Darren Fletcher

Even if he can "only" play that role in the future there'll be plenty of games for him I imagine - either when someone is rested or when cover/experience is needed like tonight.

Says a lot of about him (both as a person and as a footballer) that even with his illness and after so long time out he's still able to pull off a performance like that. Nothing but respect for him.

This. I was so ecstatic to see him start and complete a game last night and then play well all at the same time. He's shown immense self will and strength to come back like this. Hopefully he goes from strength to strength... :devil:
He's what we need in midfield at the moment, fingers crossed he can play a big part this season.
He played well. Obviously early days but if he gets back to full fitness there is no reason why he could not get back to his best. As has been said, he can also cover Carrick's role in the team in a slightly different way.
Didn't think we'd see Fletcher play that well again, I must admit. Well done to him.
It was like he'd never gone.

The way he kept every defender informed of everything useful to them whilst playing his own game really impressed me, it's not like the lad doesn't have enough on his plate at the moment too, it was a proper captains performance.
He was playing a deeper defence shielding role than he used to. I personally think that's his best position, just sitting in front of the defence
I can't understand why his face has changed. It's like it all got sharper.
I thought he did ok. His passing wasn't great, but his command of the game, well the defence, was excellent. He seemed to be in constant communication with other players and he was telling them where to go and what to do. He was the visible leader on the pitch, something which you could argue we lack.
By far the best game he's played since he began his comeback (he was poor in his reserve outings). What an tremendous bonus he'll be, if he can recapture his best form.

The worry is that his illness might recur. Anybody got any info?
I think that's the first time I've ever seen him play the "DM" role. He did very well - for him as much as United, hope he really has his condition under control.
Looking forward to him returning to his best or near enough, should give Fergie a decision to make and an option we are crying out for.
Even though players like Fletcher or Sheasy might not have the technical skill like the likes of Nani,Rio or Rooney the former two for me are much more dear to and embody everything that is good about United. fecking delighted for Fletch. :)

Its good to have you back buddy. :)

Spot on, he is United through and through. Great to see him back.
oh how we could do with a high energy Fletcher back in the side.

I may be wrong, I hope I am as he is favorite United player after Giggs, but with his condition I don't think we are going to see the same -running up and down the pitch Fletcher. I see him playing a deeper role ala Carrick though with more tenacity and determination. Which mind you, won't be a bad thing at all.
I may be wrong, I hope I am as he is favorite United player after Giggs, but with his condition I don't think we are going to see the same -running up and down the pitch Fletcher. I see him playing a deeper role ala Carrick though with more tenacity and determination. Which mind you, won't be a bad thing at all.

I hope you're wrong, his tenacity in games was great to have and to watch.
His old self could be exactly what we need.
He has been called up for Scotland, could end up starting one of the games but not both i don't think. Could use his engine for the Belgium game.
I may be wrong, I hope I am as he is favorite United player after Giggs, but with his condition I don't think we are going to see the same -running up and down the pitch Fletcher. I see him playing a deeper role ala Carrick though with more tenacity and determination. Which mind you, won't be a bad thing at all.

I think such a role is perfect because if he learns to read the game better in that position (like an advanced sweeper) then he will not need to run around like a maniac. He's always been a better defender than Carrick and his passing doesn't need to be as incisive either.

Players that can read the game and expend less energy while being effective are rare (don't anyone dare cite Berbatov!!!).
I think such a role is perfect because if he learns to read the game better in that position (like an advanced sweeper) then he will not need to run around like a maniac. He's always been a better defender than Carrick and his passing doesn't need to be as incisive either.

Players that can read the game and expend less energy while being effective are rare (don't anyone dare cite Berbatov!!!).

thats why giggs is still gettin paid to play football.

I hope fletch gets a game tonight and maybe a few minutes at the weeknd, hopefully a game for scotland too. He needs the minutes to sharpen up and also the bit of competition might give the other midfileders we have an incentive to up the performance levels.
thats why giggs is still gettin paid to play football.

I hope fletch gets a game tonight and maybe a few minutes at the weeknd, hopefully a game for scotland too. He needs the minutes to sharpen up and also the bit of competition might give the other midfileders we have an incentive to up the performance levels.

But Giggs hasn't been effective this season, so your point is moot.

Giggs is a genuine legend but time moves on...
A few years back I just couldn't see what Fletcher was doing for us, now I can't wait for him to start playing again. Either we were bloody good then or our standards have dropped in recent times.

