Television Dexter

Decent enough episode. They covered pretty much all that needed to be said at the beginning - him being the BHB, the 'code', the ITK hand and other things.

I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Harrison's living arrangements, though I assume he's staying at Dexter's apartment - and how did Dexter explain it to Jamie that he was no longer going to be staying there?
Eastern European stuff is still terribly uninteresting.

And yeah the way they completely ignored the fact that he has a son at home was poor.
How stupid was that kill in the garage ? How can someone die instantly from having his eye pierced by a screw driver ? Annoyingly the incest angle is really alive
Decent enough episode. They covered pretty much all that needed to be said at the beginning - him being the BHB, the 'code', the ITK hand and other things.

I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Harrison's living arrangements, though I assume he's staying at Dexter's apartment - and how did Dexter explain it to Jamie that he was no longer going to be staying there?

Could be plenty of reasons I imagine, but they really should've included an explanation. People at the station should be wondering why Debra is also shadowing Dexter all of a sudden - but considering their usual detective skills they probably won't even notice. At first I thought they were going to revisit Dexter's "drug problem" from season 2 to explain why Debra needed to watch over him.

I don't buy Louis explanation that he was just pissed about the game, and I really don't get why Dexter did either. Louis placing that hand and deleting all trace of him getting it just can't be random. The fact that he gets in Dexter's face by turning up at his apartment to basically taunt him makes it pretty clear there's something there.
I don't think you really need spoiler tags for any of what you've just said.

That was a daft death. Maybe the screwdriver head went through his eye and into his brain? I don't think it was just his eye it hit as it'd mean that he'd be blinded in one eye and in a lot of pain. But even then I can't see him dying instantly.

As for the incest angle it is just going to keep on growing, especially with Dexter living with Deb now.
Eastern European stuff is still terribly uninteresting.

And yeah the way they completely ignored the fact that he has a son at home was poor.

If you watch the next episode's promo you'll see that it will get more interesting!
Decent enough ep I thought. The total lack of explanation for Harrison's living arrangementsw was poor, as was the kill in the garage.

I'm really interested to see what happens with Louis, didn't expect him to show up at Dexter's flat and taunt him like he did.
The exchanges between Deb & Dexter were decent, I liked her reaction to when he tells her of his 'dark passenger'. I doubt Social Services will be too impressed with Harrison's living arrangement.

Not sure if Louis was telling the truth to Dexter as to why he's messing with him. There probably is a more sinister explanation, although he also seems a mentally disturbed nerd so he might just have tried to get back at Dexter for rejecting his game. I like that he's not afraid of Dexter and came back to taunt him.

The eastern brotherhood story is a bore so far. Reminds me of the sub-plot they had a few seasons back with the Santa Muerta killings that was abruptly ended when Debra shot one of them and never mentioned again, despite there being scope for an interesting plot as Debra killed the guy and felt no remorse (like Dexter). I hope there is some substance to them including the eastern stuff this season.

Masuka :lol::lol: There needs to be more Masuka, less Quinn.
Decent episode.

I like Isaac. Always good to have an English villain. Though his kill in the garage was ridiculous. As was the horribly greenscreened scene where the guy ran in front of the truck.
Seven seasons in and I still don't have an ounce of caring towards Batista, Le Guerta or Quinn. If they were to kill them all off in a horrific fire, I wouldn't care.
Decent episode.

I like Isaac. Always good to have an English villain. Though his kill in the garage was ridiculous. As was the horribly greenscreened scene where the guy ran in front of the truck.

I fecking hated that dude in the orange. A totally unbelievable character, and why would he be having such an open and gentle conversation with Dexter; a complete stranger. It was a bit gay
At this rate, Harrison is going to turn out to be the best serial killer of them all.
Seriously though, Harrison is fecked, is there any point in even denying what he is?

Mother - Dead, found in her blood
Father - Serial Killer Master
Uncle - Dead Serial Killer Master
Aunt - Will never spot your serial killing tendancies, as evidenced by her entire life
Grandfather - Raised a Serial Killer
Grandmother - Massacred in a shipping crate
Agree with the general consensus, a decent episode. Louis is getting more interesting by the episode. They're building him up well.

