Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

If Lucifer made a nightfall, that would be it.
Haha, I don't think it's too bad. At least you're usually safe in that room and always safe on the upper walkway. The problem I have with it is that there is no other way to do it. I guess it probably less extreme as a standard strike, but in nightfall, you will die if you enter the boss room. All that time spent designing it and they've designed it so that you'll never actually enter it until the boss is killed!
Doing the raid on my Warlock now. Got the boots and the gloves from the first two parts :D
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If anyone is up for doing a raid, or at least the Nightfall, after 20:30 tonight, give me a shout.

It sucks that I am on lates this week and get home too late to join you lot in getting teh uber lewtz! :(

So, is it the case that you can get to the first chest solo?
yeh fist chest you can get straight away. Don't even need to kill anything. I quickly grabbed it on my 27 Warlock.
Had issues joining you guys in the tower. So going by myself. Wait for me in orbit and I'll rejoin you guys in a sec.
Anybody up for the nightfall now? Just need 1 more
Wow, that was intense when I was on my own and the wizard came into the room! Major panic!
Only problem is I've not got it unlocked, so unless you have, will need to find a third. Either way we need three ideally as it's a tough one
I've got it unlocked. Yeh a third would be very handy. Hopefully someone comes online to join us
That was so gutting. Sorry Dargs, only had enough time for the one attempt. We had just a sliver of Omnigul's health left when we carked it
Yeh, gutted. Never realized the cursed had spawned behind us. Hopefully the first raid chest gives me something good to make up for it.

Nightfall can wait until tomorrow now
I'll be looking to do Nightfall tonight, if anyone wants to team up at around 20:45, or so...?

If we're not doing the raid tonight I'm up for that.

Yeh, gutted. Never realized the cursed had spawned behind us. Hopefully the first raid chest gives me something good to make up for it.

Nightfall can wait until tomorrow now

Yeah, those cursed thralls that come out of that hole are a pain. I'll be on tomorrow to do it again with you.
In case anyone wasn't sure, ranking up for a faction gets you a crucible commendation. I've also read that they are transferable via the vault. I have 3 of the new vendor armour items, just need a helmet. Unfortunately the only drops I've had so far have been duplicates. :(

Also, I look so badass with my new Vanguard chestpiece, Helm of Saint-14, Iron Banner gauntlets and boots and the Million Million shader. Shame I have to abandon the IB stuff to make it to 31.
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I'm joining a group of randomers from LFG on the bridge checkpoint. They're looking for another one. Anyone want in?
Are we going to be attempting the bridge again or leaving it a day or two until Xur arrives and one of us gets to 31?
The bridge part was "easier" than I thought. We did it with one 31 and the rest 30s, so the gatekeepers are definitely possible to kill as 30.

Only three guys need to get across with a sword, because that's what you need to hold the totems and then the bridge from the other side. Then the last three guys can just run across.
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The bridge part was "easier" than I thought. We did it with one 31 and the rest 30s, so the gatekeepers are definitely possible to kill as 30.

Only three guys need to get across with a sword, because that's what you need to hold the totems and then the bridge from the other side. Then the last three guys can just run across.

Yeah I read up on it, seems a bit easier when you get the hang of it.

Doing daily story now if anyone wants to join.
The bridge part was "easier" than I thought. We did it with one 31 and the rest 30s, so the gatekeepers are definitely possible to kill as 30.

Only three guys need to get across with a sword, because that's what you need to hold the totems and then the bridge from the other side. Then the last three guys can just run across.
Yeah, we managed it with a team of 30s. Apparently you can even use the titan flash grenade to blind the gatekeeper, which makes it really easy to kill him.
Yeah I read up on it, seems a bit easier when you get the hang of it.

Doing daily story now if anyone wants to join.
I don't mind having another crack tonight , who else is on?
Are we going to be attempting the bridge again or leaving it a day or two until Xur arrives and one of us gets to 31?

I'd prefer to leave it till Friday night.

I want to get the night falls unlocked and my coins earned and out the way.

I'd prefer to bring one of my warlocks as well for the first few runs.