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The Armamentarium - 13 Strange Coins, Titan Chest
Achlyophage Symbiote - 13 Strange Coins, Hunter Helm
Light Beyond Nemesis - 13 Strange Coins, Warlock Helm
Truth - 17 Strange Coins, Rocket Launcher
Exotic Chest Engram - 23 Motes of Light
If anyone is playing with a Titan then the Armamentarium is a must. I'm planning on starting a Titan, so I'm gonna get it.
So you know your a nerd when you just get on holiday and the apartment has wifi and I jump on to see this. It's almost perfect. I have an Exotic Helmet and I have the Truth Exotic Launcher. I couldn't believe my eyes, almost too good to be true. It bought I had missed out on nothing. Then I see the Chest Engram I need! FFFUUUUUUU
50 Motes and 30 Coins and no access to xbox!
I'm going to go sink 10 beers and forget about this.

Also what's up with PSN? Is it still free? I'm not saying Xbox Live is perfect but given how the PS4 users outweigh the Xbox you would think they could nail this. Isn't it the second time in 7 days?