Film Deadpool and Wolverine

It’s good people can enjoy this I guess. I thought it was absolute fecking drek tbh. The other Deadpool movies at least tried to have a plot and characters and things that worked on their own merits. This is not a film in any functional sense. It’s a special episode of a TV show that’s gone on too long. It’s absolutely “for the fans” because if you aren’t a fan of the 45 other things this references in place of having its own plot or characters it would be literally incomprehensible.

Hugh Jackman also doesn’t really do anything but tell Deadpool to shut up and wear a checklist of outfits for people to Leo meme at. Just a bizarre artefact of our age.

Another thing I remembered is there are feck loads of slow motion shots of people walking to a needle drop. Just fecking endless. Usually this works in films because it comes at the end and there’s some context and build up to it. James Gunn is very good at giving this type of silly winking comic book fare heart and having his characters do a slowmo needle drop walk at the end after the characters have actually gone through something and the film has built up to it and it’s meaningful.

…. But here, there’s nothing like that, because all the plotting and arcs and jarring bits of pathos this film tries to cram in occasionally are based entirely on things that happen in other films, or off screen, so when the slowmo happens it’s just because walking in slow motion looks cool. It is literally the artifice of a film. Weaponising the language of cinema as a junkie’s fix. That’s where we’re at now. A film playing a film disguised as another film.

But eh, if people like it good for them. But it’s objectively a very odd thing.

I find it hard to believe someone watched the first 2 deadpool movies and was blindsided by what deadpool 3 was. And yes, of course it is for "the fans" - superhero movies, despite their popularity are very niche in terms of classification, they're not made for musical fans or for citizen kane fans.
I find it hard to believe someone watched the first 2 deadpool movies and was blindsided by what deadpool 3 was. And yes, of course it is for "the fans" - superhero movies, despite their popularity are very niche in terms of classification, they're not made for musical fans or for citizen kane fans.

I don’t really agree…The first 2 were at least actual films, or trying to be. They had plots rather than just excuses for set peices. They had characters that were introduced and developed within the film itself. Even the second one which is less good introduces Cable and Russell and gives them a story to work with (about saving a troubled abused child - so not really very flippant, even if the jokes were crass) which is where its attempts at pathos come from…. This film has a certain character turn up at one point to attempt to give Wolverine a bit of pathos, entirely by referencing what happened in a completely different film. The villain’s backstory is entirely reliant on a character from another film that isn’t even in this one. It’s just tossed off as jokey exposition.

The first two had bits of this, but it was largely built out from a plot. I think it’s disingenuous to pretend the other two had no interest in these things. They did. This one doesn’t. It’s cool if you like it, but it’s objectively a very weird peice of media that could only be made right now.
I do like the idea that Charles Foster Kane will eventually turn up in one of these, no doubt to resolve the Rosebud plot-thread. Finally get us snobs clapping along.
I was just enjoying the dissonance in the consecutive posts. Though the number of people I've seen around that have cited "cameos" as one of the reasons it's great leads me to think Mockney's contains more than a grain of truth. Not beating the fairground ride allegations.
Yeah no.

Ive already stated it's very much fan service, and I'm a fan, so I enjoyed it. Mockneys post you quoted literally says, it's a film for the fans (of the fox films it's come from).

The TVA in the film is explained in the film despite first being introduced in Loki, you don't need to have watched it to understand. They make a tongue in cheek joke about this infact. The rest of the references are stuff that 99% of people will know, bar 1 or 2.

