Do you agree with the protest today?

Do you agree with the protest today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,069 82.8%
  • No

    Votes: 126 9.8%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 96 7.4%

  • Total voters
Has anyone posted this? To me it just further proves the players know the fans are AGAINST THE GLAZERS but behind the team.

Do not be fooled.

That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.
I don't agree with the protests because I don't agree that the Glazers are to blame for our lack of success on the pitch post SAF.
If you're going to spout such nonsense, please remove the master's name from your username. Cheers.

That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.
Aren't they still part of the official PL blackout? I assume their socials are not controlled by them anyway.
Absolutely 100% as starting point. But if this is all we've got the Glazers will ride it out.

The only way to get the camcers out is to hurt them financially and to do that there has to be a mass boycott which all fans participate in.

Firstly there we need a a petition from all fans saying that until the glazers have gone that we will not help the club make money in any way. We won't buy tickets, won't watch on tv, won't buy merchandise and we won't buy the products of any brand associated with Man Utd until the Glazers sell.

This then needs to be followed through upon. There will always be some who use the opportunity to get season ticks and many who just don't care but if enough awareness is raised that Old Trafford is only half full, tv viewing figures go down, sponsors feel the heat the Glazers will be backed into a corner where selling even at a reduced rate looks like a good deal.

Lets not forget how they stole the club in the first place. No matter what they've done well out of this. It's time for them to go and not on their own terms.
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If you're going to spout such nonsense, please remove the master's name from your username. Cheers.

Aren't they still part of the official PL blackout? I assume their socials are not controlled by them anyway.
As you're not often right, please remove "right" from yours.

As you're not often right, please remove "right" from yours.

As your idea of protest amounts to castigating others for acting on an online forum, please remove lion from your username. And get a sense of humour.
That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.

As mentioned, the social media blackout is still ongoing.

Also, we have maybe 4 players in the first team squad who manage their own accounts - or if not manage at least throw in some tweets or replies of their own amidst the brand stuff - and none of them are local lads or big United fans (unless you count Pogba as one)... so they probably won't want to get involved, or know enough to get involved.
i agree wholeheartedly with protest but the wallys throwing stuff have basically fecked it up
I don't agree with the protests because I don't agree that the Glazers are to blame for our lack of success on the pitch post SAF.
They severely misallocated their resources, refused to implement a proper infrastructure in the club, refused to maintain the stadium or the academy and allowed a serial achiever to jump from one misguided philosophy to another, none of whom really suited the club.

They are wholly to blame for the failures since SAF.
I’d be surprised if the Glazers succumb to this. Once the protest became violent then it’s dead in the water, these people are too powerful to give into mob rule and a load of teenagers kicking doors in. It‘s a real shame it got out of hand as a proper protest would have sent a powerful message.

Would be interesting to know the thoughts of the players but it’s hard to see them being openly critical of the Glazer regime. Cannot see De Gea, on £350,000 a week, or Pogba, touching 300 grand a week, criticising the hand that feeds them.
I’d be surprised if the Glazers succumb to this. Once the protest became violent then it’s dead in the water, these people are too powerful to give into mob rule and a load of teenagers kicking doors in. It‘s a real shame it got out of hand as a proper protest would have sent a powerful message.

Would be interesting to know the thoughts of the players but it’s hard to see them being openly critical of the Glazer regime. Cannot see De Gea, on £350,000 a week, or Pogba, touching 300 grand a week, criticising the hand that feeds them.
What mob rule??
Even if it didn't happen today, it'll eventually happen at some point. The thing with a big protest like this is that there will always be violent people or people who did stupid things. But the message is clear and loud and Glazers reputation is in the worst state. First the ESL and now this. Dunno who can buy the club but I hope they leave.
Trying to stop the players getting to the ground is sabotaging your own team and the players have nothing to do with the owners so why were they targets?
If the aim is to hurt the Glazers financially protest at the locations of the big sponsors. That might have the potential to make the Glazers sit up and take notice.
That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.

Sadly I do not blame the club keeping the players away from this scenario. The liability if something happened, even if it was very slim chance is too much.
Trying to stop the players getting to the ground is sabotaging your own team and the players have nothing to do with the owners so why were they targets?
If the aim is to hurt the Glazers financially protest at the locations of the big sponsors. That might have the potential to make the Glazers sit up and take notice.

So a protest outside Teamviewer HQ would have been more effective than our biggest home game of the season being postponed?
50+1 is like the government nationalising the club, which is exactly what communist governments do. I vehemently oppose communism. And I suggest you ask yourself - if the club has become something that you hate so much - why you continue to support it? Blind following? Being a religious cultist? I love Man Utd, I love watching them play, I enjoy all aspects on and off the pitch, which is why I am a fan. Why are you a fan if all you do is hate?
“Communist governments”! So Germany is a communist government? Utter Glazer lying drivel. I could say more, but I won’t.
Wow Jamie carragher got it spot on. Said everything I was thinking while Dave and souness shilled on and on. Sky are in a hard place on this but came off looking terrible today
Absolutely 100% as starting point. But if this is all we've got the Glazers will ride it out.

