The good guy, who did bad things, having an imaginary sidekick of someone whose demise he felt responsible for? There must be a million movies about that. Rich guy acting entitled to the point of harming others? Gee, that's novel. But wait, to really spice things up his even richer, titan of industry, father is also threatening the environment! I bet you never saw that one coming! And then there's the cliche naive police chief, who is so cliche blind to the dark sides of life, because there are only cliche "crimes" of stolen pies and loose sheep in her cliche town.
And for the climax of the episode the rich guy actually shoots the deer that Dexter had been obsessing over. I was shocked when that happened.
I'm not saying it was necessarily terrible, but it felt like the writers picked the most popular or established options at every junction of the script. Which made the story predictable and therefore boring.