New Member
Ah, sorry, I was under the impression that Extraction was Move only.
I am also on Chapter 10 and I must say that
walking those corridors of USG Ishimura again is spooky as hell, as soon as it returned to the ship, the game became scary again!
I also prefer the first game, it had better atmosphere IMO, not saying that this is bad, DS2 is great!
I've no quarrels with it being similar, it's the fact that the story isn't anywhere near as good in my opinion. Like the difference between Bioshock 1 and 2, the atmosphere is the same and if you take the story out of it then it's a great follow up in terms of gameplay. But the gameplay in these games isn't strong enough to hold itself up on it's own, and one of the big reasons i loved the first Dead Space was the way the story unravelled and the twist ending that left you thinking and wanted to playthrough again.
There weren't that many parts that genuinely made me jump in this game so i'm a little surprised you'd say this was the scariest game you'd ever played. The scariest moment for me was the first time you meet those buggers that hide and then charge at you.
They're called Stalkers.The scariest moment for me was the first time you meet those buggers that hide and then charge at you.
About the same as the first, maybe slightly shorter but not by much. But the PS3 version comes with Dead Space: Extraction as well which does help sweeten the deal.
What's the DLC guys? Down-loadable Content?
I'm playing Dead Space 2 ATM and I know it's heralded as the best survival horror game around these days but TBH it's not as good as Resident Evil when it was released for the original Playstation. I remember that game having so much more content, a much more intriguing story and many more rememberable moments rather than just the point to point gameplay system of DS.
I do like Dead Space, it is fun. But the survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill were on a completely different level.
I've always been a bit dubious about Dead Space being lumped in with all survival horror. It almost needs to be in a genre all of its own. It's far cleverer at using cinematic conventions - building up tension, jump shocks etc - than the likes of Resident Evil or Silent Hill (imo). It's the only game I know where people only play it in short bursts because it's too darn scary!