Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

There is always discretion in persecuting crime. Do you really think that Trump is the only president who has done this?
I really don’t care. He’s broken the law. The notion that he shouldn’t be persecuted is deeply undemocratic.
Not Trump fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a president for treason and spying or espionage of the highest order

You dont just indict them for mishandling a document. No matter how by the book the charges are this reeks foul play to either gain fame by the prosecution or a more sinister play to tackle Trump from running in 2024.

And if God forbid he's send to jail there's gonna be riot. His rabid supporter will think that's a straight coup and as much as i loathe them you cant actually blame them for thinking that way.

Again. Not Trump supporter but you just dont do this to a running presidential candidate without serious beyond reasonable doubt charges. Mishandling a top secret document in his own office? Negligent stupidity at best
Ridiculous post.
I'm surprised the Russians or the Saudis haven't shut him up permanently by now.
The Russians are counting on him getting back into power. Trump as POTUS with republicans holding congress would condemn Ukraine to the history books.
The most serious crime is not even that he mishandled documents. He actively impeded the investigation and refused to return documents when asked. How any poster can draw equivalence is beyond me. Some documents can’t even be found again.
Not Trump fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a president for treason and spying or espionage of the highest order

You dont just indict them for mishandling a document. No matter how by the book the charges are this reeks foul play to either gain fame by the prosecution or a more sinister play to tackle Trump from running in 2024.

And if God forbid he's send to jail there's gonna be riot. His rabid supporter will think that's a straight coup and as much as i loathe them you cant actually blame them for thinking that way.

Again. Not Trump supporter but you just dont do this to a running presidential candidate without serious beyond reasonable doubt charges. Mishandling a top secret document in his own office? Negligent stupidity at best
Haha. Funny. No white text?
You can't those in power accountable if being President means you have to look the other way when they commit crimes just in case it "looks bad"
He’s been charged for gathering, transmitting or losing defense information under the Espionage Act and some bloke on here says he shouldn’t be charged.
No Al Capone fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a mobster for murder or human trafficking of the highest order.
You don’t just indict them for tax evasion.
Not a fan? He was brilliant in The Untouchables. And Heat is the best action movie of all time!
not a trump fan in any way but what’s the point in being corrupt enough your whole life to bob your way to the front of the sea of turds, only to not abuse the shit out of your position?
He better get jail time or this all turns into a comedy.

He’s been charged for gathering, transmitting or losing defense information under the Espionage Act and some bloke on here says he shouldn’t be charged.

He sold top secrets to Russia, we just cant prove it.

Or he sold top secrets to Russia. We can prove it but we cant jail him.
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I really don’t care. He’s broken the law. The notion that he shouldn’t be persecuted is deeply undemocratic.

The notion that he shouldn't be prosecuted is deeply unlawful.
not a trump fan either but when has a light bit of treason ever hurt anyone?
Trump kept the documents so he'd have dirt on various high profile people (e.g Macron etc)?, just in case. That's how they do business in NYC.
Not Trump fan in any way but this is farcical. You indict a president for treason and spying or espionage of the highest order

You dont just indict them for mishandling a document. No matter how by the book the charges are this reeks foul play to either gain fame by the prosecution or a more sinister play to tackle Trump from running in 2024.

And if God forbid he's send to jail there's gonna be riot. His rabid supporter will think that's a straight coup and as much as i loathe them you cant actually blame them for thinking that way.

Again. Not Trump supporter but you just dont do this to a running presidential candidate without serious beyond reasonable doubt charges. Mishandling a top secret document in his own office? Negligent stupidity at best

No white text so I just have to ask. Do you actually believe that he's being indicted for mishandling a document?
No white text so I just have to ask. Do you actually believe that he's being indicted for mishandling a document?

It's either a trivial crime or so big of a crime you'd wonder how do he pull it off and probably have to jail half of his white house staff.

Between that and admitting that all it takes for all of this to happen is just a Trump away.

Yeah. He's not going to prison or even charged guilty. You can quote me on it
It's either a trivial crime or so big of a crime you'd wonder how do he pull it off and probably have to jail half of his white house staff.

Between that and admitting that all it takes for all of this to happen is just a Trump away.

Yeah. He's not going to prison or even charged guilty. You can quote me on it

I'll take that as a no... which inevitably makes me want to ask what your previous comment was all about?
Not his biggest fan, far from it, but wish him a speedy recovery.
It's either a trivial crime or so big of a crime you'd wonder how do he pull it off and probably have to jail half of his white house staff.

Between that and admitting that all it takes for all of this to happen is just a Trump away.

Yeah. He's not going to prison or even charged guilty. You can quote me on it
You are absolutely clueless about this.
Nah. Just seeing the bigger picture that there's no way they're going to jail him with his base behind him.

I'm unsure if there's a way to NOT put him in jail if the indictment contains what we think it does. It will follow due process, just like all the other indictments. Nobody is pardoning this guy.
Nah. Just seeing the bigger picture that there's no way they're going to jail him with his base behind him.

So you think they would never Jail someone for breaking the law just because they have fans?