Dead Space

What is Extraction? And is it free with Ps3 and not with Xbox?

If this is the case I may well buy my 1st ever multi platform game for Ps3
Extraction was a game made for the Wii, it's basically a prequel to the first game showing how the Ishimura ended up in the state it's in and the finding/extraction of the marker.

It's all on rails and basically a House of the Dead style game. It's actually quite good fun, despite some weird accents, and fills in bits of the story well.

And yeah it's only on the PS3.
This game is the shit, finished it yesterday... a few nice touches:
The zero-G sections - this is much improved, definately a step in the right direction. It felt like I could fly whereever I wanted... well as far as my oxygen would take me.

Revisiting the Ishimura - Was nice to go back and see how things have changed, and to be fair up until that point I felt a bit overpowered and was walking around without a care in the world, this section seemed to reintruduce the 'scared so shitless I find myself glued to the doorway anytime I enter a room' facter... which is a good thing

The ending - It was nice to have an ending where everything seemed to work out for once. When the you look at the chick and she says 'What?' I thought that was hilarious, bearing in mind what happens at the end of the previous game

Going for my 2nd playthrough later today...
Up to Chapter 10 now,

Got to say i'm finding this bit a tad cheap. It's basically the same moments/puzzles as the first game but just with some whispering in the background. The decontamination room bit was almost identical, i liked the touch with the flashback to the tentacle though. Cracking overall though, and i like you have a choice of suits to wear without losing out on armour and the like.
Haven't finished it yet so can't go on that, i'd say it's probably about the same length from what i've heard from other people.

It is very good, very atmospheric just like the first. But i suppose that's it's only downfall, it's very much like the first. Not that you can knock a game for following a working recipe but the weapons, the monsters are almost all the same as the first.

I prefer the first if i'm honest, but that's largely to do with the fact that it was a whole new thing at the time (the first time i saw one of the necromorphs i shat myself) and this has a story that's not as strong in my opinion. The anti gravity bits are much better in this, and obviously there's a big replay incentive with trying to upgrade all your gear to the max.

Haven't jumped into Multiplayer yet.
Cool. Well at least it's not a bad sequel. I loved the first one, so I guess I'll see the second Dead Pace simply as ten+ more levels to enjoy :) I'm looking forward to the anti gravity rooms, the first ones were great but a bit confuding to control.
Oh it's definitely not bad, but if it wasn't a sequel it wouldn't really work. I do think you need to play the first to really get into it. I really liked that until the final scene you had no idea what Isaac looked like and he hardly spoke, now he won't shut up! I think the overhyping doesn't help it either, every bloody advert break and ever other bus that i've seen has this plastered on it.

And I don't know if it's just me but

the muzzled way "Nicole" talks to you means i can hardly hear a word she says, which doesn't help

So basically get the first one preowned and give it a blast if you've not played it.
I am also on Chapter 10 and I must say that

walking those corridors of USG Ishimura again is spooky as hell, as soon as it returned to the ship, the game became scary again!

I also prefer the first game, it had better atmosphere IMO, not saying that this is bad, DS2 is great!
I am also on Chapter 10 and I must say that

walking those corridors of USG Ishimura again is spooky as hell, as soon as it returned to the ship, the game became scary again!

I also prefer the first game, it had better atmosphere IMO, not saying that this is bad, DS2 is great!

Yup, thats my take... Loved it for what it was tho...
Got this a few days back. But I have tons of 360 games lying here unplayed so I'm having a go at Alan Wake first. Seems damn good.
Just finished it, a bit anticlimatic as i could see the ending coming a mile away,

"Nicole" has been the marker for the entirety of both games, if you didn't see her betraying you then you're a numpty. I loved the very last scene, a great nod to the first games ending.

Still slightly disappointed with the story, it felt as though it was a bit thrown together. Like they never really wanted to make a direct sequel but were told it'd sell so just made up some barebones story that didn't have anywhere near as much emotional pull like the first one had.

Still a good game on gameplay alone and tons of replayability, now to check out the MP.
I loved the first one and bought this on release.

Not finished it yet but I've had to change my pants around 7 times. It's ludicrously scary...probably the scariest game I've ever played and I've played all the Resi's and Fatal Frame among others.

I'm not sure about the negativity - I am slightly miffed when people criticise sequels of games for being too much like the original. Surely the point is to extend the original's experince (granted a bit of a extention is warranted) - well at least that's my opinion.

