Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

I can probably raid for a bit, though probably not all night. I'll be on trying to find public events or doing strikes from 7ish, so someone drop me a message/ invite if you want me.
I saved up and bought Doctor Nope. Yeah there should be.
I got that gun as a reward from somewhere or other. It's rate of fire is good, but the recoil is insane! It's impossible to use on anything that isn't right in front of you!
I am on if anyone wants to do the nightfall or the weekly heroic.
I got that gun as a reward from somewhere or other. It's rate of fire is good, but the recoil is insane! It's impossible to use on anything that isn't right in front of you!

Yeah the recoil is bad but once you buy the upgrade to make it more stable it is not so bad.

I am on if anyone wants to do the nightfall or the weekly heroic.

I'm up for nightfall.

Is that an exotic or legendary?


Did you use the tactic of jumping to the towers or just the normal method? For the Templar that is...
We should do alright on nightfall, especially with the fireborn ability to fall back on. Just be very careful at times - like that bit where I joined, wait for the Vex and Fallen to fight and kill each other off, then kill the rest.
Thats kind of my fault as I forgot to say make Damo lead...
Do you want to do the nightfall instead like you wanted
Yea I think we should be alright, make Damo lead for the end bit......
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to break for an hour, my tea is done.

I look like a right twat here :(

I'll back in half hour.
Anybody who hasn't done the daily + weekly want to give it a shot?
Do we have a time for the raid?
Need to sort a few things here so need a time