Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Helped some random guy through the gorgan maze on normal. Just the two of us right now, but we are at the jumping puzzle if anyone wants to join us
Well, three nightfalls gave me 23 strange coins. Guess I'm getting MIDA then!
read up on what you need to do for each of them and decide. Invective is meant to be the best gun out of them, though none are particularly great.
Cheers, went for the Invective since I already have an exotic primary.
Invective is the one I have, Marko. Not used it in PvP, as I use Suros Regime or Patience & Time, but I imagine it will kick ass.

I have heard people raving about Bad JuJu, but not used it myself.
Invective is the one I have, Marko. Not used it in PvP, as I use Suros Regime or Patience & Time, but I imagine it will kick ass.

I have heard people raving about Bad JuJu, but not used it myself.

Bad JuJu is easily one of the worst exotics in the game.
Really? Did it get nerfed at some point? I have seen people saying that it's really good.

Don't think so. Tbh I haven't seen people say Bad Juju is good, though I could be mistaken. I think Bungie said they were going to buff it, along with Thorn and Mythoclast.

Cheers for helping out by the way!

Yeah, no worries. I invited that guy at the end btw, I usually get the checkpoints for VoG from him, so I thought I would help him out, hope you didn't mind.
Bad juju is terrible to be fair. It looks cool but that's all it has going for it at the moment.

Bungie did say they were gonna buff it but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Bad JuJu is easily one of the worst exotics in the game.
Bad Juju is fine when you have it upgraded... it's pretty much a constant stream of bullets against mobs in most content. It's just not great for high level content, such as raids, nightfall, lvl 28 weekly etc because you won't get the instant reload to proc as often...

Bad juju is terrible to be fair. It looks cool but that's all it has going for it at the moment.

Bungie did say they were gonna buff it but I wouldn't hold your breath.
I'm not sure a buff can help it, the problem most have with it is the instant reload proc vs the 15 bullet mag...
They're re-buffing it for PVE only apparently.

Yup, they over nerfed it, not even sure why they nerfed in PvE. I have it and I never use it, which is a joke considering it's the hardest gun to obtain in the game.
They're re-buffing it for PVE only apparently.
Yeah, that would make sense. It's still seems pretty decent in PVP when I've used it. Still disappointingly a long way from 'best gun in the game' good, but certainly good. In PVE though it's actually rubbish, the only advantage it has over standard legendary auto rifles is that it does solar damage, but that's not worth using up an exotic slot for when you have all the other raid guns that do different damage types and are legendaries.
The Voc hits harder than the mythoclast.
Has more ammo, isnt an exotic.

#Bungie logic
Bad Juju is fine when you have it upgraded... it's pretty much a constant stream of bullets against mobs in most content. It's just not great for high level content, such as raids, nightfall, lvl 28 weekly etc because you won't get the instant reload to proc as often...

I'm not sure a buff can help it, the problem most have with it is the instant reload proc vs the 15 bullet mag...

My problem with it is the damage. Its basically an AR but its damage still gets cut in half against yellow enemies, unlike ARs. Its damage is just terrible.
I think the proc and the stability perk just ... sort out its other major issues - they dont make it a good gun, they just stop it being quite so terrible.
Do you guys want to meet up to do the raid tonight or are you well in to the PvP at the moment?

I can Pug it again if needs be.

Yeah thats my fault hands up.

I can do both tonight, I can finish the hard raid, then do a normal run with my hunter, then maybe pug up for the last hard run if nobody else wants it.

I'm up for completing hard. And I'm up for another full hard run too, still got the oracle checkpoint.

That was fun @Dargonk :lol:
@Damien I think we had rather rubbish team then, though got it done in the end. You have to worry when me at level 25 was forced to grab the relic twice :wenger:

No raid armour for me though :( Still can do oracles and templar at least at some point this week
I did have to shake my head at you managing to get killed right at the start a couple of times.
Let's be honest, @Damien wouldn't be Damien if he didn't at least diea couple times falling off a cliff, or before the enemies spawned :lol:
@Damien I think we had rather rubbish team then, though got it done in the end. You have to worry when me at level 25 was forced to grab the relic twice :wenger:

No raid armour for me though :( Still can do oracles and templar at least at some point this week

I got Kabr's Wrath but that's the only Titan armour I've got - and that's the third time I've got it now... was the person beginning with s the one who hadn't done it before? He was holding things up a bit. Jvanpop was great though when he came in
I did have to shake my head at you managing to get killed right at the start a couple of times.

Atheon or the jumping puzzle? On Atheon, on one of the times I went for a quick pee. Best bit was when we were in times vengeance and had to jump into the middle platform, I managed to overjump and fall to my death a few times.
Trying to do IB with randoms is so frustrating. Countless times my group had two zones and went for the third resulting in the other team winning.

And when I get in the top three/four you know something's not right.



