You're right in stressing it's the team thats incredible. There's something admirably selfless about top, top riders who are happy to ride themselves into oblivion for one man. A tour win is a win for the team for sure. * I guess 6 figure salaries help though lol
Kwiatkowski has been so enthusiastic in his Dom role he of Herrera. Still pinching myself he left Quickstep. Big fan his, just a brilliant all round rider.
Kiriyienka I agree too, is just unbelievable at pulling the Peleton. He's a hard motherfecker!
......and Landa, feck, the form he's in he'd probably win the damn thing in a straight fight a with Froome if I'm being honest.....and with the Giro in his legs too ! Hope he wins a GT soon, he's too good not to.