Cristiano Ronaldo leaves by mutual agreement | SIUUU Later

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that goal will silence the critics and more than a fair few of you will now be hoping we re-sign him.
Let’s be real, if he was playing for us he’d have received a yellow.
Hey, the glazers are leaving because of his interview don’t you know ? :lol:
Great player for us. Also one of the most narcissistic people on the planet. Glad he's gone his me me me bellendedness is annoying as feck. Shame.
ronaldo is the type of guy to fart in a lift and expect you to praise him for wafting it away.
To be fair Ronaldo is the kind of person who would swallow his own stuff.
we've all the heard the expression 'if he was made of chocolate he'd eat himself', but i never thought i'd literally see it happen.
Miles better, he has a history of elevating his teammates, same thing happened the moment he stepped foot back in the San Siro.

As for the side being far better:

• Rojo and Bailly started 72 games between them.
• Lingard started 28.
• Felliani started 28 games.
• Darmian started 26 games.
• Phil fecking Jones got 25 games.

Both players had Pogba, both had De Gea, Ronaldo had Varane, Zlatan had Smalling. Ronaldo had Sancho, Zlatan had Lingard. Zlatan had Anders, Ronaldo had to deal with Fred & McTom. They were shit sides the pair of them, Zlatan's side had just finished the previous season 5th with 66 points, Ronaldo's side had just finished 2nd (false position if we ever saw one mind, but with more points) 74, there just wasn't much between them, any decent players left alongside Zlatan (Valencia, Rooney) were a shadow of themselves and would be retired within a couple of seasons.

And feck me, Ibra winning trophies had nothing to do with his individual performances? hahahahhahahh, guessing you didn't watch Southampton basically twat us in that final until Zlatan decided "not today lads". He actually won us the Community Shield too in fairness, shit though it is, we beggars probably shouldn't be choosers when it comes to trophies these days.

So not only are you saying he was miles better, you are trying to jsutify that the two teams were performing to a similar level....haha get out of here, utterly ridiculous this post
So not only are you saying he was miles better, you are trying to jsutify that the two teams were performing to a similar level....haha get out of here, utterly ridiculous this post

Once again, we finished 5th before we bought Zlatan. We finished 2nd before we bought Ronaldo.
I don’t need to justify anything, it’s black & white, both sides were shite. But Zlatan came in, scored more goals, scored more important goals, scored better goals AND won us trophies. And it certainly appears he was a much better influence on his teammates.

But hey, you said he did better than Zlatan…. And have yet to explain how on Earth you came to that conclusion when Zlatan beats him in every metric.
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He is a legend.

At the time it looked like we were going to be bulldozed into oblivion by Chelsea's Mourinho team but Ronaldo turned from a show trick pony into an absolute machine of a footballer. My best moment as a United fan was his goal for the win at Fulham in 2006. Ran basically from the half way line at the 89th minute and somehow turned it into a goal by himself.

He has a big ego of himself and its obvious to anyone that trying to turn him into this super sub who comes on at the 89th minute will result in him throwing temper tantrums. Erik (or most likely the club aka Glazers) have handled this in a bizarre way in my view. The end result was right Ronaldo had to go but it should have been done last summer when we hired a coach who is focused on high pressing and winning the ball back.

It seems like we forced him to stay over the summer and he has decided to burn all bridges to get out.
This is what he wants you to believe and he is succeeding.
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