Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Finished season two. Thoroughly enjoyed it but so many questions. Please help.
- What is a loop or a cycle? People keep saying the cycle must start again, or in this loop so and so happened which didn't in the last. What is that? All I understand is that there is one single timeline which has been defined procedurally by multiple players going back and forth between them and forming it's it's content accordingly.
- What is the goal of the two opposing forces - Adam and Claudia? It seems Adam wants a catastrophe to end the world through a catastrophe and hence wants the past not to be altered in any way ? Then why does he send his younger self Jonas to save Michael? And if Claudia is the opposing force who wants to save everyone, and not start a burnt/new world, why did she want Michael dead? Couldnt they just avoid all of this through Michael of any age killing himself and preventing Adam altogether?
- I'm really confused by Egon Tiedelsman. And I think I'm the only one. In 1987 he was the cop who was Unlrich's father wasn't he? Who locked his son up for tape allegations? Then he's shown to be Claudia's father? What am I missing here?! And isn't Tronte in 2020 Ulrich's dad. Argh!!
- What are young Jonas and middle Jonas actually doing with respect to the wormhole thingies? They're trying to close it? I didn't really get that. First middle Jonas manages to only block the path. Then young Jonas alongwith Claudia burns the place down. Why?