Good point. Something they've failed to do in recent season. This building up is quite like Dexter's brother in Season 1 really.
"I'm the worst fecking detective in the world"

Great line

Have to say, I find myself always getting distracted with people who have done botox and it appears Deb has gone that route, as well - just looks bizarre

Masuka is a legend.It's a pity we don't get to see more from him

Absolutely, I'd say similar about the Doakes character too

At this rate, Harrison is going to turn out to be the best serial killer of them all.

Series finale will see Harrison knock off a playmate at the park, perhaps? I do wonder what the conclusion will involve, will Dex be 'cured', incarcerated or killed or will Deb/Harrison carry on?

I fecking hated that dude in the orange. A totally unbelievable character, and why would he be having such an open and gentle conversation with Dexter; a complete stranger

I really disliked that segment/storyline, as well. And then the climax? Really implausible

Agree with those calling for Quinn's head, no idea what purpose he serves and a stripper is pretty cliche for these writers. Although Quinn can still provide some comic relief whereas the most useless character on the show has to be Batista's sister, Jamie - eye candy who can't act and serves no purpose other than to babysit. I'd like to see Quinn & Jamie knocked off, soon.

If Dexter's character learned anything from Travis, it's to finish the job - leaving Louis alone is inconsistent, IMO, but I guess we'll play along with the rehab story arc...for now

And did Isaac and his bodyguard use a teleporter? How does he magically appear like that? And for some Ukrainian mob boss, is there really a reason for the alpha role in the mob to be back in the US for a missing foot soldier? I assume it's related to the bracelet somehow but Isaac's character is almost cartoonish for me and further evidence of some lazy writing - I hated the way the writers wrote Jonny Lee Miller's character and this seems just as lazy
Slightly weird arc with the whole moving in thing, but this looks like it could actually be a season with lots of shit going on that isn't completely pointless. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with the Ukrainians - that episode preview was exciting.
Tried to avoid looking at next week's episode but couldn't resist taking a sneak peek.

My theory on what might happen next week:

It's clear the Ukrainians find someone on Dexter's boat and either kill them or seriously injure them. I think it'll be Louis who is found on the boat and killed/seriously injured.

Hope I'm completely wrong though. Louis is one of the few interesting characters on the show.
Quinn's hair fascinates me. It's like he's just taken a hat off, only he never wears a hat.
That was ok, full of plot holes like has been mentioned above, but you'd expect that with this show nowadays, I guess it just has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

I thought it was hilarious that for a seemingly extremely intelligent computer nerd, Louis didn't have a single bit of security on his laptop and Dexter was able to open all his personal files and videos without any issues at all.
This is just ridiculous now. Dexter has no edge. Debra? She seemed a bit disappointed that her brother is a serial killer. Shocking episode. The first this season set the stage nicely. The second bottled it.

But I do look forward to the potential mind games between Dexter and the computer guy.
This whole babysitting storyline is fecking idiotic. It feels like they've jumped the shark, tbh.
Another one of those shows I'm only watching because I've come this far.
And there's another season after this one?

They need to get Deb helping him like Miguel Prado.
They need to go apeshit. Dexter to flee and take on a totally different life in the gutter with no money in a different country, making it into an entirely differnt show, or just go for the incest + Bonnie and Clyde type of stuff. Pretty much all the characters are just papiermache now. But I'll keep watching, cause I'm loyal like that.
Tried to avoid looking at next week's episode but couldn't resist taking a sneak peek.

My theory on what might happen next week:

It's clear the Ukrainians find someone on Dexter's boat and either kill them or seriously injure them. I think it'll be Louis who is found on the boat and killed/seriously injured.

Hope I'm completely wrong though. Louis is one of the few interesting characters on the show.

Makes sense that he could be the one on the boat. Probably looking for some dirt on Dexter or something along those lines. Seems a bit early to kill off what looks like one of the main antagonists of the season though.
Another one of those shows I'm only watching because I've come this far.

Personally don't think it's quite reached the 'How I Met Your Mother' levels yet.