Gotta love LIGHT/Beware, especially on zone C on Twilight Gap. Enemy comes around the corner... *zap*
I got Kabr's Wrath but that's the only Titan armour I've got - and that's the third time I've got it now... was the person beginning with s the one who hadn't done it before? He was holding things up a bit. Jvanpop was great though when he came in

Atheon or the jumping puzzle? On Atheon, on one of the times I went for a quick pee. Best bit was when we were in times vengeance and had to jump into the middle platform, I managed to overjump and fall to my death a few times.
yeh the guy starting with s hadn't done any of it before. He was the one who had the gorgon check point, so joined him for the easy chests and guided him through.

Yeh that jvanpop guy was quality.

Atheon. I've done that a few times when doing it on hard. Always annoying dying in such a stupid way.
yeh the guy starting with s hadn't done any of it before. He was the one who had the gorgon check point, so joined him for the easy chests and guided him through.

Yeh that jvanpop guy was quality.

Atheon. I've done that a few times when doing it on hard. Always annoying dying in such a stupid way.

Yeah, with Atheon it's best to just stay in the far corners before being teleported, that way little chance of dying which is the most important thing
Got a full run on hard mode done last night in record time (for any group I've been in that is)! So after my 10 - 12th raid attempt I finally got a Facade of the Hezen Lords for my third raid piece, I would of preferred the gloves to keep my current helmet, but I have two Sun Singers ready to go. So I'll finally be joining the level 30 crew :lol:

On a side note, is there anything worth buying from Xur this week? Some of the armour he has looks interesting but I've not got the MIDI Tool so I may just add that to my collection.
Trying to do IB with randoms is so frustrating. Countless times my group had two zones and went for the third resulting in the other team winning.

And when I get in the top three/four you know something's not right.

Gotta love LIGHT/Beware, especially on zone C on Twilight Gap. Enemy comes around the corner... *zap*
Jesus, tell me about it. I don't think anything has made me more frustrated. I also can't decide which is worse, when they go charging off to the third flag, capture it and we end up losing the other two, or like my last game, when you and a couple of others are doing a great job holding two flags while the rest of your team continually rushes the third flag, dying so often that you still manage to lose the match!
Trying to do IB with randoms is so frustrating. Countless times my group had two zones and went for the third resulting in the other team winning.

And when I get in the top three/four you know something's not right.



Gotta love LIGHT/Beware, especially on zone C on Twilight Gap. Enemy comes around the corner... *zap*

'Graham_Brighton' from the 'BearFaced Gaymers'? Wat?
Trying to do IB with randoms is so frustrating. Countless times my group had two zones and went for the third resulting in the other team winning.

And when I get in the top three/four you know something's not right.

Gotta love LIGHT/Beware, especially on zone C on Twilight Gap. Enemy comes around the corner... *zap*

I have a light / beware with the faster charge perk. Its truly silly.
Tempted to make a crucible build with that and my universal remote, just to be a cheap bastard for a few games.

Pugs will always go for and try and cap the 3rd zone and its particularly bad in IB. You kind of need to just deal with it imo.
Regardless while i think it makes sense to concentrate on 2 zones. I think it makes more sense to concentrate on one particular zone.
Theres usually one particular zone which you need to keep above others. Like most maps you ideally want a particular 2, but there'll be one in particular which you need to hold (usually the middle or b).

If you hold b in firebase delphi then your slap bang in the middle of the other 2 bases and about 5 secs away from getting shots off on zone a.
Hold b and you win, the other 2 bases will at worst flip back and forth because its impossible to get forward and back to defend them.

The other mars map - hold c and you win. Because it makes it a hell of a lot easier to take b and a is pretty crap really.

Some are more balanced but pretty much all have one base that decides who wins and who loses.
The other bases will just come your way naturally.
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Yeah, Blind Watch is ridiculous. Bravo starts with a big advantage as they spawn right near C.

But most react badly to it tbh.
They take A (fair enough why not) and then go to B.
Eventually Bravo takes B because dieing keeps them out of the fight for about 5 seconds and theres just better cover and more room to maneuver on the lower floor.
If you ever manage to get enough guys to make a serious attempt at taking C, then you get B and then they try and cap A because they're jackasses
and you're back where you started.
Attacking C from point A is fine anyway and its what you should do if your on alpha team.
If bravo are good they'll defend it but 99% of the time you'll get one guy maybe defending while the rest of his team rushes A

Blind watch is the best example of a map where holding one base is all you need to do.
You take and hold C, then you win, getting b is just basically inevitable from there.
Putting serious man power into defending b is kind of pointless as you can take it back so easily and enemy attempts at taking b are just a good way of getting some easy kills really.

Blind Watch and Firebase Delphi are the most unbalanced though.
The points you need to hold on other maps aren't as obvious or as clearcut.
Though actually the other mars one with vehicles its point b again.