Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

I've done nightfall but can help you with that in exchange for you helping me with one of the two weeklies I still need to do
can do. Though might have to wait. Me and tom were thinking of giving the crota raid a shot.

Did you want to join us?
Bought two helm engrams. On the positive side they both turned into stuff I hadn't had before and for two different classes... on the negative neither was a Warlock helm which would have been handy
Actually scratch that. Damien, Tom has pulled out for the moment. So did you want to do a nightfall and then weekly first. Or still do the raid?
Bought two helm engrams. On the positive side they both turned into stuff I hadn't had before and for two different classes... on the negative neither was a Warlock helm which would have been handy
I did the same. Both useless to me. Got the same helm I had just bought from xur and a titan helm when I don't have a titan.
I did the same. Both useless to me. Got the same helm I had just bought from xur and a titan helm when I don't have a titan.

I made sure to do the helm engrams before anything else. The hunter exotic I got is the arachnid one so pretty excited about upgrading that one.

I made sure to do the helm engrams before anything else. The hunter exotic I got is the arachnid one so pretty excited about upgrading that one.

yeh didn't even think about that at the time.

Your fireteam leader by the way
Thanks :) I'll switch over in a min. I ran out of ammo for my arc weapons and didn't have any synth on my Hunter so that's why I wanted to swap places @Dargonk, plus to see how it works from your end. Good place.
Thanks :) I'll switch over in a min. I ran out of ammo for my arc weapons and didn't have any synth on my Hunter so that's why I wanted to swap places @Dargonk, plus to see how it works from your end. Good place.
Yeh much safer, just a matter of getting over there without dying.
:lol: legendary leg engram which decrypted into Titan legs (didn't have legs for my Titan), sweet. I think before the reset I could get all my chars to 31.
lucky bugger. I think I can get my Hunter to 31, would just have to smash out bounties and such. Though will wait to see if I can get any raid loot first before I start leveling stuff up to much.
Xur is once again a joke, selling Truth for the third time and selling the Voidfang Vestments again, sell Heart of the Praxic Fire you cnut.
Sorry guys, I couldn't handle being on that ledge, could barely get a shot off before I died! Was hoping to act as a distraction from the other side, but there were too many adds.
Thanks a lot guys. Really appreciate that.

Can't believe we did all that just for shards :(

Really wish I had Fatebringer. IB was pointless as you died before it could regenerate, my Perun's Fire ran out of ammo and so did my rocket launcher. I used heavy synthesis but takes about five mins to cooldown, and when that Omnigul bitch keeps moving, half of the shots miss...
•Mask of the Third Man (Hunter, helmet, 92 Intellect) - worse than my 30 MotTM, won't upgrade

•Young Ahamkara's Spine (Hunter, gauntlets, 109 Discipline) - better than my 30 YAS, might upgrade

•The Armamentarium (Titan, chest piece, 167 Discipline) - much better than my 30 TA, will upgrade

•No Backup Plans (Titan, gauntlets, 111 Strength) - better than my 30 NBC, will probably upgrade

•Light Beyond Nemesis (Warlock, helmet, 103 Strength) - not got so can't ipgrade

•Sunbreakers (Warlock, gauntlets, 87 Intellect) - nah.

I'll get one IB and probably either TLW or Thunderlord upgraded too.
So i have 159 coins and two more weeklies and nightfalls to do before XUR fecks off so ill have 167 coins.

Shard and replace my voidfang vestments.
Upgrade icebreaker.
Upgrade thunderlord
upgrade Thorn.

Then depending on if i can get enough glimmer before he goes-
Upgrade suros
upgrade the last word.

=84 coins?

I should probably do the nightfalls before i do anythinh else on the off chance they drop what i am already planning to upgrade.
although i will do thunderlord before i do then nightfalls again, it should wreck.
So in case anyone is interested I'm doing the quest bounty that starts with buying the urn from xur. After buying the urn, you have to:

- Kill (i think) 50 thralls using a solar fusion rifle, without dying
- Melee kill 5 cursed thralls without dying
- Kill 100 acolytes and wizard using void damage, without dying
- Kill Urzok the Hated in a public event at the Skywatch (not sure whether it's always the case, but I was defending a warsat and he arrived in about the 4th/5the wave of enemies)
- Complete a new mission called Ritual of Sacrifice

The second and fourth steps were pretty tough, and I'm currently starting the mission. Have a feeling I'll struggle doing it solo!
So I managed to do the quest solo. It would have been so hard doing it the way it was intended, but it can be cheeses from the door quite easily.

My reward (no idea whether this is always the case) was some legendary gauntlets. You can guess what the only item of gear I have bought on my warlock is...

Also worth noting that, after that mission, you have to take the urn back to Xur, so if you're keen to get the reward soon, you'll need to do it all before Cur disappears again.
Ah crap, have you done the daily? I've still got a weekly to do but you're probably tired of that strike
I haven't done the daily yet. I'll pass on the strike for today :lol:

Other option is we run the raid again from the start with alts?