Just seems you've already made up your mind about the film without watching and trying to confirm your bias.
Despite enjoying this, the more I think about it the more I hate it as an entry into the MCU. You FINALLY have the X-Men and Wolverine in the MCU and this is the movie they decided to make? A homage to the fox verse and other older comic movies?
What was the point?
Feige said in terms of importance to the future of the MCU this movie is a 7/10.. I really don't see how?
Enjoyed it a lot. Loved the cameos.
Unbelievable film. Possibly the best Marvel film to date.
Despite enjoying this, the more I think about it the more I hate it as an entry into the MCU. You FINALLY have the X-Men and Wolverine in the MCU and this is the movie they decided to make? A homage to the fox verse and other older comic movies?
What was the point?
Feige said in terms of importance to the future of the MCU this movie is a 7/10.. I really don't see how?
This isn't their X-Men film, it's closing off all the fox films before they do their actual X-Men films. Think it's important because it means Deadpools going to end up in the avengers, probably secret wars. And also introduces the TVA for people who haven't seen Loki.
All MARVEL has now are cameos.
This isn't their X-Men film, it's closing off all the fox films before they do their actual X-Men films. Think it's important because it means Deadpools going to end up in the avengers, probably secret wars. And also introduces the TVA for people who haven't seen Loki.
There's going to be more?
Why won't they die.
Just seen it. It's no masterpiece or anything, but it's easily the most enjoyable Marvel thing since Avengers Endgame.
This sounds exactly as unbearable as I would have thought after seeing the trailer. Marvel films are barely films at this point, so that's to expect. It's unfortunate this will be a big hit for Marvel, they should need to do more than this to get the audience back on board. I still need to see Deadpool 2, but I'll probably get around to this next week.
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I find it hard to believe someone watched the first 2 deadpool movies and was blindsided by what deadpool 3 was. And yes, of course it is for "the fans" - superhero movies, despite their popularity are very niche in terms of classification, they're not made for musical fans or for citizen kane fans.
I loved the first one. Enjoyed the second but far less so and I generally hate and avoid superhero movies. So it sounds like I'll love or hate this one. Or somewhere inbetween :confused:
This isn't their X-Men film, it's closing off all the fox films before they do their actual X-Men films. Think it's important because it means Deadpools going to end up in the avengers, probably secret wars. And also introduces the TVA for people who haven't seen Loki.
I thought the TVA only existed to stop timelines that lead to Kang. Now it seems to do other shit like destroy universes were the "anchor being" dies. It's really fecking confusing for most people.
Another thing I remembered is there are feck loads of slow motion shots of people walking to a needle drop. Just fecking endless. Usually this works in films because it comes at the end and there’s some context and build up to it. James Gunn is very good at giving this type of silly winking comic book fare heart and having his characters do a slowmo needle drop walk at the end after the characters have actually gone through something and the film has built up to it and it’s meaningful.

…. But here, there’s nothing like that, because all the plotting and arcs and jarring bits of pathos this film tries to cram in occasionally are based entirely on things that happen in other films, or off screen, so when the slowmo happens it’s just because walking in slow motion looks cool. It is literally the artifice of a film. Weaponising the language of cinema as a junkie’s fix. That’s where we’re at now. The immitation of things we think should be in films, but shorn of all the reasons why they are. A film playing a film disguised as another film.

But eh, if people like it good for them. But it’s objectively a very odd thing.
Not watched it but I’ve never taken anything Deadpool related seriously in either comic or film form.

It’s a material that is supposed to be tongue in cheek, 4th wall breaking and fan service based.

Deadpool should be a piss take of all superhero movie genre tropes and stupidity. I’ve not seen it yet of course but if it is that then I’ll switch off my Cannes festival brain to just enjoy a bit of fun and silliness.
I thought it was a great way to spend a couple of hours just enjoying a film having a laugh and not taking it too seriously. I didn’t go in expecting anything else really.
Just seen it. It's no masterpiece or anything, but it's easily the most enjoyable Marvel thing since Avengers Endgame.
Spider-Man: far from home, Shang Chi, Spider-Man No way home, Multiverse of madness and Wakanda Forever are all better films than Deadpool & Wolverine
Not watched it but I’ve never taken anything Deadpool related seriously in either comic or film form.

It’s a material that is supposed to be tongue in cheek, 4th wall breaking and fan service based.

Deadpool should be a piss take of all superhero movie genre tropes and stupidity. I’ve not seen it yet of course but if it is that then I’ll switch off my Cannes festival brain to just enjoy a bit of fun and silliness.

Again… the character would not have gotten to a 2nd sequel if the previous films had had the attitude of this one. You may not have noticed it overtly (Red Letter Media voice* but your brain did) but they were about something, with their own plots and characters. The jokes were sprinkled around a core structure.