The only way to get the camcers out is to hurt them financially and to do that there has to be a mass boycott which all fans participate in.

Firstly there we need a a petition from all fans saying that until the glazers have gone that we will not help the club make money in any way. We won't buy tickets, won't watch on tv, won't buy merchandise and we won't buy the products of any brand associated with Man Utd until the Glazers sell.

This then needs to be followed through upon. There will always be some who use the opportunity to get season ticks and many who just don't care but if enough awareness is raised that Old Trafford is only half full, tv viewing figures go down, sponsors feel the heat the Glazers will be backed into a corner where selling even at a reduced rate looks like a good deal.

Lets not forget how they stole the club in the first place. No matter what they've done well out of this. It's time for them to go and not on their own terms.

No-one is buying any ticket this season....Stadium is totally empty.
The Glazers will probably have their fingers in their ears going "lalalalala" but the sponsors will be alert to this and that might bite them,
Political figures watching this too. Regulate the game. #GlazersOut
There should be another option that says "Agree with the agenda but not the method".
Good thread. 1000 Caftards voted. Let your voice be heard.
That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.

Might be something to do with the social media boycott this weekend.

That's why no one is posting anything.
Trying to stop the players getting to the ground is sabotaging your own team and the players have nothing to do with the owners so why were they targets?
If the aim is to hurt the Glazers financially protest at the locations of the big sponsors. That might have the potential to make the Glazers sit up and take notice.
This made headlines around the world immediately, with the finger pointed at the Glazers
50+1 is like the government nationalising the club, which is exactly what communist governments do. I vehemently oppose communism. And I suggest you ask yourself - if the club has become something that you hate so much - why you continue to support it? Blind following? Being a religious cultist? I love Man Utd, I love watching them play, I enjoy all aspects on and off the pitch, which is why I am a fan. Why are you a fan if all you do is hate?
Communism. :lol:

I've heard all the bull shit now.
People wanting this 50+1 thing are basically communists, trying to ruin competition in football. Allowing the mega-wealthy to buy clubs means that we get huge investment into teams like man city and Chelsea have done, making our league even more competitive. This helps bring more fans to the league and increase the standards of football. Otherwise small clubs can only spend the revenue that they have, so they will never challenge the big boys.

50+1 is like the government nationalising the club, which is exactly what communist governments do. I vehemently oppose communism. And I suggest you ask yourself - if the club has become something that you hate so much - why you continue to support it? Blind following? Being a religious cultist? I love Man Utd, I love watching them play, I enjoy all aspects on and off the pitch, which is why I am a fan. Why are you a fan if all you do is hate?

Calm down, Senator McCarthy.
That's a shame if true but nevertheless, none of our players have tweeted a thing since the incident - it's been radio silence so how furious can they really be.
The players are all observing a weekend ban of social media because of the inaction against racist abuse, so you won't hear from any players
I don't agree with the protests because I don't agree that the Glazers are to blame for our lack of success on the pitch post SAF.
Protesting the system and regulations (or lack thereof) that allowed the Glazers to purchase the club is fine, I agree with that. Protesting the Glazers themselves is wrong. They simply did what was allowed. If it wasn't them, it would have been someone else.
Personally I have no problem with the protest outside the ground, inside the ground or at the hotels, nor with the game being postponed, a message needed to be sent but I have seen Vid's on line of bottles being thrown at Stewards and police and two officers where injured, that I do have a problem with because it gives the media and the Glaser's something to hit back with. Once inside the ground a protest either in the centre circle or in front of the Sky platform was all that was needed. No anti pool/city songs, focus on the Glaser's and no throwing flares. All this just defeats the purpose. Something has been started and if it is to succeed it has to be maintained at full hilt. Protests at every game, email sponsors and don't buy anything to do with United till the Glaser's are gone. Money is their God, less reduce their access to it.

disruptive but non-violent

just a shame a few lads got overly excited but what can you do
A high profile match between Man United vs Liverpool getting postponed sends a message across football world and highlights Glazers negatively. Its an effective way to protest, and I support it fully ( I wish I could be there but I live continents away!).
I agree with it but I dont know what it will achieve.

Will the Glazers sell a 4billion pound business and who exactly to?

As I predicted- all I see happening is us having an amazing transfer window as a sorry message from the Glazers.
How many of those saying yes are also against Saudi ownership? 100%? This is the part I struggle with because there is no other likely buyer
Because a lot of these people have their heads in the cloud mate. They have zero understanding of business and finance and still think that protests like these have any impact on multi billion dollar businesses. The romanticism is commendable though. Just not in sync with the times unfortunately. Let's hope these "supporters" now table a proper offer to the Glazers to buy out the club. Or perhaps the crowdfunding thing. I will contribute to the extent I can, but will that be enough?
well done to all those who participated ...lead news story here in oz this morning - the glazers soley underestimated the power of the fans
So you now think that it was wrong, yes?
Yes. It’s wrong when innocent people are sent to hospital for serious treatment.

I didn’t mind supporters entering the pitch and I didn’t mind supporters take it pretty far and eventually tried to stop the game.