District 9

My hands were on my head in dispair when Wickus knocked out Christopher

hell yeah

I was like 'aaargh what are you doing you idiot, you've ruined it all!! but i was glad it was in there, cos it makes you actually question whether he WILL turn around and help him in the end, rather than it being a given...psychology 101 i know but still effective

He's only 29 Blomkamp as well....thats very young to make such an accomplished film


Just watched this and really enjoyed it, great film.

I love the portrayal of the aliens as nearly as human as we are. They live in houses, have emotions, fight with each other, and aren't all powerful super beings hell bent on destruction like most alien films. I found it very refreshing.
Just watched this and really enjoyed it, great film.

I love the portrayal of the aliens as nearly as human as we are. They live in houses, have emotions, fight with each other, and aren't all powerful super beings hell bent on destruction like most alien films. I found it very refreshing.

Yeah it certainly wasnt a cookie cutter type film which is something we need more of.
I didn't rate this so highly. It's a shame it focuses completely on Wikus and becomes a really straightforward, conventional film because it promises this sprawling environment full of wide ranging issues. The performance behind Wikus is good and the character is kind of refreshing, but I was bored of him pretty quickly. I suppose it does some incredible things on a limited budget you can't really expect it to expand into other stories and fully create District 9.
I read the other day that the guy who played Wikus had never acted before and all his lines were ad-libbed.
Just out at the cinemas in UK today.

Absolutely loved it, thought Mockney's short review was excellent. It's quite an unusual film the way it's shot, it's incredibly gory at times, great story, well acted and yes even a bit funny in places. I also thought the ending was brilliant.

Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

....sorry not going to spoil anything for you. Go and fekking watch it.
Watched it today too and its also my film of the year!

Had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, they've also done a brilliant job with the budgeting.
Excellent film I thought.

The way I saw it the Christopher character is what made the film.
I found it genuinely disturbing in places. You could link everything that went on to the exact kind of shit that people do to each other already. Nobody really bats an eyelid, then along comes this Christopher character and suddenly it's like "oh, fecking hell"

Wikus just helped to emphasise the point. It's brilliantly done in that sense, and there's so much more going on besides.

This is the eigth or ninth film I've been to see this year, and it dicks on every single one of the others. It's the only one that's had any real substance or point.

Everyone should watch it.

Just a couple of things to point out.

Firstly, the scene where Wikus is running around in circles in the fast food restuarant, waving his arm about and shouting "this hand is fine!" while everyone runs off, and then later when he fires a pig at someone...seemless comedy brilliance :lol: I'd pay to see it again just for those two moments.

Also...They spent 20 years collecting the fuel to fly back to the ship, and then when that didn't work, just thought "feck it" pressed a few buttons, and made the ship come and get them...I mean, what?
Just a couple of things to point out.

Firstly, the scene where Wikus is running around in circles in the fast food restaurant, waving his arm about and shouting "this hand is fine!" while everyone runs off, and then later when he fires a pig at someone...seamless comedy brilliance :lol: I'd pay to see it again just for those two moments.

Also...They spent 20 years collecting the fuel to fly back to the ship, and then when that didn't work, just thought "feck it" pressed a few buttons, and made the ship come and get them...I mean, what?

....Only after they had inserted the "fuel" into the smaller ship. They could not have moved the mothership without it.

....at least I think that's right.

Also I think the movie has brought a new word to the English dictionary,
Also...They spent 20 years collecting the fuel to fly back to the ship, and then when that didn't work, just thought "feck it" pressed a few buttons, and made the ship come and get them...I mean, what?

What Sca11ywag said, but I also think the fuel was in part for the mothership....they could get to it, but they couldn't get it to leave earth
What Sca11ywag said, but I also think the fuel was in part for the mothership....they could get to it, but they couldn't get it to leave earth

I actually thought something completely different from both of you...I thought his plan for saving his people he intended to go under the radar using the smaller craft in order to move as many of his people to the mothership without the humans knowing....you saw when they activated the mothership it virtually blew out every window in the city and alerted everyone

....I realise now i might have got it wrong. I don't really care though

Saw this earlier today...Absolutely loved it, fantastic film....so far my movie of the year
Great movie even if it seems a bit weird at the start.
Good movie - watched it today

  • Like some of you, thought the way the aliens were portrayed as near human was good. Also thought that the way it ended was good - not a happy ending in the sense that everyone got to leave, but instead left open for a possible sequel.
  • For most of it, i thought the plot, and the way it was filmed was well thought out.
  • Some brilliant comedy in there - like the flying pig and the restaurant scene that someone mentioned above.
  • And the word "Fook" was in every sentance. Great stuff
....Only after they had inserted the "fuel" into the smaller ship. They could not have moved the mothership without it.

....at least I think that's right.

