Cycling 2017

It's a shame.

I cheered for others to win Tour and Vuelta, but didn't want this! Seems like a nice guy.

I doubt the elevated concentration of salbutamol was as a result of premeditated cheating. He takes salbutamol, he has asthma, and the pharmacokinetics of Salbutamol ( I'm not a pharmacist) is complicared and not entirely predictable being affected by levels of dehydration, other drug interactions etc etc.

I prescribe Salbutamol all the time to asthmatic kids and it's 100mcg per puff. I think I read that the allowance is 1600mcg of inhaled Salbutamol in 24 hours or 800 Micrograms in 12 hours which is nothing. A kid coming into ED with an acute asthma exacerbation often gets back to back 10 puffs ( 20 or 30 puffs) for example. When they're better and discharged they're often on 6 puffs 4 hourly (18 puffs i.e.e 1800mcg in 12 hours therefore 36 puffs - 3600mcg in 24 hours).

I guess what I'm trying ( badly probably!) Is that it doesn't take much to exceed the max dosages allowed and that given it was only one urine test out if 21 that had exceeded the max concentration allowed in the urine 1000ng/ml then it would seem entirely possible that Froome did not exceed the max dosage but the elevated cincentration was spurious and as a result of some other confounding fsctorvthat affects the metabolism of Salbutamol, like dehydration etc etc......

I think it would be harsh to strip him of the Vuelta but I got a feeling it's going to end badly for him, and he'll be stripped of his win.
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I doubt the elevated concentration of salbutamol was as a result of premeditated cheating. He takes salbutamol, he has asthma, and the pharmacokinetics of Salbutamol ( I'm not a pharmacist) is complicared and not entirely predictable being affected by levels of dehydration, other drug interactions etc etc.

I prescribe Salbutamol all the time to asthmatic kids and it's 100mcg per puff. I think I read that the allowance is 1600mcg of inhaled Salbutamol in 24 hours or 800 Micrograms in 12 hours which is nothing. A kid coming into ED with an acute asthma exacerbation often gets back to back 10 puffs ( 20 or 30 puffs) for example. When they're better and discharged they're often on 6 puffs 4 hourly (18 puffs i.e.e 1800mcg in 12 hours therefore 36 puffs - 3600mcg in 24 hours).

I guess what I'm trying ( badly probably!) Is that it doesn't take much to exceed the max dosages allowed and that given it was only one urine test out if 21 that had exceeded the max concentration allowed in the urine 1000ng/ml then it would seem entirely possible that Froome did not exceed the max dosage but the elevated cincentration was spurious and as a result of some other confounding fsctorvthat affects the metabolism of Salbutamol, like dehydration etc etc......

I think it would be harsh to strip him of the Vuelta but I got a feeling it's going to end badly for him, and he'll be stripped of his win.

I've read that it has an incredibly short half life. Just a couple of hours, which means, if he took it at the start of the race, he could have been 4-6-8k mcg to start with and by the end of the race, he was down to 2k. It all depends on when he took it. Moreover, if we want to be cynical, who knows what potential uses it actually has. It might be an ideal masking agent for an anabolic like clen which it is related to. I'm just hypothesizing here.

Here is a theory, completely unscientific. He began the race on a massive dose, and normally he trends to the low side of the half life, so in 5 hours he's cycled through two half lifes and whatever dosage he took putting him well, well under the limit. For whatever reason, this time he trended to the high side of the half life and he covered fewer half lifes than he normally does over the set period of time. Thus, he popped hot. The thing to note is, as far as I know, there are no studies that show salbutamol on its own to be much of a PED.

I'm curious if they test for the other 2 commonly used inhalers, because the only study that really confirms a PED boost from an inhaler, is when all 3 are used in conjunction and it confers a small, but measurable increase in performance. Otherwise there is something weird going on, like the drug testers haven't caught on yet, AND he fecked up his dosage. In other words, either it has a PED useage we're not aware of yet and he fecked up his dosage and got caught, or, he just fecked up his dose and it's completely innocent insofar as conferring a performance enhancement.