Its Baltic!
It's getting absolutely panned by the critics, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Not gonna watch Inglorious Basterds at all ever in the whole world ever. Looks very very shit.
It's getting absolutely panned by the critics, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Not gonna watch Inglorious Basterds at all ever in the whole world ever. Looks very very shit.
Not gonna watch Inglorious Basterds at all ever in the whole world ever. Looks very very shit.
Me neither.
I have major issues with the fecking title for starters. So someone else has already made a movie with the same name. Do you a) come up with a different title or b) mispell it, as some kind of spastic way of getting around copyright laws and simultaneously claiming your shite flick is some kind of tribute to the original?
Seeing as we're being pro and using spoiler tags (and not quotes), I'll go in the same order you did.
- When he was on the surgery table (after they made him kill the random alien in the weapons test) the discussion between the head honchos was on how they wanted to harvest tissue from every part of him, and this would involve killing him. Shit, they were about to take his heart out before he broke the restraints, and while I'm no doctor generally that's fatal.
- I'm not doubting the need for the rockets as much as that they'd essentially be allowed to come here and essentially be homeless and like in a detention centre - I generally find it quite implausible that they'd be forgotten about by the hundreds of international rights and ethics groups in existence (today and in the 80s when they landed) and visibly down trodden by mercenary forces without anyone making a fuss. We do after all have a planetary reputation to uphold (now, anyway). I'm alluding not to the actual need to have rockets and mercenaries with bright white weapons so much as the very public nature in which they went about being brutal towards the aliens.
- Prawn, fair enough what you said. My only issue really is that its introduction builds it up to be something that it really isn't.
- The whole storming the top secret underground laboratory guarded heavily by pissed off mercenaries was the turning point of the movie for me - as you've said an alien scientist and someone who two days prior was a rubber johnnied desk jockey storming the joint just felt wrong. In a similar vain, I wasn't convinced by 'Christopher' coming to his sudden realisation because he saw a dissected alien corpse, given that he'd been living in the middle of a slum for 20 years, and had seen his friend shot in the face a day prior to that. It felt like a contrived plot point to be honest - the moment of realisation didn't need to have been attained through storming the complex.
- Regarding letting them go, the governments had given up on the aliens (it said so in the opening montage) prior to handing them over to the MNU. Ostensibly at the point where the governments stopped saying "give us your lazros", but before they dumped them with Unethical Multinational Corporation #4857 it might have been good to say "hey we can go if you want"
I've not seen a trailer for it yet, but had heard it was supposedly going to be one of the better releases this year. Seems i've been listening to the wrong people, nevertheless i'll go and watch it and see for myself.
I've seen enough shit at the cinema this year so one more won't do any harm!
there's loads of stuff on wikipedia about the movie... Tarantino also sought to present the film as a spaghetti-western set in Nazi-occupied France. He explained his intent, "I'm going to find a place that actually resembles, in one way or another, the Spanish locales they had in spaghetti westerns — a no man's land.dont know about this.
One of the issues is also Brad Pitt, I cant stand him and I dont think I wanna look at his cool face and listen to his cool talk for two and a half hours.
Transformers I'll give you, in that I love that movie for personal reasons, but what was wrong with Revenge of the Sith? Where were the "plot holes" and "random stupidity"?
Are you going to mention that list in every thread I post in?
I mean, The Force?...come on?
Quality movie (reverting back to District 9). Worth going to the cinema for. Thanks for the recommendations, guys.
Don't know how you could only give it a 7 man.
He has made some great films. Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction for example, some OK films like Jackie Brown and Kill Bill and some stinkers like that last car one whatever it was called.
This one seems to be getting more good than bad reviews so I'm prepared to give it a go.
Yeah, it's pretty pointless.
Just a documentary about aliens taking refuge in Africa.
Look like South Africans longing to re-establish apartheid again.
Nah there were definitely some racial sub-text/parrallels in the movie Pogue, at least that was the feeling I got.
When is it out over your way? I'm surprised a movie was released down here before it was over in Britian.
Nah there were definitely some racial sub-text/parrallels in the movie Pogue, at least that was the feeling I got.
When is it out over your way? I'm surprised a movie was released down here before it was over in Britian.
That's a good description actually.A brilliant idea that came up a marginally short in my opinion but jesus, the idea for this film is epic... I didn't read nay reviews or any spoilers but the standard this film set for Fictional documentary is going to be hard to beat.
In fact I got so involved with it....
That I was doing 'gun hands' in the final scene when Wikus is holding off the marines as Christopher tries to make it to the mothership...and punched the air when he did (which is terribly sad I know)
Glorious film. 9 from me
I know what you mean though, it's an engaging scene...
Just watched it...blown away. how anyone can give this below a 9 (or possibly an 8.5) I've no idea
It's a wonderful idea, brilliantly concieved, wonderfully acted, actually quite funny, and (I thought) terribly moving in places, especially towards the end....it's social commentary is also very clear and well done (for those still wondering if it's a racially motivated film..see District Six, Cape Town - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) ..it pisses on Star Wars or any other fluffy Alien shite. This is a proper film with proper character development, proper themes and emotional involvement
.In fact I got so involved with it....
That I was doing 'gun hands' in the final scene when Wikus is holding off the marines as Christopher tries to make it to the mothership...and punched the air when he did (which is terribly sad I know)
Glorious film. 9 from me
I've read a few reviews that said the ending was OTT and unsatisfactory but I thought it was just right...
It needed that little bit of action, it's also the first time you really start rooting for Wickes, who up to that point has been a bit of a prat (incidentally, I've just read that his surname (van der merwe) is a commonly ridiculed one in the SA black community, used in place of the 'irish' jokes we make here to imply stupidity in the Afrikaans..(an englishman, an scotsman and a Van der merwe walk into a bar type of thing)
there are a lot of little cultural things in it I'm reading up on now...I'm becoming slightly obsessed with it to be honest!