The whole “I don’t want Citizen Kane or a Cannes film!!!” spiel is inevitable (though the idea Kane is some impenetrable art film ‘cos it’s got some flashy camera angles is silly and Inside Out 2 got a 7 minute ovation at Cannes this year) but it’s daft because no one is saying it should be that, merely that it should have the bare minimum requirements of its previous entries, which were actually about a man rejecting help and trying to save an abused child’s future respectively. They weren’t masterpieces but they had stories and themes from which to draw their sincerity from, which this one doesn’t have. If you think that kind of thing doesn’t matter you’re cheating yourselves. You can have it all. Want better guys. You deserve it….. possibly.
Damn this guy is really mad about a pop corn movie that was not aimed at him
Again… the character would not have gotten to a 2nd sequel if the previous films had had the attitude of this one. You may not have noticed it overtly (Red Letter Media voice* but your brain did) but they were about something, with their own plots and characters. The jokes were sprinkled around a core structure.

The whole “I don’t want Citizen Kane or a Cannes film!!!” spiel is inevitable (though the idea Kane is some impenetrable art film ‘cos it’s got some flashy camera angles is silly and Inside Out 2 got a 7 minute ovation at Cannes this year) but it’s daft because no one is saying it should be that, merely that it should have the bare minimum requirements of its previous entries, which were actually about a man rejecting help and trying to save an abused child’s future respectively. They weren’t masterpieces but they had stories and themes from which to draw their sincerity from, which this one doesn’t have. If you think that kind of thing doesn’t matter you’re cheating yourselves. You can have it all. Want better guys. You deserve it….. possibly.
Ok but what’s wrong with having the odd dumb film? Deadpool does have a plot. But it does not need a plot to be the best to be an enjoyable experience.

Sometimes things are just meant to be a bit silly in life and in media. And if that’s not your thing then that’s a perfectly reasonable opinion to hold. It usually isn’t mine, but in a world of war, racism, sexism and all else sometimes you need a completely stupid fan service film to remind you of the fact that none of film really matters as long as you enjoy it.

Nobody and I mean nobody is going to watch Deadpool for the plot. Nobody will look at the first two films and remember the plot. It’s a glorified sketch show of Marvel after dark. Most people are going because they want to watch Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman play camped up and uncensored versions of their comic book counterparts. Why else do you think they put Jackman in his yellow and blue iconic suit?

It matters, but not as much as you want it to for this specific medium of film.
Not watched it but I’ve never taken anything Deadpool related seriously in either comic or film form.

It’s a material that is supposed to be tongue in cheek, 4th wall breaking and fan service based.

Deadpool should be a piss take of all superhero movie genre tropes and stupidity. I’ve not seen it yet of course but if it is that then I’ll switch off my Cannes festival brain to just enjoy a bit of fun and silliness.
That's what the CBC reviewer said: it's a takedown of all things Marvel and itself, with a continuous stream of references and cameos, and it's glorious in that sense. Everything else I have read has been rather lukewarm or worse about the film, so I thought that was an interesting perspective:
Ok but what’s wrong with having the odd dumb film? Deadpool does have a plot. But it does not need a plot to be the best to be an enjoyable experience.

Sometimes things are just meant to be a bit silly in life and in media. And if that’s not your thing then that’s a perfectly reasonable opinion to hold. It usually isn’t mine, but in a world of war, racism, sexism and all else sometimes you need a completely stupid fan service film to remind you of the fact that none of film really matters as long as you enjoy it.

Nobody and I mean nobody is going to watch Deadpool for the plot. Nobody will look at the first two films and remember the plot. It’s a glorified sketch show of Marvel after dark. Most people are going because they want to watch Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman play camped up and uncensored versions of their comic book counterparts. Why else do you think they put Jackman in his yellow and blue iconic suit?

It matters, but not as much as you want it to for this specific medium of film.

Why make anything good? And if it doesn’t matter, why does it bother anyone that I think it’s horrible slop?

It seems to me the people at most pains to point out that it doesn’t need to be any good are also the most annoyed that anyone would dare to find it not good….
Why make anything good? And if it doesn’t matter, why does it bother anyone that I think it’s horrible slop?

