Donald Trump - All things impeachment.... | Acquitted in the Senate

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Trump smearing a witness during a hearing. Stable genius.

He said the Ukrainian PM was unflattering in his description of her in their second phone call.

I’d bet good money that means that he said she was going to be an obstacle in Trump’s plans for the investigation rather than him making any sort of comment about her performance as a diplomat.

When Trump judges people it’s always subjective to his own interests rather than objective to their own role.
Even Fox are criticising Trump over his most recent tweets, and effectively describing them as a serious own goal.
Donald should've read the small print.
Listening to cspan radio and they take calls from audience during breaks. Both self identified republicans and independents are very negative about the whole process and especially Schiff.
Thought he wasn't watching because he has such a busy day?
After republicans trying to cast the first hearing as dull and lacking "pizzazz" Trump unable to help himself from injecting the drama into this one. Absolute idiot :lol:
Listening to cspan radio and they take calls from audience during breaks. Both self identified republicans and independents are very negative about the whole process and especially Schiff.
Dont know if I buy that at all. Statistically if Fox News is not your prominent news source then you support these hearings. And if Fox News is your main news source, you're not an independent.
Jury about to give verdict in Roger Stone trial.


All counts too :lol:
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Don't forget Fingers McGhee, Don.

Schiff actually looks a bit emotional after he read the tweet and asked her the question - as if feels embarrassed and hurt to probably upset her with that. Maybe I'm turning into a softie but that to me kinda shows how messed up all of this is. She s probably not perfect either but we have someone who put herself into harms way for many years as a professional and we have a POTUS who will never do anything for anyone if it doesn't benefit him criticizing her in such a crass manner.
Schiff actually looks a bit emotional after he read the tweet and asked her the question - as if feels embarrassed and hurt to probably upset her with that. Maybe I'm turning into a softie but that to me kinda shows how messed up all of this is. She s probably not perfect either but we have someone who put herself into harms way for many years as a professional and we have a POTUS who will never do anything for anyone if it doesn't benefit him criticizing her in such a crass manner.

He did. She started to get visibly emotional earlier when her family was brought up and how they've been affected, but she refused to go into detail.

Also very noticeable how Republicans have become way more effusive about her service when questioning her since that tweet was brought up.
In the end, to support Trump you'll be obliged to believe that everyone is dishonest except him.
Must be said it feels very different to the previous hearing and actually feels like Trump has seriously damaged himself by tweeting like a little bitch.

Republicans seem to have realised it.
Schiff is absolutely done with giving the Republican’s any more time for their bullshit :lol:
Gym Jordan completely misjudging the mood and being his usual brash, abrasive self as he shows her absolutely zero respect.
Gym Jordan has no structure to his questions. He just throws random stuff out there hoping something will stick.
It's telling that he thought he would land something with that and it fell completely flat.
Gym Jordan has no structure to his questions. He just throws random stuff out there hoping something will stick.

It’s just right wing talking points isn’t it? There’s no logic to his any of his points. He just tries to shoehorn “Biden” and “Clinton” into as many sentences loaded with words like “corruption” so Fox News viewers will cheer along with him.
It’s just right wing talking points isn’t it? There’s no logic to his any of his points. He just tries to shoehorn “Biden” and “Clinton” into as many sentences loaded with words like “corruption” so Fox News viewers will cheer along with him.

Yep. All they are fishing for are a few soundbytes for Fox.
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