Full Member
Penalties are basically gifts usually earned by other players, that's why they're often mentioned along with the goal stats.The thing you are all missing is his "lack" of goals has nothing do with him but rather the team is god awful and dont create the chances that lets say a Bayern does.
Stick him in Munich and watch the rain of goals that start pouring in. The fact that he can get near OR 50 goals for a team that lacks any kind of creativity is nothing short of astonishing.
Penalties are penalties. You still have to put them away and MANY players can't do it. Never understood the hate for a penalty goal. He cant control that all he can control is putting it away when it comes.
Do you actually watch Juve play? They are by far and I mean BY FAR the WORST of the so called "Top clubs" this season. They are just horrid both defensively and offensively.
The fact that they are going to win the title this season (they still ,might not with there form) is an insane amount of luck I have not seen in a league season in a long time.
The amount of fortunate wins or last minute draws or Lazio dipping form.
Had Lazio not dropped form the past 2 week they would have a 5 point advantage.
I will even go as far as to say that IF and it is s very BIG If Juve win the CL (I highly highly doubt it) It would go down as his greatest club feat ever. This team has no business competing for a CL title and the only reason they are even considered is because his name is on the squad list.