Cristiano Ronaldo leaves by mutual agreement | SIUUU Later

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Fantastic news! Now we can focus on football and not his childish bullshit.
Anyone know what Scholes meant exactly here?

Never thought I would see the day when Scholesy could send out a cryptic message that our inferior intellects couldn't understand :eek:
There would have been a Non-disclosure agreement on both sides so they'd have no way of knowing
The club can leak what they want to trusted journos, regardless of any NDA.

Anyway, I don’t see the need for an NDA if he’s been dismissed without pay.
Never thought I would see the day when Scholesy could send out a cryptic message that our inferior intellects couldn't understand :eek:
I think he means "Bravo, good Sir, one's indubitably staged interview in order to procure one's departure from Manchester United Football Club has succeeded. However we, the Manchester United supporting brethren, are entirely unruffled by your departure. You arse."
I hope we didn’t have to pay him off too much.

I’d be shocked if we paid him anything. He would have been in breach of contract and the mutual agreement would’ve been ‘we won’t sue you if you leave for free’. He’s lucky we aren’t suing him for damages.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Ronaldo turns up at a game later in the season as some kind of PR stunt. His reputation from all of this has definitely declined.
I think he means "Bravo, good Sir, one's indubitably staged interview in order to procure one's departure from Manchester United Football Club has succeeded. However we, the Manchester United supporting brethren, are entirely unruffled by your departure. You arse."
As an aside, for feck's sake Wazza, either lay off the pies or lay off the botox, plastic balloon face is not a good look.
My overiding feeling is absolute joy at not having to worry if he is starting for us for not anymore.

But even though he's been an idiot for taking Piers's bait, he's still walked away friom £16 mllion and an easy ending to his career, becasue he thinks he's better than the shitshow that United have in the main been since he returned, (ETH having us on the up is no good to him if he's not going to be around when it really matters), so I wish him well, even though it'll be tough watching him not accepting the inevitable.
Even though I’m not a great fan of Ronaldo, I felt he was forced to do it the hard way. A shame United and Ronaldo didn’t make this agreement four months ago.

I was sceptic about this deal from day one, but I suppose United was a bigger disappointment for Ronaldo than Ronaldo was for United.

Even if he is an egocentric prick, I think his career deserves a descent and happy ending. That wouldn’t have happened in Manchester, and a hope he’ll have that in his new club.
His fan club can follow him please. Finally ETH can manage and build unity.
Mission accomplished = Ronaldo got what he wanted by doing the interview
Arsed = "I'm not arsed" = Scholesy is not bothered one bit by Ronaldo's departure
I thought this but just wanted to be sure. Not 100% familiar with the colloquial word he used at the end. Thanks.
That second debut was brilliant. The crowd was mental, he got his goals we won well and all seemed right with the world. I'll cherish that memory at least

Glad he's gone, we're much better without him
I wouldn’t be sad to see some of his insufferable fans leave too
Definitely one of the more twattish, most aggressively deluded fanbases. "Loves the club and sets a great example" hours after tantruming during a game we won.
Now we can have matches where the focus is on the team as a who’s rather than one individual.
How soon will there be an exodus of fake fans or will they linger here and pop up only after bad results.
Even though I’m not a great fan of Ronaldo, I felt he was forced to do it the hard way. A shame United and Ronaldo didn’t make this agreement four months ago.

I was sceptic about this deal from day one, but I suppose United was a bigger disappointment for Ronaldo than Ronaldo was for United.

Even if he is an egocentric prick, I think his career deserves a descent and happy ending. That wouldn’t have happened in Manchester, and a hope he’ll have that in his new club.

Multiple sources say he was available for free towards the end of the window and no bugger wanted him, probably because he still wants 500k pw I am sceptical over who is going to take him now I just don't see who will at the level he wants to play at
Nothing to do with some new watch with the goal ingrained into it?

Yeah he did post the watch. I thought people meant a video of the goal on his ig page or ig story.

These campaigns are usually planned ahead though
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