It seems to me the people at most pains to point out that it doesn’t need to be any good are also the most annoyed that anyone would dare to find it not good….
Because it feels like you're judging it on an aspect that it (or any film in the franchise) did not set out to do. None of the films had great plot, and entirely pretty forgettable, but they're not known for having great plot, nor is it what they set out to do.

It's a funny fan service film, that doesn't take itself seriously and pokes fun at itself, fox and the MCU. That's Deadpool to tee.
Because it feels like you're judging it on an aspect that it (or any film in the franchise) did not set out to do. None of the films had great plot, and entirely pretty forgettable, but they're not known for having great plot, nor is it what they set out to do.

It's a funny fan service film, that doesn't take itself seriously and pokes fun at itself, fox and the MCU. That's Deadpool to tee.
But he's saying that the previous movies in the Deadpool series had plots that stood on their own, whereas this is a movie that entirely leans on other movies for just about everything in it. If not anything else, that is just lazy filmmaking. It might work for this because people like Deadpool and Wolverine and fan service is what currently brings people to see Marvel films (it's no coincidence this and No Way Home are the two biggest hits since Endgame).

Anyway, the fall of Marvel in the past few years has everything to do with bad overall story archs. I know not many here liked Marvel even before, but the Infinity Saga with Thanos was a very well crafted arch with a compelling character. Since then Marvel has been fumbling in the multiverse where there are no consequence and no stakes and they have been paying the price for it. Fan service seems like all they have now, and to me it's just lazy.
Obviously this film is going to be shit if you went into it expecting something other than an incredibly silly superhero film, that is the third in the franchise of one title character, the seventh in the franchise of the other, the 34th in the MCU, and something like the 70th in the wider Marvel film "universe" that the multiverse saga has essentially made canon.

It was daft and fun, and much better than Eternals, The Marvels and the Black Panther sequel.
whereas this is a movie that entirely leans on other movies for just about everything in it

It would be lazy if it just copied any of these movies. Using homages and meta commentary is not lazy. If anything, one of the most creative and intelligent tv shows of the past 20 years is specifically lauded for successfully doing that.
Nice to see Scorcese on the caf.

I thought it was an incredible film, it's pretty much what you should expect from a Deadpool movie, especially now he's officially in the MCU. I actually wish it were longer so more could have been done tbh.
But he's saying that the previous movies in the Deadpool series had plots that stood on their own, whereas this is a movie that entirely leans on other movies for just about everything in it. If not anything else, that is just lazy filmmaking. It might work for this because people like Deadpool and Wolverine and fan service is what currently brings people to see Marvel films (it's no coincidence this and No Way Home are the two biggest hits since Endgame).

Anyway, the fall of Marvel in the past few years has everything to do with bad overall story archs. I know not many here liked Marvel even before, but the Infinity Saga with Thanos was a very well crafted arch with a compelling character. Since then Marvel has been fumbling in the multiverse where there are no consequence and no stakes and they have been paying the price for it. Fan service seems like all they have now, and to me it's just lazy.
But the entire point of the film is to close out all the fox entities before they get introduced into the MCU, so how would it not lean on those films? If it's well done (which it is) it's not lazy filmmaking at all...

Have you watched the film?
It would be lazy if it just copied any of these movies. Using homages and meta commentary is not lazy. If anything, one of the most creative and intelligent tv shows of the past 20 years is specifically lauded for successfully doing that.
Well, it's one thing to use homages and meta commentary to add to a movie, it's another thing to have your movie solely depend on it. I'm willing to bet that there's more to the show you're talking about than that.
This isn't their X-Men film, it's closing off all the fox films before they do their actual X-Men films. Think it's important because it means Deadpools going to end up in the avengers, probably secret wars. And also introduces the TVA for people who haven't seen Loki.
Thought The Loki spinoff was very good, though I’ve always liked Loki so may be biased
Well, it's one thing to use homages and meta commentary to add to a movie, it's another thing to have your movie solely depend on it. I'm willing to bet that there's more to the show you're talking about than that.

Good thing that the bold part of your statement is not the case here then.
Well, it's one thing to use homages and meta commentary to add to a movie, it's another thing to have your movie solely depend on it. I'm willing to bet that there's more to the show you're talking about than that.

