Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Two level 22's on the Mars Cabal mission. This should be fun.

Remember when you get to the boss just run back across the bridge and you can snipe him in the head without being shot by anything.
Level 24, slowly getting there. Had a few nice drops today to bump me up a couple of levels. Legendary Sniper Rifle too which was nice.
Level 24, slowly getting there. Had a few nice drops today to bump me up a couple of levels. Legendary Sniper Rifle too which was nice.

Do you want to do some Tiger Strikes? I'm level 24 now too (and also have a legendary sniper woo)
I'm trying to level a hunter up without going through the story again.

Sorry, I don't think I'm high enough level to finish that off! I'll try some level 22s later until I can get up to 24.

I'm the one who should be sorry! If it was any strike but that one we probably would have been able to finish before my food arrived. The other one left at exact same time as you :lol:
There's just me and one other in a strike. If anyone else can join it'd be appreciated. Me and the other person are at the tank bit on the Mars strike.
Got my first piece of legendary armour....

...for the wrong class. feck off Destiny.
3 Legendarys in a Cryptarch package!!

Boots and Helmet and a Primary.

And they turned in to...

Legendary boots (with Auto Rifle perk I need), shards, and...yeah, you guessed it. A Shadow Price!

I must have put 18-20 hours solely into levelling Vanguard for that gun and get it within 24 hours of having it.

The one from the Engram has 2 reload speed perks. Kills increase speed and Precision Kills dramatically increase speed. Should be good for PVP?

Edit: Q. The Legendarys I'm getting recently are all ones that can be bought from the Vanguard Quartermaster. The Legendary drops in strikes, can they only be Vanguard Legendarys (if not random exotic)? Cryptarch Package Engrams can be random across everything right? (Vanguard, New Monarchy etc)

Not had a Crucible weapon yet but not played it much and only Crucible rank 2 so maybe to play more.
I hate it when you play strikes with random idiots, who, when you've found a safe spot to hide in, come and hang with you.

The whole point of hiding here is so the other two can go full retard attacking and not worrying if they die.
I told you, haha! I'm still kind of tempted to try and get to rank 2, just because I want the hunter cloak! Will be a bit of a chore though.

Luckily there isn't anything I really want.
Anyone want to rush some vanguard tiger strikes?
Phalanxes when the angry modifier is on stopping all enemies from flinching are just :( :boring:

Tbh i really don't like the modifiers.
The one that makes enemies melee attacks do more damage basically guts bladedancer. Kind of forces you to play gunslinger which im not a big fan of.

The no flinching on mars missions is another really annoying one.
Dont know if its intentional but the way cabals melee attacks will sometimes kill you if theres a wall or a pebble behind you seems broken. I'd say half my deaths on mars are from the 'architects'.
The no flinching thing just makes them a lot more common.
Was doing the weekly the other day and the servitor one shotted me by missing, hitting what looked look like a shoe box, which flew up, hit me in the face and killed me .... 100% health to 0% ... with the boss on 10% health ...
I wasn't impressed.

On Iron Banner
I capped my crucible marks half way through rank 2 so ill level the rest when it comes around again but yeah ...
iron banner is just a crap version of the normal crucible. Things which are a bit op and annoying in crucible are just infuriating in iron banner.
And the player base on ps3 is pretty small, so it just kills the fairly small pool of decent players a bit more.

And then theres the guys which you've never seen once in crucible who are level 30 and have a full fireteam of players with vex mytolasts and that primary weapon shotgun.
They're a bit rubbish but if you kill one then you get 3 guys all rounding on you instantly and you lose miserably, with them teabagging you as all the other players left and they're classy like that.

The way you aren't rewarded for losing a match just makes people take the path of least resistance.
They'll stack the odds in their favour as much as possible and its really not that difficult to kill any competition and turn it into a night for x guild to farm rep (and the rest of the playerbase).
Like i can come out of them matches with a positive k/d ratio despite it being a 6 vs 3 for most of it but with it being control, the team im on is still going to lose badly.
And a guy with a k/d of 0.05 is as likely to get rewarded as me so ...