Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Like fcuk am I giving up... too close for that. Waiting for a revive from Levo, or a respawn...
If it's the one with the four lieutenants and one in a tank, then once you're in the final room go straight up and there's a place you can fall down to your right, near where the boss is and he can't really hurt you, though the cabral that spawn can.
:lol: she's a tough one isn't she.

I've tried that mission on nightfall and lvl 28 strike, failed both times at the end.
Are we attempting the raid tonight? Even if to progress a bit so we've not got as much to do tomorrow.

So fcuking annoying...
Sorry about earlier, my router went down during the loading screen. It's been glitching since.

So fcuking annoying...
I'd had enough, 5 times I've played this level tonight on lvl 28 and failed every time. Not enough special or heavy anno drops from the spawn. Extremely annoying, going to take some doing that.
I'd had enough, 5 times I've played this level tonight on lvl 28 and failed every time. Not enough special or heavy anno drops from the spawn. Extremely annoying, going to take some doing that.
Those little yellow psy things were my undoing, scout rifle doesn't touch them and heavy ammo was nowhere to be seen most of the time. Maybe we need to buy the heavy ammo replenishment but then I'm quite sure that has a hefty cool down on it.
Who wants to do the weekly on hard? Want those 9 coins!
I'd had enough, 5 times I've played this level tonight on lvl 28 and failed every time. Not enough special or heavy anno drops from the spawn. Extremely annoying, going to take some doing that.

You need to buy the ammo before you do missions like this. You can then use during the mission.
Right, going to come on now. If anyone wants to have a go of the raid let me know and if we can get 6 (doubt it) then great
I'm up for the raid, just @ me if you get enough an ill hop over.
At this point the raid would feel like a relaxing walk in the park... hypebole
Lol ok Raid It is, I'm up for trying it though, I quite like them mars missions :lol:. I guess doing it on level 24 will suffice if you can help
Join me when you done I have 1 other we should be half way by then
At this point the raid would feel like a relaxing walk in the park... hypebole
You need to buy the ammo before you do missions like this. You can then use during the mission.
I have the exotic sniper rifle, it's the best sniper in the game. The sniper is the only gun that does any damage. So everyone in the fire team needs to have a decent one when you meet Tar rauc. The level is easy up until you meet him. It's the little cnuts that spawn everywhere. Me and Phewbo got him down to a 1/3 earlier which is the best we've done.
that looks decent. One thing that could flaw this plan is that the level 28 has the no primary ammo drop, so the only way to get some is to kill with your special or heavy.

Mate, I'll tell you again, you can buy ammo and use it anytime you need!