Good episode.
Have you caught up now?
I was always up to speed with the show, just not the books, which was what made it difficult regarding the spoilers, as I didn't know which was which without opening them.
The TV show only follows the book for season 1, doesn't it?
The TV show only follows the book for season 1, doesn't it?
I think I know kouroux, but I'm shit at spoilers so I'll try be vauge. He tends to talk to them before what happens after.
I think the Angel and LaGuerta thing is hilarious. I like how they've involved Dex, thinking that he's a normal guy.
Loved the story with Dexter's latest victim. Bat to the beehive, oh yeah.
Was it Trinity or was it Anton?
Bit shitty them killing of Lundy like that. Not only was the dramatic timing a bit conceited and corny it ruins the slowburner of Lundy and Dexter interacting which was always well played out.
Good to see the episode make a return to the original formula of Dexter hunting alone and without distraction although I seem to be in the minority and actually like how the story is progressing with him balancing family duties and his murders.
is it even sure that Lundy is dead ?seems like some quick assumption to me
is it even sure that Lundy is dead ?seems like some quick assumption to me
Bit shitty them killing of Lundy like that. Not only was the dramatic timing a bit conceited and corny it ruins the slowburner of Lundy and Dexter interacting which was always well played out.
Good to see the episode make a return to the original formula of Dexter hunting alone and without distraction although I seem to be in the minority and actually like how the story is progressing with him balancing family duties and his murders.
Just because anton is black he is a murderer and thief? Today I've found out not only are you not a real dr. but also you're a racist. It's just like when my parents told me santa wasn't real.
Yes. I'm halfway through the second season and have been very disappointed after thoroughly enjoying the first.Fantastic actors in it too apart from that drippy english actress Leila in the 2nd series - she was soo annoying poor - made me grit my teeth watching her
Any reason why this episode was 55 minutes long? Was good I thought. ]
Yeah, t'was good.
One thing that annoys me though, surely when Dexter kills these people that the police have been investigating yet can't get concrete proof on them, and then they disappear, it should be a bit obvious that something is up. I mean, would they not look back on the Season 2 plotline and think "hang on, criminals are being killed/disappearing again, somethings up".
Also, I find this shit with Quinn a little tedious, as it already happened back in S2 with Doakes, who was a far, far better character than Quinn.
Still, it was a good (if slightly obvious) ending to the show, and should have some interesting plot lines.
I am a big fan of Dexter it has to be said this new season has been great so far. Saying that I don't think I have never not enjoyed an episode of Dexter. I think it is the best show on tv by some distance! The trailer to next weeks episode looked rather mouth watering.