Originally posted by RedBelly:
no, he started every game alogside Keane, and did his best work when he moved out to the wing after quinn came on during the games.... I rate him very highly, and I hope we sign him wherever he plays though, but I think he's better on the wing...and mick mccarthy disagrees, so I must be right

I agree, he is best on the left, but thats because he has never really played as a striker before. He didnt do bad did he? Just remember Henry's transformance given time.
I dont think it was a case of Duff suddenly getting better when he moved out wide, it was Ireland getting better when Quinn moved in and troubled defences. As a partnership, Keane and Duff shouldnt really work, but they did ok against the odds (and logic). Duff would be better with RVN.
As for Ronaldo - he doesnt earn as much as Beckham.
As for Nike, they are different IMO. They interfered with the 98 WC Final, Ronaldo and Nike are very tightly associated, and if that isnt the case, Nike will make it the case. They forced him to play the final and then made him dangle his boots around his shoulders for the cameras - so they'd get maximum exposure right next to his toothy grin.
I think any move for Ronaldo would depend on Nike. They must be fed up of him being at Inter. He might be fed up too...
Ronaldo is a huge part of Nike's strategy, HUGE, but if anything rivals that, its Man Utd, their deal with us totally eclipses their deal with Brazil. I have to admit, we're bordering on conspiracy theories, but theres definitely a chance of Nike doing this IMO. They're capable, but doesnt mean they will.