it’s not the act for which he is being indicted, it’s the cover up.

If he would have given the papers back when first asked, this all would never have happened.
I’ve survived this long without it, I will continue to abstain. My father didn’t raise no quitter.
That's 6 good films you're missing out on, mind you there's loads of "top films' I've never watched, Star Wars being one of them
That's 6 good films you're missing out on, mind you there's loads of "top films' I've never watched, Star Wars being one of them
#s 4, 5, 6 (the first three released) are stellar.

The rest are unimaginably shit (granted, I only saw one of them almost walked out halfway through it).
Wait, I'm so confused. So have you watched them?
The first three that were released I watched in full in the theater.

The fourth released I wanted to leave the theater, but I ended up taking a nap because the other people I was with were absorbed by it & would not leave.