This is Darren's best chance to claim that cm spot all for himself. Ando and Clev although good, somehow is still not trusted by SAF and Scholes and Giggs should be playing less games.
I dont know Bloxy, there was a period before he was injured when - as far as I was concerned - he was a very, very good player for us. Check out this thread - 28 pages long https://www.redcafe.net/f6/darren-fletcher-world-class-274802/index28.html and considerable consensus that he is very good - whatever label you attach to that, and however you define World Class. I wouldnt underestimate the job he did for us for a year or so.

Before that, yes, there was a period when he was a little more pedestrian, for me. He was learning his trade. There is some debate about whether people just didnt see his brilliance shining through, as I have seen it argued, or whether he just wasnt that great for a while, with Fergie seeing his potential and keeping the faith. Maybe others saw the potential as well. I dont think it was easy to see on television, in that period, but perhaps the match goers could see something in his positioning and his energy levels or something.

Anyway, the point I am making in a long winded way is that I agree with your sentiment about not seeing what he was doing for us, but only for a certain period, one that is long gone now - well before his injury. If he comes back at 75% of what he was, he will improve our midfield.
Seen people saying Fletcher won't be the same again( won't run too much like before).

But is it not possible for people to fully recover from the condition he has?

Honest question. Can it happen?
I dont know Bloxy, there was a period before he was injured when - as far as I was concerned - he was a very, very good player for us. Check out this thread - 28 pages long https://www.redcafe.net/f6/darren-fletcher-world-class-274802/index28.html and considerable consensus that he is very good - whatever label you attach to that, and however you define World Class. I wouldnt underestimate the job he did for us for a year or so.

Before that, yes, there was a period when he was a little more pedestrian, for me. He was learning his trade. There is some debate about whether people just didnt see his brilliance shining through, as I have seen it argued, or whether he just wasnt that great for a while, with Fergie seeing his potential and keeping the faith. Maybe others saw the potential as well. I dont think it was easy to see on television, in that period, but perhaps the match goers could see something in his positioning and his energy levels or something.

Anyway, the point I am making in a long winded way is that I agree with your sentiment about not seeing what he was doing for us, but only for a certain period, one that is long gone now - well before his injury. If he comes back at 75% of what he was, he will improve our midfield.

Oh agree absolutely agreed. There was that period when he was outstanding for us and many believe (me included) that the CL final against Barca would have been a different one had he not been suspended. I don't necessarily think we would have won the game, but we suffered without him no doubt and those who tried to fill his boots on the day failed miserably.
Yes that pedestrian period was much more than a few years ago you are right. I just hope he can get back to that form he showed before he got injured. It would really feel like new signing, and a proven one at that, but that's is a huge hope.
Seen people saying Fletcher won't be the same again( won't run too much like before).

But is it not possible for people to fully recover from the condition he has?

Honest question. Can it happen?
Pretty sure medication will only manage the problem.
"Fletcher shielded the back four well and his 131 passes attempted at a 91% success rate showed how responsible he was in possession. These weren't all simple passes either as he incredibly had a 100% success rate on the 23 long balls he attempted. "

Pretty impressive, as Fletcher isn't really known for his long passing. Though those stats are slightly different to the ones on whoscored.com.

"Fletcher shielded the back four well and his 131 passes attempted at a 91% success rate showed how responsible he was in possession. These weren't all simple passes either as he incredibly had a 100% success rate on the 23 long balls he attempted. "

Pretty impressive, as Fletcher isn't really known for his long passing. Though those stats are slightly different to the ones on whoscored.com.


Its such a bonus for us that he is nearing full fitness once again and maybe will be considered for selection in the premier league. We sure do need someone like him to help shore up our defensive frailties right now.
Fletcher said, “I know the manager has got such a big squad now, especially in the midfield area, and there is a lot of competition for places.

“I have to be patient and wait for my chances, but, hopefully, one will come round sooner rather than later. I think my general fitness is fine, it’s just match fitness.

“The sharpness, reaction times, things like that. The positional sense, when you’re a little bit older, comes back fairly quickly.”


Good to hear that he feel his fitness is where it needs to be, some have commented that he seems sluggish, but Fletcher seems to feel all he's missing is the match fitness of playing a string of games.

With the midfield diamond we'll need plenty of midfielders, so Fletch should get plenty of games.
Quiet game from Fletcher tonight for Scotland some nice passes but a composed performance overall and a good way to get some more match fitness for the remainder of the season ahead.
I felt he was completely anonymous in the second half. Decent first half performance though.