Dead Space

Same, Silent Hill will never be topped as far as scariness goes.

Dead Space was bloody intense, and frightening when things burst out of nowhere. The light changing and flickering did me in too.
The random camera angles at times in Silent Hill also made a difference. You'd enter a lane and suddenly you'd have this oddly angled tilted top view.
I bought Silent Hill: Homecoming for the PS3. I wasn't impressed with it.
On completion of the first I was given 50,000 credits, and 10 nodes. It's actually quite tempting to start it again as a tooled up killing machine.
I played it when it first came out. I always preferred Resident Evil.
Resident Evil Series was always far superior to Silent Hill IMO

Both brilliant games. I thought as a series RE was better and as a game SH 1 (if my memory is correct) was better. I remember three of us friends playing it together. That's how much fun it was, to even watch.
Yeah agree with most of you, Dead Space is linear because most games are linear nowadays, but it's still a great game. RE1-2 and SH1-2 are classics though and I dont think I'll be remembering DS1-2 like I fondly remember those.

And to be fair, even though RE and SH are from the same genre I always saw them as different, just as I see DS as different.

There was a game series called Parasite Eve which was similar to RE, Silent Hill was sort of out there on it's own, and DS in style is similar to the new RE4-5.
SH2 was great and probably one of the best games I played (replayed it a few years ago) but I think the story in SH1 was marginally better, although I did like the subtleties and metaphors of the story in SH2. Storywise very few games match up. RE story is nowhere near as complex and layered but it's just fun and the sort of stuff you grew up watching in B movies.

There's a lot of potential storywise in DS, it'll be interesting to see where they take it... I found the story so interesting for the first I ended up searching online wiki's for as much info as I could get (something I rarely do), did they really expand on much in the sequal? not really, unless I missed a few things...
Both brilliant games. I thought as a series RE was better and as a game SH 1 (if my memory is correct) was better. I remember three of us friends playing it together. That's how much fun it was, to even watch.

The school and the hospital, the dimension shift... classic SH...
The school and the hospital, the dimension shift... classic SH...

Great memories. :)

Another game that scared a shit out of me, although it was because I was kid surrounded by people intent on being horrible influences on me, was phantasmagoria. I have no idea how good it was because I just watched other people play. But I was young enough for it to haunt me a bit.
There was one where you were a kid with crazy pyschic powers, but you could only use them if you injected yourself with some fluid. Crazy shit that game, began with a G i think.

EDIT: Galerians! That's the bugger.

If that was on the PSstore i'd buy it, never finished it.
I am installing Dead Space Extraction at the minute. Looks a pretty big file. What's the scoop with this? Do I need to play it before starting the main game?
Are they worth a look now (phantasmagoria & Galerians)? I don't mind old games...
Huh. It says I can play a trial level, or purchase the full game from the PS Store.
If you did it off the disc for 2 it should be already installed properly, so i don't know what happened there.

And Extraction is a prequel to the first game, so you won't miss out if you play 2 first. But the DLC follows characters from it so i'm playing through it before i do that. It's on rails so it's basically House of the Dead.
If you did it off the disc for 2 it should be already installed properly, so i don't know what happened there.

And Extraction is a prequel to the first game, so you won't miss out if you play 2 first. But the DLC follows characters from it so i'm playing through it before i do that. It's on rails so it's basically House of the Dead.

There is a redeemable code within the box, perhaps that's it. I assumed it was for the multiplayer.

feck me, epic start to the main game. :lol:
The code in the box is for MP (which is pretty meh by the way), but Extraction is a seperate option on the main PS menu. There'll be two images of the disc, one that says extra and basically just has Extraction in it.

And the beginning is brilliant.
The code in the box is for MP (which is pretty meh by the way), but Extraction is a seperate option on the main PS menu. There'll be two images of the disc, one that says extra and basically just has Extraction in it.

Yep, there were two images. I installed the extra one (over 3000mb). On the main screen, though, it only offers a trial level, with an option to buy the whole thing.

And the beginning is brilliant.

It is pretty cool. Of course, having just finished the first, these pansies are going down fast. They have moved the health recharge button, though. I bet that will catch me out a few times. And it is nearly time I donned the helmet. I just obtained the trusty plasma cutter.
I found the health recharge button annoying as feck. I'd accidentally push it every so often and waste (usually) my only remaining health pack... Used to piss me off so much.
I think they have moved it in order to free up a button for reloading. I was on chapter 10 in the first before I had worked out how to do it. :lol:
I'm up to Chapter 10 on the second one and I have to say that whilst great it definitely doesn't seem to have the same eerie atmosphere as the first.

Not entirely sure if that's down to the environments being a bit more open in this one or that I'm used to it after playing through the 1st game almost twice.

Saying that, those stalkers are horrible. Thank Christ for the detonator. I just fire it round myself in a circle whenever those shits show up and wait for em to run at me. :lol:
I beat the whole game with JUST using the fusion cutter. Didn't see a need to purchase any of the other weapons, especially when I couldn't afford it most of the time...

... Mind you I didn't realise you could get money/ammo from the green boxes until about chapter 11...
You can also sell nodes/unneeded ammo... I know what you mean about the green boxes, and sometimes you dont get a drop from an enemy unless you zap them one more time. I stomped the fcuk out of everything so didn't have a problem with money...
You can also sell nodes/unneeded ammo... I know what you mean about the green boxes, and sometimes you dont get a drop from an enemy unless you zap them one more time. I stomped the fcuk out of everything so didn't have a problem with money...

Yep that's what I do.

Also can you help me with how to kill,

those little insect type things you encounter on chapter 7, don't want to waste my better ammo on them
Deadly Premonition > Dead Space

I don't think I've creased with so much laughter in a survival horror, might make a thread about it.
Yep that's what I do.

Also can you help me with how to kill,

those little insect type things you encounter on chapter 7, don't want to waste my better ammo on them

Force Gun ftw ;)

Deadly Premonition > Dead Space

I don't think I've creased with so much laughter in a survival horror, might make a thread about it.

Do it...
One thing I forgot to mention and something I cant recall from another game; When you get swamped by necros and you panic and end up swinging and stomping like a looney until everything is dead and you got the tiny red blinking bit of health... fcukin awesome!
I am on Chapter 3 already. I seem to be buzzing through it a lot more rapidly than the first.
I am a compulsive stomper myself. If only to hear Isaac cursing his head off.

I'm also using the stasis a lot more in this one. Especially since everything seems to charge at you a lot faster.
I am on Chapter 5 now, and I've barely played it. Is it piss easy, or is it just me?
I am on Chapter 5 now, and I've barely played it. Is it piss easy, or is it just me?

It's definitely easier than the 1st game yes. Hardly died at all in comparison which is a shame because some of the deaths are hilarious. Try getting sucked out of an airlock for shits and gigs.
It's definitely easier than the 1st game yes. Hardly died at all in comparison which is a shame because some of the deaths are hilarious. Try getting sucked out of an airlock for shits and gigs.

Yeah, I did that unintentionally. :lol: