Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

Nixon says hi

As @WI_Red poster explained Nixon was the president at the time, so a completely different situation.

You know famous people have went to jail before. Generally the Law doesn't care if someone is famous and has fans.
Not Trump fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a president for treason and spying or espionage of the highest order

You dont just indict them for mishandling a document. No matter how by the book the charges are this reeks foul play to either gain fame by the prosecution or a more sinister play to tackle Trump from running in 2024.

And if God forbid he's send to jail there's gonna be riot. His rabid supporter will think that's a straight coup and as much as i loathe them you cant actually blame them for thinking that way.

Again. Not Trump supporter but you just dont do this to a running presidential candidate without serious beyond reasonable doubt charges. Mishandling a top secret document in his own office? Negligent stupidity at best
Just say you support that racist sexist slimeball of a human being and be done with it. You'd have more respect here if you were just honest and actually backed your bullshit opinions.
Surprised @Maticmaker hasn't opined in here yet. :)
Well you've gone and done it now.

If I understand this right he could have avoided all this legal stuff if he just handed everything back once it was filed as missing and requested for and he had six months to do it. But then he lied about not having anything. So it could have been an administrative error but he chose to make it a crime.
TBH if you really want to see the deluded stuff you need to go to the Fox News website comments section, those discussions and comments make the takeover thread here look like a rational debate
Twitter is a sewer. I just searched Trump and 90% of the tweets I am seeing are from deplorables.
If its by the Senate , then very unlikely.
The President nominates and the Senate confirms, and the Senate impeaches, they do actually impeach them now and then so it's possible but unlikely as you say
I just want to see him in handcuffs being dragged by policemen while he shouts about some insane conspiracy
There is always discretion in persecuting crime. Do you really think that Trump is the only president who has done this?
Your arguments so far: a presidential candidate (actually not yet, just for the Republican primaries) shouldn't be prosecuted for non-huge illegal acts; and you shouldn't prosecute someone for something illegal that others may or may not have done without getting caught.

If you actually work in law, I'd suggest considering a career change; this isn't for you.
There probably needs to be a push towards getting the NYC case pushed back, there's a timing problem here, as it stands this case is a year away minimum and that might get problematic vis-a-vis the 2024 election, Trump will use delaying tactics and if he wins then the whole thing will go away, they need to get this done before the election
There probably needs to be a push towards getting the NYC case pushed back, there's a timing problem here, as it stands this case is a year away minimum and that might get problematic vis-a-vis the 2024 election, Trump will use delaying tactics and if he wins then the whole thing will go away, they need to get this done before the election
Don't forget GA. That takes off the middle of next month.