Red in STL
Turnover not takeover

CNN interviewed some of his supporters. It's scary how finished America. The country has crossed the rubicon.
You begin to understand why some states control information. How does one govern when half the country are lunatics?
Agree! It's terrible.CNN interviewed some of his supporters. It's scary how finished America. The country has crossed the rubicon.
You begin to understand why some states control information. How does one govern when half the country are lunatics?
Luckily, those worthless citizens only represent 30-35% of the populace.CNN interviewed some of his supporters. It's scary how finished America. The country has crossed the rubicon.
You begin to understand why some states control information. How does one govern when half the country are lunatics?
They are always a whisker away from controlling both houses and the executive. America's constitution guarantees that. If we were talking about a normal one-man one-vote scenario, no one would care.Luckily, those worthless citizens only represent 30-35% of the populace.
It doesn't make their mindsets any less dangerous, however.
Y'all Qaeda
Meal Team SixVanilla ISIS
Vanilla ISIS
I don't think so, no.So Trump basically wants his supporters to do another 6th of January in Florida on Tuesday. What is De Santis going to do? Are him and Trump buddies? Are they opponents?
Not that it matters one bit. Ron will do whatever please the most of the fascist MAGA base.I don't think so, no.
It's hilarious that any of his sycophants even entertain the notion that they mean anything at all to Trump. He would have them all thrown into the sea in exchange for a 1 minute round of applause from his fans.
Though I suspect they do know since most of them are opportunists rather than true believers anyway.
The dumb rural voters are the only people who actually believe the rubbish they have unloaded on em.
Meal Team Six
That's nearly 100 million peopleLuckily, those worthless citizens only represent 30-35% of the populace.
It doesn't make their mindsets any less dangerous, however.
I go to Fox News comments for the same thing, deluded and brainwashed they areI go on to the Newsmax comments section on YouTube every now and again for a bit of a giggle, yet the comments never cease to amaze me. The level of delusion and denial is truly profound.
I'm not entirely sure what I am hoping for. I suppose a part of me lives in the hope that the extreme right have a wake up call and embrace some semblance of empathic reality. It's really not happening though. This crap is born and bred into them. It's a life of total indoctrination. In former years, these people's parents and grand parents were KKK. The day that sealed it for me was January 6th. The reaction, or lack there of from the hard right blew my mind. I honestly thought many would see it as a step too far, but quite the opposite happened. It served as a cess pit for denial, whilst rallying zeal for the cause. That was pretty much the point it was confirmed in my mind that Trump could do just about anything, and these people would applaud in approval.
He probably meant eligible voters. And the 74m number is super scary.That's nearly 100 million people
I do the same with the r/conservative and r/ask_thedonald dubreddits.I go on to the Newsmax comments section on YouTube every now and again for a bit of a giggle, yet the comments never cease to amaze me. The level of delusion and denial is truly profound.
I know, I live amongst them!He probably meant eligible voters. And the 74m number is super scary.
That’s a lot of brainwashed/racist/stupid/evil people. Or as Hillary calls them; deplorables.
I do the same with the r/conservative and r/ask_thedonald dubreddits.
Interestingly enough, there’s a very noticeable split between them with r/conservative by and large calling Trump an idiot who should be in prison and r/ask_thedonald acting like they just witnessed Jesus being presented to Pilate.
Silly man. Don’t you know that Jesus was a registered America First Republican?That reminds me, last night one fella referred to Trump as a modern day Jesus Christ. He was none too impressed when I mentioned Jesus was very Liberal. They're so lost.
Someone will memorialise this in an oil painting.
I hate to break this to cal, but 30-35% is a significant section of any population.Luckily, those worthless citizens only represent 30-35% of the populace.
It doesn't make their mindsets any less dangerous, however.
Vanilla ISIS
Silly man. Don’t you know that Jesus was a registered America First Republican?
The fact they call Ann Coulter a rino is just too funny.I've noticed they also label 'RINO' to anybody Republican who sees the sense of it all and calls it out. I mean the second somebody who is genuinely Conservative talks about it all going too far they are a RINO. So what you've got is a bunch of extremists with guns who have decided what being a Conservative Republican means, and anybody who doesn't dance to their tune is not a real Republican. Needless to say it immediately creates the 'No True Scotmans fallacy' that is all too often found in extremes.
It genuinely makes me wonder where this is all headed. I don't like to be kneejerk across the board. I try my best to keep a level head, but this appears to look destined for a bit of a bloodbath. What else are the lunatics going to do? They already have their guns, we know their mindsets are extreme and deluded, and America is trying to rightfully keep control over them. They will invent just about any excuse in their deluded minds to start a civil war. Many of them want one which is really pathetic. None of them have a clue what a Civil War does to a country. It's horrendous.
TBH they should call themselves RINO, it's a perfect description of Trump who for a long time was a Democrat and BFF's with the Clinton'sThe fact they call Ann Coulter a rino is just too funny.
And a card carrying member of the NRA!Silly man. Don’t you know that Jesus was a registered America First Republican?
Bone spurs Jesus.Rambo Jesus
It's a matter of time before america splits into 2 or more nations. I believe it will be in my lifetime. That or a fascist USA.It genuinely makes me wonder where this is all headed.