Also I think the movie has brought a new word to the English dictionary,

What Sca11ywag said, but I also think the fuel was in part for the mothership....they could get to it, but they couldn't get it to leave earth

Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. It didn't matter so much anyway. The plot was only really there to give the characters and point something to fit around. Least that's the impression I got. I'm tempted to tag along with my brother and his mates so I can watch it again

I liked the ending to, but was it just me that kind of wanted Christopher to return with an army of warships and simply wipe humanity from the face of the planet? I thought the part where one of the people being interviewed raised this as a possibility was important, though I'm not sure why
Just finished this now and I must say I was disappointed

The film started off well although the obvious apartheid metaphors quickly became a little strained for me. Our anti-hero wikus kept me interested though with his ability to offend and humour in equal measures and an all round excellent performance by the actor playing him. My issues started in the second half where I fully expected the film to have a hard hitting and heartfelt message on racism, segregation, poverty etc while keeping the charm that the opening half had displayed, but instead we were treated to Iron Man in Africa and due to the allegorical nature of the film I was actually left feeling more than a little offended.
Saw this yesterday and was impressed, definitely one of the best films I've seen this year.

I read the other day that the guy who played Wikus had never acted before and all his lines were ad-libbed.

Read this as well. Very impressive for such a large part in a well funded film.
I thought that the guy who played Wikus was a bit over the top and annoying at the beginning, but once he got infected his performance was fantastic

really enjoyed this movie
I went to see this last night, and thought it was wonderful. The guy that played Wickus has only been on one thing prior to this, and that was the short film this was based from, but I thought despite that lack of experience he played the part brilliantly.

I loved the fact that by the end I was desperately hoping all the humans would be killed and the aliens would just feck us all over. Very well done. And, whilst I wasn't expecting it, I'm glad that Christopher was a central character and it wasn't all humanity driven.

The pig moment was amazing.

One thing I did wonder, though, is if they needed the fuel to fly the mothership, where did they get that fuel from? I assume they harvested it from their own technology, which means it was originally on the ship. If the ship was otherwise serviceable - it just needed the fuel - why did it grind to a halt above Jo'berg and become a slum? I assumed the aliens were refugees from somewhere, just living in squalor whilst they tried to find a planet, and when they eventually did they were too weak/their ship was too damaged to actually talk.

But if the ship could fly the whole time, it just needed some fuel that was harvestable from their own technology, why did it grind to a halt above Jo'berg? And whatsmore, even if it had run out of fuel, why did it just completely shut down so that they were living in the dark and in absolute filth until we turned up?

That said, Sharlto Copley (Wickus) ought to get an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. A good year for unknowns coming to the fore, methinks, what with Sharlto Copley in this and Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds.
Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. It didn't matter so much anyway. The plot was only really there to give the characters and point something to fit around. Least that's the impression I got. I'm tempted to tag along with my brother and his mates so I can watch it again

I liked the ending to, but was it just me that kind of wanted Christopher to return with an army of warships and simply wipe humanity from the face of the planet? I thought the part where one of the people being interviewed raised this as a possibility was important, though I'm not sure why

That sounds like a sequel. District 10 anyone?

I can actually post in here now that I've just got back from seeing it. Really enjoyed it. A lot funnier than I was expecting and some superb gore moments when the alien weaponry was finally broken out.

Definitely a film you should see without any spoiilers though.
I read a review where the twat revealed that Wikus became an alien
. WTF?!?
To be fair, I didn't read any reviews but it was pretty obvious that was going to happen - or at least that he was turning into one, even if you didn't know if he'd stop

Well it was obvious when it started to happen in the film yes. Why would it be obvious if it wasn't mentioned in a review? :confused:

Saying that it was my fault for reading it.
Just back from seeing this and I loved every minute of it, I can't fault any aspect of it. Definitely one of the films of the year for me.

The whole of the audience though laughed every time Wikus said Fook, sounded very scouse.

If you've not seen this film yet then i'd definitely suggest seeing it, you won't be dissappointed!

EDOT: Also saw the trailer for 2012 for the first time, which looks like it'll be a great film to see at the cinema - some of the effects look fantastic!
Well it was obvious when it started to happen in the film yes. Why would it be obvious if it wasn't mentioned in a review? :confused:

Saying that it was my fault for reading it.

I guess my point was that it starts happening so early in the film that it doesn't really ruin a major plot twist, more that it is the plot!
Went to see it tonight. Thought it was absolute quality. Wish it was longer though.

I would have liked to see the story-lines developed more, and heard more about why they were there, what was wrong with their ship, and learnt a bit more about their species. Wikus was a great character. Loved the opening part of the movie in the slums serving eviction notices. I too thought when he said 'fook' it sounded scouse.
A friend of mine has a South African stepmum, I need to ask her next time I see her whether all South Africans say "fook" (ie, it's just a part of their accent), or if Wickus was a scouse-loving wickhead.
It's fok, and fokken... their equivalent of... well you know. There are a lot of words (and other things) in there that sailed over my head until they were pointed out to me.
Actually I thought the funniest bit was
the magazine cover with Wikus fornicating with a Prawn. Did anyone else notice that it was the alien that had his face blurred out?

I wanna see this again.