As I said in my other comment, it's the third Deadpool movie and the seventh or eighth movie to heavily feature/focus on Wolverine. It's the 34th MCU movie, and appears to have been designed to draw a line under the "multiverse" stuff. It's the 70-something-th Marvel feature film. It was always going to reference other stuff, especially as it was Deadpool.

I'd also argue it didn't rely solely on references to other things, it just assumes (correctly) that anyone interested will have knowledge of other Marvel films, specifically those featuring Wolverine, and more specifically again, Logan. What sequel doesn't assume knowledge of the things that came before?

People watching Endgame, with no previous knowledge of the MCU would have been equally as lost as people watching Deadpool & Wolverine.
As I said in my other comment, it's the third Deadpool movie and the seventh or eighth movie to heavily feature/focus on Wolverine. It's the 34th MCU movie, and appears to have been designed to draw a line under the "multiverse" stuff. It's the 70-something-th Marvel feature film. It was always going to reference other stuff, especially as it was Deadpool.

I'd also argue it didn't rely solely on references to other things, it just assumes (correctly) that anyone interested will have knowledge of other Marvel films, specifically those featuring Wolverine, and more specifically again, Logan. What sequel doesn't assume knowledge of the things that came before?

People watching Endgame, with no previous knowledge of the MCU would have been equally as lost as people watching Deadpool & Wolverine.
Isn't the Fantastic 4 film supposed to be set in a different universe? If this film makes as much as it looks like, it'll absolutely not be the end of this kinda crossover cameo stuff.
Isn't the Fantastic 4 film supposed to be set in a different universe? If this film makes as much as it looks like, it'll absolutely not be the end of this kinda crossover cameo stuff.

Are they not simply moving to a model that doesn't have everything on the same (sacred) timeline?

The multiverse exists, it's all technically MCU, but going forwards we're going to have the "Avengers" timeline as the main one, and other projects will be MCU but unrelated and in another "universe" if they can't tie it into to what Thor, Hulk, etc. are getting up to.
But the entire point of the film is to close out all the fox entities before they get introduced into the MCU, so how would it not lean on those films? If it's well done (which it is) it's not lazy filmmaking at all...

Have you watched the film?
I have already said I haven't. I'm just saying that if the movie is indeed what the other poster is saying (which is my impression from what I've heard and read) then it is lazy filmmaking. It's my opinion, and it's the same with No Way Home.
I have already said I haven't. I'm just saying that if the movie is indeed what the other poster is saying (which is my impression from what I've heard and read) then it is lazy filmmaking. It's my opinion, and it's the same with No Way Home.

What issues did you have with No Way Home?
I have already said I haven't. I'm just saying that if the movie is indeed what the other poster is saying (which is my impression from what I've heard and read) then it is lazy filmmaking. It's my opinion, and it's the same with No Way Home.
I loved no way home.

I enjoyed Deadpool 3 as there were laughs and some great action. Plus love wolverine. But the cameos and 4th wall was all way too in your face. It wasn’t subtle at all. Felt a bit Saturday night live, not a Hollywood movie.

Probably the best super movie since no way home but doesn’t make my top 10 super movies.
As I said in my other comment, it's the third Deadpool movie and the seventh or eighth movie to heavily feature/focus on Wolverine. It's the 34th MCU movie, and appears to have been designed to draw a line under the "multiverse" stuff. It's the 70-something-th Marvel feature film. It was always going to reference other stuff, especially as it was Deadpool.

I'd also argue it didn't rely solely on references to other things, it just assumes (correctly) that anyone interested will have knowledge of other Marvel films, specifically those featuring Wolverine, and more specifically again, Logan. What sequel doesn't assume knowledge of the things that came before?

People watching Endgame, with no previous knowledge of the MCU would have been equally as lost as people watching Deadpool & Wolverine.
Again, if it is like the other poster describes then it isn't really like Endgame. Obviously you'd be confused watching Endgame as your only MCU, but it still has a plot of its own and stands on its own (at least together with Infinity War which obviouly is a 2-part conclusion to the Infinity Saga).