Anyway, loved it.
I've no quarrels with it being similar, it's the fact that the story isn't anywhere near as good in my opinion. Like the difference between Bioshock 1 and 2, the atmosphere is the same and if you take the story out of it then it's a great follow up in terms of gameplay. But the gameplay in these games isn't strong enough to hold itself up on it's own, and one of the big reasons i loved the first Dead Space was the way the story unravelled and the twist ending that left you thinking and wanted to playthrough again.

There weren't that many parts that genuinely made me jump in this game so i'm a little surprised you'd say this was the scariest game you'd ever played. The scariest moment for me was the first time you meet those buggers that hide and then charge at you.
I've no quarrels with it being similar, it's the fact that the story isn't anywhere near as good in my opinion. Like the difference between Bioshock 1 and 2, the atmosphere is the same and if you take the story out of it then it's a great follow up in terms of gameplay. But the gameplay in these games isn't strong enough to hold itself up on it's own, and one of the big reasons i loved the first Dead Space was the way the story unravelled and the twist ending that left you thinking and wanted to playthrough again.

There weren't that many parts that genuinely made me jump in this game so i'm a little surprised you'd say this was the scariest game you'd ever played. The scariest moment for me was the first time you meet those buggers that hide and then charge at you.

The parts of the game with those things were intense.
I was an asshole to write the first off so quickly. I put it down to being a gaming novice at the time, and having just got done with Uncharted. This is quality.

The second is pretty much as good, if not better, yes?
Gameplay wise yes, atmosphere wise yes, story isn't quite as good in my opinion but still a very good game.

Can't believe you'd played the first before and wrote it off, it's one of the best survival horror games i've played in years.
It is going for about £24 new. I think I will buy it.

How long, roughly, is it?
About the same as the first, maybe slightly shorter but not by much. But the PS3 version comes with Dead Space: Extraction as well which does help sweeten the deal.
About the same as the first, maybe slightly shorter but not by much. But the PS3 version comes with Dead Space: Extraction as well which does help sweeten the deal.

Does that come on the disc, or do you have to download it from PSN?
A DLC is out for it today, Severed. Two chapters with some of the guys from extraction, probably give it a look once i've actually finished Extraction so i don't spoil some bits.

Completed Part 2. Outstanding game. Just as good as Part 1 IMO

Anyone tried the DLC yet? Is it worth it?
Nice bump. I am currently fighting the last boss in the first game. I keep running out of goddamn ammo. Well, by "keep", I mean it's happened twice now.

I have part two ready to go as soon as I finish this one.
What's the DLC guys? Down-loadable Content?

feck I want it whatever it is... I best sign myself up to XBox Live then.
You'd need an incredible amount of time to play it through on hardcore.
I'm playing Dead Space 2 ATM and I know it's heralded as the best survival horror game around these days but TBH it's not as good as Resident Evil when it was released for the original Playstation. I remember that game having so much more content, a much more intriguing story and many more rememberable moments rather than just the point to point gameplay system of DS.

I do like Dead Space, it is fun. But the survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill were on a completely different level.
I'm playing Dead Space 2 ATM and I know it's heralded as the best survival horror game around these days but TBH it's not as good as Resident Evil when it was released for the original Playstation. I remember that game having so much more content, a much more intriguing story and many more rememberable moments rather than just the point to point gameplay system of DS.

I do like Dead Space, it is fun. But the survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill were on a completely different level.

I've always been a bit dubious about Dead Space being lumped in with all survival horror. It almost needs to be in a genre all of its own. It's far cleverer at using cinematic conventions - building up tension, jump shocks etc - than the likes of Resident Evil or Silent Hill (imo). It's the only game I know where people only play it in short bursts because it's too darn scary!
I've always been a bit dubious about Dead Space being lumped in with all survival horror. It almost needs to be in a genre all of its own. It's far cleverer at using cinematic conventions - building up tension, jump shocks etc - than the likes of Resident Evil or Silent Hill (imo). It's the only game I know where people only play it in short bursts because it's too darn scary!

I actually found Silent Hill much scarier. Of course I was younger then, but that game scared the pants off me with all the bloody fog. As did Alan Wake right now, the bloody voices of the taken were just spooky.

I'm a sucker for a bit of story though and that makes a big difference for me. Dead Space generally is a very linear game. Very good game but for me the great games have a bit of storyline to create a bit of emotion as well.

That's why I never liked Halo and it's cartoon enemies. It's like killing Pokemon characters.