You do this with every English/lesser known player!
If it's not Manucho it's Obertan, if it's not Obertan then it's Wheater...then there's suggesting people like Nolan, Yakubu to sign for us, you're just setting yourself up for a fall if you keep bigging them up!
Obertan is a player who I am excited about due to his abilty on the ball and age. I'm sorry if this offends you(the feck I am) but as a supporter I do actually enjoy the prospect of players at this club making an impact on the first team and I do get excited about these things. I believe and wish that more supported would instead of doing the oposite and writing players off before they've even turned 20. Me coming on this forum and talking up a young player who i've seen playing for united doesn't in anyway effect that players chances of making it. i only comment on players I've seen unlike some and i like players who play the game a certain way(with flair) much like Obertan and Welbeck do.
Manucho is a player I liked the look of and thought could do well for us as an option given his physical presence in the box at a time when Wayne still played like a withdrawn striker and Tevez was rarely a consistant threat in the box. Its obvious that the management team saw similar things in him or else they wouldn't have offered him a contract and unfortunately things didn't work out, due most likely to his age. That shouldn't really mean he couldn't have offered us an option we didn't have back then.
Yakubu I mentioned as a good option for us back when we were struggling for strikers back in 2007 I beleive. We had injuries to at the time and i thought as a regular premier league goal scorer he would have been a good option. We have since raised the bar alot more with the signings we've made in this area and so times and opinions change.
I suggested Nolan sign for us back in 2006 when he was within his first two seasons at Bolton and looked a very promising AM, back then we were actually playing Giggs and O'Shea as our CM combination so most midfielders especially one in the kind of goal scoring form he was in back then would have improved us in my opinion. Then we signed Carrick and the following season Anderson and the CM bar was raised whilst Nolan's intital promise tailed off. I'm not ashamed to say I recommended him as one of many good young english options and I certainly never went over board about it.
Wheater i'm assuming you mentioned as I said (partly to wind up Pogue) that he is is/will be a better player than Dunne. It was in 1 thread and I never talked about us signing him I've just never rated Richard Dunne very highly as I remember him mostly from his early city days. In the end Pogue and myself agreed to disagree and we left it there.
I don't think today shown us anything we didn't already know about Welbeck today, we already knew he was wonderfully gifted and we already knew he that once he's fully grown he'll be very impressive physically, the only thing we weren't certain about was his application because his entire game was so natural he has a tendency to drift in and out but today he put in a top-notch shift.
Its actually nice to see your back to your usual obnoxious self after promising to calm down in the football forums.
But tell me mate do you keep hard drives full of past comments that people have made on this forum, so that you can bring them up years later in a pathetic and petty attempt at point scoring?
I'm pretty sure you do as I see you doing it everytime you have even the slightest disagrement with any poster on this forum. The points you have raised once again have nothing to do with the topic being discussed and is just typical bullshit from you.
I saw a good performance today from a very promising young United player and wanted to discuss it around like minded individuals, I wasn't really expecting to have one of the biggest wankers on the forum to come along and jump down my throat for it.
Well done for consistancy though.