Each and every random point you've critiqued about what I've said I've validated, when I've asked you to do the same you've ignored it entirely, instead concentrating on my post count! Oh look, yet again he's failed to elaborate on a another one of his posts. How does criticising a player exonerate him from said criticism?
Let's review. I've questioned Lawman assertion that Blind makes two to four mistakes every game. You've then harked in that I defend Blind regardless of how he plays. I've proved this isn't the case, mentioning my previous criticism of this very performance and that I have said I'd prefer Shaw to start over him at left back.
Undeterred, you've then said that I only criticise the player to exonerate him, which makes absolutely no sense, I've asked you to explain this and, guess what? You've refused. I've mentioned that my defense of Blind on this occasion was purely in relation to Lawman assertion that he makes 2 to 4 mistakes a game, I've asked if you disagree with this which you have flatly refused to answer, confirming my suspicions that you agree it's a nonsense statement, instead now targeting the amount of posts I make in a thread as proof of my bias.
Yeah, I'm the one that's cracking!!