I still don't get this respect, or a player feeling slighted thing, a manager is basically your boss, if he doesn't feel you're ready to play then that isn't disrespect, that's your boss telling you that you're not in the condition to contribute, so get your ass into gear and get in the condition to play, specially when you've just been given a couple of months off by said boss.
Imagine a regular employee in the same boat as Ronaldo over the summer, sick kid (it happens a lot) do you think their employer would let them take 2 months off with full pay?
Would the manager defend him to the CEO if the CEO caught that employee sending out CV's to other companies during the time off given to him to be with the sick kid?
Would the manager then integrate that employee when coming back to the office after no other company wanted him?
Would the manager again defend that employee if the CEO caught him leaving the office at 2pm?
Would the manager defend the employee if he refused to do the job?
The answer to all of the above would be a resounding no, you may get some leeway if your child was ill, but that isn't legally required and I'd bet 95% of companies wouldn't give 2 months paid leave.
If a regular Joe/Jane did the above to a regular company they'd have been out the door - makes me question why there are people defending the indefensible.